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Questions tagged [divisibility]

Questions concerned with the number of subunits of a bitcoin, and the rules governing divisibility.

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Looking for Source of an Old Idea About Subdividing Satoshis

I remember seeing an old idea but unfortunately I didn't bookmark it and now I'm struggling to find the source again. Maybe someone will remember it and be able to point me to the source? It was ...
bca-0353f40e's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Why exactly would adding further divisibility to bitcoin require a hard fork?

There are quite a few threads already on this topic, but they all focus on the necessity or possibility for such a change. I understand that, even though it is difficult and would obviously require ...
sutterseba's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Is there any Bitcoin layer (eg. Bitcoin = L1, Lightning = L2, etc.) on which the satoshi (SAT) is divisible?

I would be surprised if the SAT were divisible on L1... is it? I would be surprised if the SAT were not divisible on it? If the SAT is divisible anywhere, then to what decimal place? Is the ...
JDOaktown's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Is there a reason why 1 bitcoin = 100000000 sats?

Is there a technical reason why Satoshi implemented Bitcoin with just 8 decimal places? The max number of 64-bit signed integers is usually 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 ; so with the 21 million cap an ...
Arnor's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Buy Bitcoins in partition

Can you buy some percent of bitcoin at different rates and merge them to form one bitcoin? Is it like you buy at different rates so you will get different exchange rates for particular percent
Charlie's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

What does mBtc mean [duplicate]

I’m using Electrum 3.3.8 and I recently made a sale and got 0.83 mBTC. I’ve tried to convert the mBTC to USD. it says i have $5000+ but I was selling the product for only $6
interesting's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

If Bitcoin hits $100,000 how much is 0.01 Bitcoin worth in $? [closed]

Just trying to figure out and calculate how much 0.01 Bitcoin would cost in $ if 1 Bitcoin hits $100,000.
Dennis's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

What makes millisatoshi real?

In the Lightning Network, it's possible to pay in units a thousandth of a satoshi, a millisatoshi. But you can't redeem them directly on the main chain when closing a channel, it will be subject to a ...
Osias Jota's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

What is a millisatoshi? I thought satoshi is the smallest unit?

I encountered 'millisatoshi' (msat) while browsing Lightning Network..., see screenshoot below: And subsequently I found it mentioned here:
Rosdi Kasim's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

What is the numerical definition of a Satoshi relative to a BTC?

In previous definitions of a Satoshi, I only saw the decimal place in front of the 0's and the #1 (.0001), but no 0's after the #1 and that's confusing to me. If however you also put the 0's behind ...
Todd 's user avatar
  • 11
5 votes
3 answers

More decimals to Bitcoin

Bitcoin USD price is increasing continuously; it is not impossible to imagine a day where we get 1 satoshi = 1 USD cent or even more, 1 satoshi = 1 USD. In that scenario we have a problem, bitcoin ...
ademar111190's user avatar
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What will happen to bitcoin if the world population increases? [closed]

I've been trying to find an answer to this question but without success. I have a question on scaling, but not of the technical kind. Assume that the entire world switches to using bitcoin as its ...
Bobo's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

The BTC shows 10^8 times more than what is received in the account

I work with Java/Maven/JSP app with BitcoinJ and I have transfer about 0.0048 BTC from a testnet faucet. However, after receiving, I see that my account has balance of 480000.00 BTC. This is the ...
Arefe's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Possibility of fractions less than 1 satoshi in transaction fees

I know that I can't send even 1 satoshi due to dust transaction prevention, but the question is - might the transaction fee be not e.g. 160 satoshis, but 160.1 satoshis?
tristantzara's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

If there a formula to decide when more decimal places will be added to Bitcoin? [duplicate]

I know it is possible to allow for more than 8 decimal places in Bitcoin. We all hope that Bitcoin will become extremely valuable one day and increments smaller than 0.00000001 BTC will be helpful. ...
Mary Johnson's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to buy half of a full bitcoin?

I've noticed that certain products online do not require a full bitcoin to purchase. My question is do you need to start with one full bitcoin in order to make a purchase of such items?
Jerry All's user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

What is a mBTC?

I have been trying to find out just what is an mBTC is. Everywhere I look I cannot find out what the value is compared to a Bitcoin. I was hoping you could advise me of what the value is.
jock courtney's user avatar
3 votes
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Will the block reward continue halving beyond 1 satoshi if bitcoin precision goes beyond 8 decimal places?

If bitcoin precision is increased beyond 8 decimals, will the block reward continue halving forever instead of eventually going from 1 satoshi to 0 satoshi?
ChocoDeveloper's user avatar
2 votes
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Why do the Bitcoin RPC Calls use decimals for coin amounts?

The Bitcoin RPC calls all use 8 digit decimals ('reals') to encode amounts of satoshis. For example, if I get a transaction output, it might look like this: { "value" : 0.00050000, "n" : 1, "...
morsecoder's user avatar
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19 votes
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Why is Bitcoin defined as having 8 decimal places?

At the protocol level bitcoins don't actually exists, but rather base units (recently called “satoshis”). Bitcoins are defined as 108 base units, meaning that for a 50 BTC mining reward, you are ...
Arturo Torres Sánchez's user avatar
2 votes
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What is a "mike"?

The MultiBit website mentions Bitcoin amounts being showns as "mikes": Everybody has a different way of wanting to display their balances and this is especially true when dealing with different ...
Thilo's user avatar
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Is it possible to pay part of a Bitcoin to someone?

Bitcoins are over $800, I need to pay someone about $200. Is it possible to pay someone with a partial bitcoin?
Michael Falciglia's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How is bitcoin infinitely divisible? [duplicate]

I've read that bitcoins are infinitely divisible: Bitcoins can be divided up and trade into as small of pieces as one wants How is this possible programmatically? The only thing that comes to ...
user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How many currency units in 1xBTC / 1xAltCoin? [duplicate]

Since BitCoin (and AltCoins) are divisible by up to 8 decimal places, does that technically mean that 1xBTC (or 1xAltCoin) is equal to 1 billion individual units of currency?
Matthew Layton's user avatar
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Naming convention: MilliBit or Millibitcoins (mBTC), microbitcoin or Mikrobitcoins (μBTC)?

I heard about many use: Bitcents, Bitmills (or Bitmilles) 1.02 - One bitcoin and two bitcents 0.001 - One millibitcoin (nickname "one Millie") 0.000001 - One microbitcoin (nickname "one Mike") ...
rubo77's user avatar
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How does Bitcoin divisibility work?

I come from a programming background and I am trying to figure out how Bitcoin allows for divisibility. An example using high level code would also be nice. I understand the high level basics of ...
Zamicol's user avatar
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4 votes
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What is the minimum investment for Bitcoin?

I'm interested in how much money do I have to invest if I want to buy Bitcoins? Is there any minimum?
Jan's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Upper and lower bounds of the amount of bitcoins?

As far as I understand, the bitcoin has an upper limit of 21 Million possible coins. Thus, the price of 1 coin, can in theory climb and climb. However, on the other hand, it seems like the system can ...
Dror's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

How divisible are ripples?

How divisible are ripples (XRP)? With 100 billion of the currency units being created at system inception one could assume that they are akin to satoshis, but during the operation of the system I ...
ThePiachu's user avatar
  • 43.2k
4 votes
2 answers

Is there a proposed name for 1e-4 bitcoins?

One satoshi is 1e-8 bitcoins. Given that, it appears to me very convenient to have a name for 1e-4 bitcoins, and I'm wondering if someone already proposed or started using a name for that. (the SI ...
o0'.'s user avatar
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6 votes
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Can bitcoins be split up into greater than a billion parts?

I understand that, at time of writing, splitting a bitcoin into more than 10⁸ parts is not useful. However, say that in the far future enough bitcoins have been destroyed (through deleted wallets due ...
Christian Chapman's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Is the value of "satoshi" fixed or dynamic?

BitCoin Wiki (Transactions) states: ...1 BTC = 100,000,000 Satoshi... Yet BitCoin Wiki (FAQ) states: ..."satoshi"... is smallest denomination currently possible In the future when the protocol ...
Pacerier's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

Why can we have small fractions of a Bitcoin?

I didn't study the inner workings of Bitcoin (yet), but already since when I just started using it, I wondered why a Bitcoin can be split up in parts. Because there is a limit on the amount of Bitcoin ...
Steven Roose's user avatar
  • 11.9k
10 votes
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What are Tonal Bitcoins?

What are Tonal Bitcoins? In what application is this system of notation superior to the decimal notation? Are there any clients or other services supporting the tonal system?
ThePiachu's user avatar
  • 43.2k
13 votes
2 answers

Is "bitcoin" a countable noun?

Should "bitcoin" be used as a countable noun admitting a singular and a plural (so that one says "600 bitcoins are in this wallet") or as a mass noun, (like "water" or "money") (so that one says "How ...
Michael Hardy's user avatar
23 votes
9 answers

Will we ever need smaller amounts of Bitcoin than a Satoshi?

Will there ever be a need to create a unit of Bitcoin smaller than a Satoshi? See also: What is a 'Satoshi'?
ripper234's user avatar
  • 26.6k
158 votes
6 answers

What is a 'Satoshi'?

I am aware that Satoshi Nakamoto is the author of the paper that originated Bitcoin and the creator of the original bitcoin client. However, I often hear the term Satoshi as if it was a monetary unit. ...
nmat's user avatar
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