Questions tagged [blockchain]

The journal of all confirmed Bitcoin transactions. The blockchain consists of a linked sequence of blocks and each block contains a list of transactions.—Please use [] for the eponymous UK-based company.

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How did bitcoin spread its first rewards

I know that in the genesis block, Satoshi Nakamoto got 50 bitcoin's and there are certain rumors that the first transaction destinations, were are also to his other wallet's, but if he never spent any ...
Imeguras's user avatar
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Can I recover missed phrase on p2sh wallet?

I have a wallet from past with p2sh format, also I know my private key but I just lost 4 character of that, I tried few apps to recover that but no one works(they work on another wallets prefectly), I ...
amirreza karimi's user avatar
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I WAS SENT BITCOINS IN A WRONG ADRESS ( the last digit is missing in the adresse )

i sent my wallet at coinbase to the sender today 355CXardXvii8T4MNbBaQbfJD7YQNdUf5a but the sender sent to a wrong adress 33 digits missing the 34th digit 355CXardXvii8T4MNbBaQbfJD7YQNdUf5 will the ...
Antoine Dartiguenave's user avatar
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If NFTs are unique instances of data on a blockchain, what keeps a different chain from having the same piece of data?

I apologize, I tried to make the title as concise as I could. If a Blockchain, say the Bitcoin chain, has some NFT that exists uniquely (by definition of an NFT) on that blockchain, what prevents the ...
brettsalyer's user avatar
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What if there where no nodes to share a new block

I am fairly new to blockchain technology, so bear with me if i make mistakes So lets say there are 10 people trading a cryptocurrency 5 of them are online from 8 to 10 am and the other half on online ...
DanishDeveloper's user avatar
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How download whole blockchain and preprocess it for analysis?

Will be grateful for any information/starter points/tuts etc. For ex. this question (answers don't contain any "real" answer, any url to "blockchain files", any suggestion where to ...
tempdeltavalue's user avatar
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Can I somehow find the wallet id of every trade?

I know we can see the trade flow of BTC trades. Is it somehow possible to associate each trade to a waller? Ie. the initiator of the trade?
Martin Linha's user avatar
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Block 9 Transaction 1 Output 0 ScriptPubKey openssl validation fails

I'm trying to check the public key which lies in the ScriptPubKey of output #0 of transaction #1 bloc #9 with openssl. I'm using Python to create a DER file, and openssl to check it. ScriptPubKey ...
StashOfCode's user avatar
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What is the best site/tool/way for finding the RSZ values of a bitcoin transaction? [duplicate]

The two most popular sites for doing this are down which are and with no indication they'll ever return to be usable. Can anyone here link any ...
coaxel 's user avatar
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4 answers

How are funds verified?

I understand that transactions go into mempool and a miner "verifies" the transactions such as ensuring the user has the appropriate funds and correct signature. Specifically, how are ...
koga73's user avatar
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Miner attack lightning network

Can miners attack lightning network making it unusable with the hope that the transaction are forced to be processed on-chain, and they earn more transaction fee?
Subhra Mazumdar's user avatar
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developing hd wallet using bip32 and bip 39

I'm developing a HD wallet using C#. I want to use this wallet for multiple blockchains like bitcoin, ethereum, dogecoin etc... I've read that I should use bip32 for my wallet. i know what's bip32 but ...
amir's user avatar
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Ternary Merkle Tree - concatenation and Merkle Proof?

Unlike binary Merkle trees, ternary have 3 leaf nodes. I wanted to understand how do we eventually get to the Root Merkle node -- is it by concatenating in the pair of 3 (considering 3 leaves in every ...
user128829's user avatar
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Coinbase to Blockchain Transaction

Hello everyone! Recently i received a cryptocurrency to my Blockchain Wallet. The Bitcoin was sent from Coinbase to my address - I waited for about an hour. And i don't see the transaction and the ...
Rivo's user avatar
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What is the Crypto in Metaverse

When I read about the Metaverse in today's crypto space, I think of Second Life and my understanding is that Metaverse as used in today's crypto space is basically Second Life with VR but this looks ...
bebe's user avatar
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Saving diskspace in bitcoin with a sort of snapshot of the blockchain

I am reading that some people try to save diskspace in what information is stored in the blockchain. I am wondering if it is possible to save such a diskspace in taking a sort of snapshot of the ...
untreated_paramediensis_karnik's user avatar
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how are new bitcoins created [duplicate]

I have read that new bitcoins are generated by a competitive and decentralized process called "mining" i want to know how the first coin was generated? From where is it genrated? Mining is ...
rage0920's user avatar
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UNIX END TIME January 19, 2038 - Will it affect Timelock nLOCKTIME smart contracts past that date?

So UNIX END TIME is January 19, 2038. What will happen then to the btc TX that looks at Unixtime for nLOCKTIME transactions? Will any Locktime transaction past that date, say to 2040 be an issue? Or ...
krogoth's user avatar
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How can a block validate a merkle-root if it is all hashed?

I am trying to understand how another block validates the transactions through the merkle root. Shouldn't it be impossible to know what hashes the merkle root is hashed from because you can't reverse ...
lodeboon's user avatar
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public key to private key using HASH TABLE (Pollard's kangaroo for SECPK1)

I have done a little bit of research on HASH TABLE (Pollard's kangaroo for SECPK1) I was wondering if there is any way to extract the private key range using the public key or the public address..??
terminal's user avatar
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Start mining without the need to downlod the 360gb blockchain

I am new to bitcoin mining but at least i understand the mathematics behind - the sha256 and finding nonce, i am a junior back-end developer. recently i have being interested in bitcoin mining, as way ...
D. Sikilai's user avatar
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What is Jailing tx HASH?

I participate in the testnet (I am a validator), and one of the tasks is to force myself to go to jail and write a timestamp, jailing block height and jailing tx HASH, but as far as I know there are ...
mkdir's user avatar
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How do I get my money [duplicate]

I made a transaction on the mining fee of this collector bot and I never got the money though even though it says I did I payed and it seems that there is some proof that they have paid some others ...
Tama's user avatar
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What function to use to model probabilistic bitcoin mining?

I would like to calculate profitability of various mining strategies. For that, i need to simulate many random mining intervals, that reflect probabilistic distribution of real block mining. What ...
Jan's user avatar
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Lost Bitcoins Help [duplicate]

years and years ago I invested in bitcoins and I also got some free for signing up somewhere and since then I have had a new phone and don’t even have that computer anymore so now I am unsure of how ...
Rasha Tatras's user avatar
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Why blockchain new node verify all transactions in blocks?

Hello I'm the student studying blockchain and bitcoin. I have a question that why all node verify all transactions in blocks. I check if new node connect bitcoin network, then the all transactions in ...
hhhbbb's user avatar
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How/When is mining reward given in the presence of forking / orphan chain?

I am aware this is related to this question. However, I am specifically curious about what would happen to the mining rewards, not the transactions, under a forking condition. As shown in the picture....
Erin's user avatar
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I want to pre-hardcode my fallbackfee settings

I want to pre-hardcode my fallbackfee settings so that they are uniform across all wallet nodes. In which file should I put it, and not in bitcoin.conf?
user6894661's user avatar
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Bitcoin could work in principle with pen and paper and carrier pigeons. Could it?

Bitcoin could work in principle with pen and paper and carrier pigeons bringing the result of computations-by-hand back and forth to a public square: the ledger would work, but its intended use case ...
ZenVentzi's user avatar
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bitcoin private key usage

My next question is how Private Key needed to spend coins. According to my understanding for transaction needed below steps: A wants to send 10 coin to B A make transaction example: from: A, to :B ...
aze2201's user avatar
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I've built a bitcoin miner and mined. Now what I do?

I've mined bitcoin to test and understand cryptocurrency better. Which generated this hash 00000431fb66ed96815b3829e975c2235a64b9a646c0bd1cc526dc1727c1f16b(nonce value of 300712) What I do with this ...
TheCodeExpert's user avatar
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When transactions of orphan block go back to the mempool?

Imagine there are two collision blocks A and B. These are mined at the same time. One miner created new block C on top of block A and longest chain happened. Do transactions of block B go back to ...
pepperoni's user avatar
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Overflow bug bad chain length [duplicate]

Can someone recall how many blocks have been mined on the overflow bug chain until the new chain with the patch became the longer one?
zndtoshi's user avatar
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Where is my money, do i have access to it?

On 10/06/21 I tried to pay for an order with bitcoin. BCH. It went from bitcoin to blockchair to simpleledger:pzt39mmtjfs8trthwvvpq0v7ktjc4wyvyqtdpmf2eh, Transaction hash ...
Dawne's user avatar
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When one miner created a new block and won the mining race, what other miner do next?

Imagine that wee have 10 indexed blockchain. Now, I start mining for index 11 block referencing index10's hash, I mean, the last hash data. Also, other miners starts too. When other miner finishes ...
pepperoni's user avatar
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If malicious person(node) tampered withone block transaction, what's gonna happen?

I understand that if one bad person(node) tampered one block of his/her blockchain, the block hash data changed completely different. Let's say each node has 10 indexed blockchain and index4 block has ...
pepperoni's user avatar
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how do nodes agree or disagree after new block is create?

I'm new to blockchain field and I read one article. article In this article of Authorization chapter, it is said that "For a public blockchain, the decision to add a transaction to the chain is ...
pepperoni's user avatar
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Will the bitcoin blockchain eventually grow too large to be able to be run 'by anyone'?

A key component of bitcoin is its decentralization (which effectively only exists with BTC and virtually nothing else). Part of this decentralization is the decentralization of the bitcoin nodes, ...
Runeaway3's user avatar
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Who are [duplicate]

Hello I have been contacted by this company saying about your withdrawal process. As I told you at the moment your funds are in the Blockchain system. With the help of artificial intelligence, we have ...
Marky's user avatar
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Why Is it not possible to truncate the blockchain after Corruption detected

After running bitcoind (as part of myNode) for 6 monhths with no issue, I got this error: Fatal LevelDB error: Corruption: checksum mismatch: /home/bitcoin/.bitcoin/indexes/txindex/257701.log At ...
ckapilla's user avatar
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How to find traitor in Byzantine General Problem

I am new to this problem and trying to understand it. For example if I have 7 generals, 4 of them are honest and 3 of them are traitors. Now, how do I know which 4 generals are honest generals because ...
ARG's user avatar
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How can I -abort ./bitcoind -reindex-chainstate?

I made files re-accessible. Now we could return to a later, already synchronized state with the files. I tried to put ./bitcoind -reindex-chainstate=0, also in a bitcoin.conf, also directly calling ...
jubel's user avatar
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Why there are signature and public key pair on blocks when transaction verifying is over

I'm student studying about bitcoin and blockchain. I want to know why all blocks have signature and key pair after the transaction is over. Why I ask this, I'm studying post quantum cryptography (PQC) ...
hhhbbb's user avatar
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How is transaction on exchanges that trade bitcoins connected to blockchain?

According to this answer, since the transaction on exchanges are internal, the transaction on blockchain is irrelated to them. But is the transaction on exchanges that trade bitcoins really not ...
Aqqqq's user avatar
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Space of Bitcoin Blockchain [duplicate]

I am a beginner of Bitcoins. I read here that the size of the blockchain is heavy HUNDREDS of gigabytes. I also read that one of the reasons bitcoin is safe is that EVERY user keeps a local copy of ...
claudio's user avatar
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Changing the blockchain requires more than just recalculating all hashes..?

New here! I read this everywhere - "To change some data in a blockchain, the malicious user will have to recalculate hash for every block starting from that particular block". My doubt is - ...
Exter's user avatar
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Do Wallets need to be verified or activated? Crypto Support asking me to do that [duplicate]

1.5Bitcoins were stolen form me in 2019, and a company Merawing contacted me a few weeks again, saying that they work with Crypto Regulation of Cyprus and that they would help me getting my bitcoins ...
Startraveller's user avatar
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Why is the rate of reindexing chainstate not constant?

What determines the speed of the reindexing-chainstate in the different times? I spend a few days (2 week) for reindexing locally on my new HDD, and I noticed one thing: the speed of reindexing is ...
javierMarquez's user avatar
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Where can I download the bitcoin blockchain to do offline analysis?

Where can I download the bitcoin blockchain to do some offline analysis. edit: Ideally I'd like to download .txt (or another file extension, e.g. .dat, as long as the contents are unencoded and human ...
almair's user avatar
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Crpyto Bitcoin Insurance

How will the Bitcoin Crypto market compete against theft, if other fiat currencies have similar to FDIC insurance? In this article, some thieves did a phone swap, got a two factor authentication code,...
mattsmith5's user avatar

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