Questions tagged [blockcypher]

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Raw Transaction decoding fails on signet but decodes fine in BlockCypher decoder

Type of transaction: p2wpkh transaction creating a multisig (p2wsh) on signet. Error:TX must have atleast one inputs. Output on online decoder { "addresses": [ "...
Prabhat Verma's user avatar
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How to use BlockCypher's test network with BitcoinJS-lib?

Trying to make a PSBT via BitcoinJS-lib. I'm using BlockCypher's internal testnet (bcy/test) because I have no choice: literally every other testnet faucet I tested was broken. Using BlockCypher's API ...
1owk3y's user avatar
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Error Validating Segwit Transactions using Python Blockcypher API: Error Running Input Script

As the title states, I'm trying to send a Litecoin transaction using the Blockcypher API Python SDK, and using Bitcoinlib for key management. I have extensively reviewed the documentation and source ...
Cursed's user avatar
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BlockCypher transaction failed status fetch

At this moment we are developing mobile app and using BlockCypher. Each completed transaction got 3 states: success/failed/pending. We using link:
Sergey Udalov's user avatar
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BlockCypher API signature bitcoin transaction Error

I'm trying to make a bitcoin transaction using the BlockCypher API and I'm getting an error when I try to sign the transaction. This function creates an unsigned transaction: def buildTransaction(...
Salvador's user avatar
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PHP Blockcypher error validating generated transaction: Error running script for input 0

Attempting to use Blockcypher's /txs/send endpoint using detailed here: and I'm getting the following error: Error validating generated ...
user627341's user avatar
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Creating HD wallet using Blockcypher

I'm using Blockcypher to create an HD wallet, which requires me to send extended_public_key. How do I create the extended keys? While generating a new address using the API I'm getting something like: ...
forhas's user avatar
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Send transaction with 2 inputs and 2 outputs using Blockcypher

I'm using a node.js client of Blockcypher in order to broadcast a Bitcoin transaction. My code: const originWalletBalance = getBalance(originAddress) const fee = calculateFee() const txBody = { ...
forhas's user avatar
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Blockcypher new transaction request returning more than input and output

I am new to Bitcoin and Blockchain, and Blockcypher.. I am trying to use Blockcypher APIs to create (and sign) and send a transaction (on testnet). The request i provide has 1 input and 1 output, but ...
Damo's user avatar
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Error validating a transaction with blockcypher

I've created a testnet transaction using blockcypher API ( and then signed the transaction using the signer (go lang). And then sent signed transaction ...
vatzcar's user avatar
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How many addresses can be in input and output of a transaction

I have read through this question and i understand that there can be many sender and receiver addresses within 1 transaction(i'm new to bitcoin transaction, previous i was working with ethereum where ...
Linh Nguyen's user avatar
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How can you create a transaction with multiple inputs from the Blockcypher API?

For example, I have two addresses and each of them has received 1 BTC. Now, I want to transfer 1.5 BTC to another address. How can I achieve this using the Blockcypher create transaction API?
Amirhosein Rajabi's user avatar
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Testnet addresses fail in explorers

I've generated a testnet address like this: const btc = require('bitcoinjs-lib'); const bip32 = require('bip32'); const bip39 = require('bip39'); var root = bip32.fromSeed( bip39....
ekkis's user avatar
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How to verify locking and unlocking scripts?

I've selected an arbitrary transaction id and retrieved its associated transaction details using the blockcypher explorer as follows: from blockcypher import get_transaction_details ...
Mike's user avatar
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Without knowing private public key any one can withdraw btc from address. Is it possible?' [closed]

Actually I am using blockcypher API for creating address of btc and storing all records in my database with private and public key of individual address and assign that to particular users. But few ...
Nandni's user avatar
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Difference between Sign Message and Sign Transaction

Using "Sign Message" one can prove ownership of an address. This happens by signing a human-readable string using the private key belonging to the address. The owner then provides the address, message ...
remv's user avatar
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Issue while using create transaction API of blockcypher?

I am getting this error "Not enough signatures: 1 for 2 inputs" always while using create transaction API for BTC,LTC,DASH. Before few days ago its was working fine. But Now I am getting Error After ...
Nandni's user avatar
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Negative number of confirmations for a testnet transaction on blockexplorer

I am curious about the test transaction f72f59a32c1bac47ec87bc3678ec44e98eece5e235d29d79cd1f5461ccc5bf38. Depending on which site I view this transaction, the number of confirmations is positive or ...
The Pheromone Kid's user avatar
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How do you sign data with a private key? [javascript]

Using BlockCypher’s signing tool (link), I can sign the following data: 05de69f5d37f41340eed3230f03d2394dde5e497738a76f027b7d962a0cbdf39 with the private key: ...
timothyylim's user avatar
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Why this transaction is invalid?

I issued this transaction on testnet (for a homework later solved with another script). python-bitcoinlib validates the transaction but when i submit it to blockcypher it gets rejected with error: {"...
mhk's user avatar
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Is it secure to collect common public addresses under a wallet using BlockCypher Wallet API

I am working on an exchange platform with users having separate pair of public and private keys using blockcypher api. I encountered Blockcypher Wallet API, and it seems its a pleasant way of ...
HolluwaTosin360's user avatar
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How to confirm that given bitcoin address is generated by given public key?

I have 10s of private and public keys associated with 10s of different addresses. Now I have a test-net btc address "mfoxBS2TpoiUWrEV3sZopoEB6Pi2d7TE9N". What operations can I perform to find the ...
Maroon5's user avatar
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bitcoin transfer without creating wallet

My question is about transferring bitcoin between two addresses without having a wallet. Here is my idea of transferring bitcoins in following way: Idea: I have my own Android Application. I am ...
Sagar Shah's user avatar
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What could this Python Assertion error mean?

When I run the code below, sending a BTC transaction to the blockchain (using blockcypher api) I get an Assertion Error. I am not sure what an Assertion error means. The code: Btw the address had ...
thomas1988's user avatar
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What does the "relayed_by" field in the BlockCypher API represent? Is there a way to gather geographical data of transactions?

The transaction data returned by the BlockCypher's API includes the "relayed_by" field, which the documentation describes as "Address of the peer that sent us this transaction". Is this the IP address ...
dhmq's user avatar
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Can can I identify my deposits to a wallet on a BTC (or LTC) blockchain (using the blockcypher api)

I'm trying to reconcile my deposits to a wallet (happens to be LTC) on an exchange account with the data on the blockchain. I was using the logic: if tx_input_n is -1 then transaction is a ...
pomo's user avatar
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blockcypher shows much higher amount transacted

I sent bitcoin from my account to my account. It showed up as 0.00147276 BTC in coinbase but the transaction shows as 0.953 BTC on blockcypher: Is there a way for me to ...
OhAnton's user avatar
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How to derive addresses based on BIP44 in BlockCypher?

I would like precise how to derive addresses from BTC HD wallet based on BIP44 (m/44’/0’/0’)? During HD wallet creation I have provided xpub of my m/44’/0’/0’, but there is no option to specify root ...
Molarro's user avatar
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3 answers

Bitcoin Cash API similar to BlockCypher [closed]

Is there any Bitcoin Cash API that has similar features as BlockCypher? Important is the ability to create new addresses and create transactions.
wallebach's user avatar
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Bitcoin wallet website

I am new in bitcoin. I am developing a PHP website to let users build their wallet on my website. I want to give every user a wallet. I do not want to give users private keys. I keep private keys, so ...
Meysam Valueian's user avatar
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Cannot broadcast bitcoin testnet transaction

Error validating transaction: Error running script for input 0 referencing 9a2cd138476c598cced94a6c8bd6c8b2c6a268a763700d654324614aff799ceb at 0: Script was NOT verified successfully.. My transaction ...
rohanagarwal94's user avatar