Questions tagged [bitcoin-core]

A full node implementation of the Bitcoin protocol with a GUI and a wallet. Bitcoin Core is a MIT-licensed Qt 5 GUI application for the original Bitcoin codebase. Additional/previous names include "Bitcoin-Qt", "Satoshi-Client", and "Standard Client".

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cannot generate bitcoin first block

I have download bitcoin source and change genesis in regtest. and i try to generate 1 block by command ./bitcoin-cli -generate 1 it does not show any mining block. i try over 10 times but it is still ...
Dam Yi's user avatar
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bitcoin-etl: problems with installing

I am trying to install bitcoin-etl: to analyze bitcoin blockchain. I have Mac OS and python3, I run this in terminal: pip install bitcoin-etl Also tried ...
Winter_Inspector_283's user avatar
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In concrete terms, how do I start using Lighting Network right now?

I have Bitcoin Core installed on Windows and it's fully synced. I am able to send and receive Bitcoin payments. I hate the fees and waiting, so I want to use Lightning Network. I've spent countless ...
Duwan's user avatar
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What is the relationship between LevelDB's cache (default 8MB) and Bitcoin's UTXO cache?

Please correct me if I am wrong. Bitcoin uses levelDB to store UTXO set. LevelDB has a default 8MB block cache, and the Bitcoin also has a dbcache(default 450MB). What is the relationship between the ...
GoneV's user avatar
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Generating zero-amount transactions in regtest mode?

I'm setting up a larger test network of regtest nodes in which all of them should be easily capable of creating blocks and sending transactions. To this end, I'm looking for a simple way for the nodes ...
tnull's user avatar
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Questions RE soft forks

I’m trying to understand how the Bitcoin network works a bit better and the main thing I’m having trouble with is forks, particularly soft forks. I have a few questions about how exactly a soft fork ...
0ct0's user avatar
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Bitcoin fails to compile with Boost

After running '', './configure' and then 'make', I keep getting the following error: Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: "__ZN5boost10filesystem4path5imbueERKSt6locale", ...
Julian Moraes's user avatar
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BIP44 Account Discovery using Bitcoin Core

I have an address I suspect that I generated after I made a backup of wallet.dat, and I read about account discovery in BIP44. Does Bitcoin Core support this, and if so, how can I initiate it? I’d ...
JBaczuk's user avatar
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Will upgrading from 0.10.2 fix read block errors?

I have a relatively old version of Bitcoin Core (0.10.2) aka, installed in 2015. Bitcoin Core won't open anymore. I'm on MacOS Mohave, v10.14.6. and I have just 60Gb of free hard drive ...
carbonfibre's user avatar
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Changes for bitcoin.conf file and details on the testnet network bitcoin-core

I have installed bitcoin core testnet and it is now synchronized with the network after 24 hours. My question is about bitcoin.conf file. I will tell you the procedure I used to install: I created the ...
Siddarth Kumar Jha's user avatar
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How to dump all transaction from single bitcoin address?

How to get/dump/or download/curl request/ for all transaction from single address ??? I need info about txID's, scryptpubkeys, txinwitness and other deep info about transactions Br.
Donald's user avatar
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Why can't I minimize to tray when I launch Bitcoin on startup?

If I set Bitcoin Core to start on system login, the option to "Hide tray icon" and "Minimize to tray" become disabled. On my system (Pop_OS!) This causes bitcoin-qt to be neither ...
Caio Faustino's user avatar
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bitcoin-qt 0.21.0 in win10 keep hight disk I/O, and GUI not respond

My OS is win10, and I used to use bitcoin-qt 0.13.0, it was fine but I found it syncs very slow now, so I upgraded bitcoin-qt to 0.21.0. I feel 0.21.0 syncs much faster, but it always keep high disk ...
grizzlybears's user avatar
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HD Wallets, XPUB and child private key leaks

So some generalisations on xpubs and current wallet providers. Ledger and Trezor wallets can create xpubs which can show all transactions of a wallet When a passphrase is added, this counts as a new ...
Astie's user avatar
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How to view addresses previously shown by Bitcoin QT console

I want to be able to compare receive and change addresses that are provided by watch-only wallet providers like Specter and Electrum with Bitcoin Core (not something like Ian Coleman's tool). I ...
Mojalai's user avatar
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How to access a wallet in bitcoin core using raw key export from edge wallet?

I have a wallet in the Edge Wallet app. When I view "Raw Keys", I see this json: { "format": "bip49 ", "bitcoinKey": <seed phrase>, "coinType": ...
steven's user avatar
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I need your help plz. I have been struggling for weeks to make bitcoind work in my mac terminal. I installed all required programs and dependencies: xcode, bitcoin core, openssl, homebrew, and cloned ...
Basile Kidi's user avatar
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listreceivedbyaddress does not return any information about change addresses, is there any alternative?

listreceivedbyaddress does not return info about change addresses (m/84'/1'/0'/1/*) , only about receiving addresses (m/84'/1'/0'/0/*). I've found out that getreceivedbyaddress "address" ...
le0's user avatar
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SHA256 speedup possible if executed on GPU

Is it possible to speed up hashing if hashing is done on a GPU? Does that even make sense or are the CPU instructions faster because for normal signature verification you don't gain by parallelizing ...
Hellwerker's user avatar
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Bitcoin Core keeps "quitting unexpectedly" or hangs up with the rainbow swirls on my Macbook Air + External SSD

I'm running V.20.1 Bitcoin Core on a Mac Book Air. Using an external SSD that's connected via USB C. In the middle of syncing - at random points in time the Bitcoin Core app "quits unexpectedly&...
YungRoti's user avatar
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What settings required to privately run bitcoin core on tails?

I am running bitcoin-core on TailsOS which seems to work out of the box. I think TailsOS blocks all unsafe requests but I would like to know what settings I should enable to run it really privately. ...
degenprivacy's user avatar
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Getting "N5boost10filesystem16filesystem_errorE" error when running bitcoin-cli

Backstory I'm running Bitcoin Core 0.20.1 on a Raspberry Pi 4 (running Raspberry Pi OS standard). It's just a standard install of Bitcoin Core, I built from source and installed into /home/pi/.bitcoin ...
Matt Ward's user avatar
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Score value of my node is not rising

I'm running Bitcoin Core 0.20.1 in Debian Buster. I run the daemon behind Tor network. My current settings are: /etc/tor/torrc SOCKSPort 9005 ControlPort 9501 HiddenServiceDir/var/lib/tor/bitcoin-...
PsySc0rpi0n's user avatar
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Bitcoin "scantxoutset" rpc command return response too slow

For one of our decentralized mobile wallet, We need to fetch balance of imported BTC address quickly. After lot of research on google then I found Bitcoin deamon rpc command "scantxoutset", ...
Surinder kumar's user avatar
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how does node validate scriptSig

Let's say I sent some BTC to Bob, so I created a transaction (forget about scriptPubKey) since let's say I was able to prove it by executing scriptPubKey. so After I sent BTC to BOB, new transaction's ...
Nika Kurashvili's user avatar
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Why does estimatesmartfee and walletcreatefundedpsbt with conf_target show a wide disparity?

Seems that when my testnet node boots up estimatesmartfee works just fine generally: {"jsonrpc":"1.0","id":"curltest","method":"estimatesmartfee&...
Fontaine's user avatar
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BTC sent to multisig address, but no info about this in bitcoin core (listsinceblock, getwalletinfo, listunspent)

I sent BTCs (testnet) to multisig address: address: 2N8yzozJh1DFgrnND7TbSbuSQ1NPA8byQDu transaction: 2453fe904b74acbbf541f98d2d5a1d7a509457a3df10bf38d0c3cb9326734dcd But my bitcoin core does not ...
Jubert's user avatar
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Study bitcoin core source code

I have read a lot of documentation and books where they explain the general functioning of Bitcoin and I think that the time has come to study the source code of Bitcoin core. I have knowledge of c++ ...
Flevio44's user avatar
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bitcoind: How to get rawblock data with ZeroMQ

I am trying to use the zeromq api for bitcoind to get rawblock but its not working with the code I've provided below. I am able to get hashtx and rawtx if I remove the filter but not hashblock and ...
Kevin Kelbie's user avatar
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Explorer for blockchain

I want to develop an explorer for coins(BTC,LTC,BCH,...), like blockchair, or blockchain. I've searched a lot and I have found different answers. Finally, here is my solution. First, I use RPC to ...
Meysam Valueian's user avatar
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Get scripthash for known scriptPubKey in python

I have to query addresses in ElectrumX server. How do I generate scripthash for a known scriptPubKey in python? If my bitcoin wallet address is 1P5ZEDWTKTFGxQjZphgWPQUpe554WKDfHQ ,I want to convert to ...
user51679's user avatar
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How can I add the MySQL C++ connector to Bitcoin Makefile?

I'm trying to add a custom function to my bitcoin client that queries a mysql db. I followed this guide for the basic:
JJJ's user avatar
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How to best practice restoring a wallet in bitcoin core

I have a test wallet in bitcoin core that I want to play around with and get comfortable with before I move my btc from blockstream green wallet. I primarily use that wallet because so far it has been ...
Anders Kitson's user avatar
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Pruning Blockstore has been running for days

After activating the core (Testnet - Pruned) with the command bitcoin-qt i received the following error: Corrupt Block Database I restarted the synchronization always using the Pruned mode. The core ...
MaXbeMan's user avatar
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Bitcoin Core make

Whenever I try to recompile my changed files in Bitcoin core. I have to run make clean and then make or else it wont compile the changed files. It just goes back to the last compiled file. How do i do ...
Sishir Giri's user avatar
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listunspent rpc/cli command doesn't seem to list unspent unconfirmed transactions for watch-only addresses

I am unable to list unspent unconfirmed transactions for watch-only addresses. Once the transaction gets at least 1 confirmation it gets included in the returned result. This is the command I am ...
elderapo's user avatar
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ThreadRPCServer incorrect password attempt from

I am reading Mastering Bitcoin book, and on: there is a call to bitcoin node: $ curl --user myusername --data-...
Martin Sergio's user avatar
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Bow to know how much amount my wallet sent with Bticoin-core API

I have updated bitcoin-core from version 0.16 to 0.17 and found that there is no way to see how much amount I sent only (excluding received amount) from my wallet. With bitcoin-core version 0.16, I ...
kenichiro's user avatar
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Connection refused when using bitcoinrpc on Linux

I am new to python-bitcoinrpc(also new to VM Linux actually) and I want to use the blockchain parser from alecalve to get ordered blocks. I used Windows to download the blockchain data into an ...
Lylian's user avatar
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Will bitcoind import private keys for multi-sig descriptor with watch-only flag set to true?

I am importing a "warm" multi-sig quorum into bitcoind using importmulti like so: {"jsonrpc":"1.0","id":"curltest","method":"importmulti","params":[[{ "desc": "sh(multi(2,[eb2d2f9e/44'/1'/0']...
Fontaine's user avatar
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Bitcoin Core wallet fails to load and requires reindex after I already did it

My Bitcoin Core is synchronized. But I can't open a wallet, it says that I might need a reindex. Though I already did it. Also I can't do dumpprivkey because it says that no wallet is loaded. How can ...
Vid's user avatar
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Missing input returned from sendrawtransaction on P2SH multisig?

I'm playing around on regtest to build a flow for P2SH multisig. I'm getting "missing inputs" back from the sendrawtransaction RPC call, but I see inputs when I put it in a decoder. They each have a ...
Carlos's user avatar
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How to get addresses from a transaction's vin?

How can i decode addresses from the following transaction's vin. Transaction: There are ...
Bijoy's user avatar
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How to run bitcoin core in the cloud with virtual server?

can you please explain to me, or link me to other understandable sources, how you can use bitcoin core with a cloud provider? My intent is to not physically have an own server but to use a cloud ...
johnsmiththelird's user avatar
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Manipulation of Bitcoin RPC with programmatically

I'd like to use Bitcoin source code(only RPC part) to manipulate with programmatically. I have bitcoind and bitcoin-cli installed in my local computer but I don't know how to write code for my ...
Hyunsoo's user avatar
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Automatically restarting bitcoind five minutes after reboot on ubuntu

How can I run bitcoind automatically five minutes after restart? So far I have crontab set up to reboot my computer every morning at 4AM (it runs into issues when it stays on for more than a couple ...
Marty's user avatar
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How to add money to my Bitcoin Wallet and send my first Raw Transaction with OP_RETURN using bitcoin-cli

Background So after reading these two articles (Learning Bitcoin from the Command Line and Mastering Bitcoin), I am trying to piece together how I can get my first transaction with OP_RETURN data ...
Lance's user avatar
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Would appreciate some help getting datadir parameter to work in Linux Mint 19.2

I am trying to use Bitcoin Core 0.18.1 on Linux Mint 19.2. I have previously used an older version on Win7 with no problems. I have moved my old data directory to a new ext4 partition on an internal ...
gocfella's user avatar
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Unused Output Tree in the Blockchain

I have been reading about the security of thin clients and I came across the section that discusses the proposal of Unused Output Tree in the Block chain. Unused Output Tree in the Block chain (UOT)...
user3299116's user avatar
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Bitcoin Private Key Decryption

At present, I have dumped my wallet and have all private key, address information. I am now wanting to understand the decryption process for the private keys within the wallet. I have completed the ...
kmart875's user avatar

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