Questions tagged [checksum]

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5 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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What is the advantage of using truncated HASH256 over CRC32?

Some of the checksums in Bitcoin are the first 4 bytes of the HASH256 of the data. HASH256 is just double SHA256, so SHA256(SHA256(data)). What is the advantage of that over using a dedicated checksum ...
dbv's user avatar
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Is the checksum used in BIP39 mnemonic sentences too short?

In the BIP39 specification, you add 1 bit of checksum for every 32 bits of entropy you generate. Therefore, with a common entropy size of 128 bits, you are only adding 4 bits of checksum. This means ...
inersha's user avatar
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How to properly compute the BIP39 checksum bytes?

I'm trying to understand the logic of generating a valid BIP-39 seed phrase. I have read the BIP-39 and trying to implement the section Generating the mnemonic step by step. I have the following ...
q9f's user avatar
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download bitcoin core safely: wrong checksum

I've downloaded the "classic" linux bitcoin core 0.19.1 (tgz) on In the SHA file that's on the website this is the key: ...
Eagle1's user avatar
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How to calculate checksum of Address using Python

Lower Bit Range: 245 Upper Bit Range: 256 The Checksum of address 1H5aq8vssj9fCKdw2mYEn8enzpUMEBsUZ7 is 9ed6e860. I tried the following but got incorrect result 69e65f22 import hashlib ...
Murphy Celestine's user avatar