Questions tagged [datadir]

The -datadir option changes where Bitcoin Core puts its wallet and blockchain database.

6 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Where does Bitcoin Core save the custom directory setting?

When installing Bitcoin Core on Windows 10 and starting it for the first time, the Welcome message prompts to specify a custom data directory. When specifying that custom directory, where does Bitcoin ...
Carlos's user avatar
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Bitcoin Core Unbuntu Custom Data Directory Does not Navigate to Secondary Internal Hard Drive

I have a laptop computer with 2 solid state internal 1000 GB hard drives. I have the operating system installed on drive 1 and I have the secondary drive formatted (ext4 file system), partitioned and ...
Valdy's user avatar
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Does Bitcoin-Core sanitize all accesses to DataDir?

I run core in -disablewallet mode, but keep my datadir on a secondary storage volume, which isn't as secure as my primary drive. Is this an attack vector? Could someone stuff some data-bomb in one ...
Dan's user avatar
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Switching between pruned and non-pruned blocksdir ok?

Is it ok to swap the nodes blocksdir upon restart without corrupting sth. cache etc.. I have two blocksdir: one locally pruned blocks, the other external with all blocks in blocks on usb drive. Id ...
droid192's user avatar
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Exception in Boost library when running bitcoind.exe

I've built Bitcoin 0.8.6 on Windows 32bit using mingw32 and now trying to execute bitcoind.exe in the prompt using the following command: bitcoind.exe -datadir="e:/BitcoinDataTest" I'm getting the ...
Bole Grat's user avatar
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How do I configure BTCPayServer to use an alternative datadir and avoid 'Unable to open settings file' Error?

Similar to: Ubuntu Linux, Unable to set bitcoin datadir to a folder in different drive and I can't start bitcoind on Raspberry Pi. Why do I need settings.json.tmp when I didn't need it before? ...
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