Questions tagged [deterministic-wallets]

Collects questions about deterministic wallets i.e. wallets that derive all private keys in a predictable way from a seed. Deterministic wallets have better backup properties than unrelated random private keys.

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Deterministic Wallet Step By Step

I'm reading about deterministic wallets, I get the point, but it get's confusing when you actually start setting up things. I have to install support for generating "whatever"-coin addresses on a ...
boris22's user avatar
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Tool to generate graphical DAG from a seed

I'd like to have a tool that generates a graphical DAG display from addresses generated from a seed. In particular to distinguish which transactions are for "receive" addresses, and which are for "...
lash's user avatar
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BitcoinJ - Master Key from 12 word

Is there any posibilities to: 1. Create deterministic seed from 12 or 24 word 2. Create Private Master key from this deterministic seed 3. Create deterministic wallet using private master key in ...
Dragomirus's user avatar
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When a BIP44 XPUB and one of its descendant keys get leaked, what's the worst that can happen?

I understand that BIP44 has one edge case vulnerability where if a hacker gets his hands on an Xpub and a private key from its descendants, he can compute the Xprv pair of the original Xpub and ...
Vlad's user avatar
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Deterministic Key Generation: prove that address is in a sequence of your original seed

Lets say that someone wanted to prove they owned some metadata without revealing who they were. For instance, lets say they needed to prove they had owned a contract but that contract was in an ...
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