Questions tagged [full-node]

Nodes that fully verify all of the rules of Bitcoin. The most popular software implementation of full nodes is called Bitcoin Core.

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2 answers

Pros & Cons of Self Hosting Bitcoin Node vs using a 3rd Party Service?

We are a medium size company building a blockchain application that requires us to interact with the Bitcoin blockchain (+ several other cryptocurrencies). One option is for us to use a 3rd party ...
Design X's user avatar
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I heard a message was encoded into the blockchain, how can I read it?

I have been running a few full Bitcoin nodes for a long while now and I've decided to start learning how to interact with a node to get different information. Recently, Elon Musk's two messages were ...
Pishi's user avatar
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bitcoind -daemon command error

Im trying to open bitcoin core withthe command bitcoind -daemon My node is working perfectly with GUI But When trying to run bitcoind -daemon error: Could not connect to the server Make sure the ...
COINAU's user avatar
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Error: Prune mode is incompatible with -txindex

How do i remove this prune mode??
COINAU's user avatar
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If pruning is so safe, why aren't 100% of the Bitcoin nodes pruning? Why keep the unnecessary data?

I have a fully synced, non-pruned Bitcoin Core on this computer. I have an almost-fully synced, pruned Bitcoin Core on another computer. What exactly is the motivation for keeping those 368.5 GB of &...
T Kalpakoff's user avatar
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How does a full-node index watch-only addresses?

I can import watch-only addresses into my full-node's wallet. I can start querying their utxos from that point onward. Where are watch-only addresses stored and how does my node keep index of their ...
Anonona's user avatar
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Connect to custom bitcoind

I have a fully synchronized btc node on my network. Which mobile apps (android) and desktop apps can I use to connect to this node without running a full node/ daemon on the desktop or mobile? And how ...
Cryptopolous's user avatar
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Is an SSD required to run a bitcoin full node and a lightning node?

To run a full node and lightning node, I always read that people should use SSDs. Is that really required? And why is that? It's a slowly growing blockchain after all. I would have everything for an ...
codepleb's user avatar
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Why don't Bitcoin Full Nodes who are not Miners get compensated? [closed]

Why don't full nodes who are not miners get compensated for running, storing and validating the network?
George Decker's user avatar
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How do nodes verify backwards incompatible blocks?

When you start the initial block download with the latest versions of Bitcoin Core, how does your node know that old blocks were valid according to different rules prior to soft forks?
Dirk's user avatar
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Very slow sync on low end PC - what to upgrade?

[Hi, I have to re-ask this question because I cannot recover my account from the last one. Sorry about that.] I am a newbie to bitcoin. I am trying to sync a full node on my low end PC: 2g RAM, dual-...
Peabody's user avatar
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How to approach building a custom UTXO index on top of a full-node

I want to avoid physically importing addresses into a wallet. I want to write a UTXO indexing system on a per-address basis. I often wonder how a wallet can keep track of all of its addresses' UTXOs, ...
Anonona's user avatar
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1 answer

What is the alternative for an exchange which doesnt want to run a node of a coin traded?

It seems to be best practice for an exchange to run a node itself for a coin traded there. But, is there an alternative? A third party service? If yes, which are recommended and why?
NB13's user avatar
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Are there any Bitcoin payment providers with an API’s for allowing unconfirmed transactions? [closed]

I want to design my web app to instantly accept crypto currency like Bitcoin as a payment for a subscription to the app. I will design it to cancel the subscription and ban the user’s account if the ...
Patrick Staight's user avatar
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Dandelion++ for Bitcoin

Dandelion BIP: The article that I read about Dandelion++: It mentioned that ...
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in bitcoin core, how to use Tor for broadcasting new transactions only?

I have set up a full node with bitcoin core running on the internet. I have also set up a wallet running on a private machine that communicates to the full node to broadcast new transactions. To ...
user4572254's user avatar
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Can pruned nodes perform fee estimation?

The fee estimation in Bitcoin Core is based on the previous blocks. Since the minimum pruning size for pruned nodes is 550 MB, a pruned node may actually not have the last 1,000 blocks, which is the ...
Murch's user avatar
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What percent of nodes are miners?

Miners run full nodes but full nodes may not necessarily be miners. Is there a way to figure out the proportion?
Buttcoin's user avatar
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Was bitcoin peer to peer network affected because of the recent BGP hijack incident?

Can someone ELI5 BGP hijacking, impact on Bitcoin, countermeasures and if there were any issues because of the recent incident? Related links: ...
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How can I know that a full node has finished the initial synchronization process?

I run a full bitcoin node. I launched it several days ago and it has consumed around 300 GB of traffic already which implies that it is about to finish the initial syncronization process. Except for ...
kosmosu05's user avatar
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ElectrumX returning 0 balance

I have a running full bitcoin node (txindex=1). I also setup electrumx and it has fully synced with current blockchain state. Here's the log : INFO:LocalRPC:[2] RPC, 0 total ...
PraneshASP's user avatar
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Can we use fee rate less than 1 sat/vbyte?

Is it possible to create, sign and broadcast a transaction with fee rate less than 1 sat/vbyte?
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IP Addresses of inbound connections in bitcoin full node (TOR) looking as a localhost (

I run bitcoin full node (mynode) through TOR and I see that inbound connections appear only as a localhost with varying ports usually in high range (examples,, 127.0.0....
Jan Siebert's user avatar
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How to create watch-only wallet on a server with a full node?

Given: there're online shops and a server with a full BTC node that I plan to run. I'll be using a full node to monitor incomming transcations thus receiving payments in an automatic manner. Only. ...
kosmosu05's user avatar
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What are the safe ways to connect to bitcoin network using tor?

One case that I remember when someone was unable to connect his bitcoin full node to the network because of censorship: Matt suggested using ...
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Error opening block database Full node

For some reason my node shutdown and now I get when restart it Error opening block database here my bitcoin.conf txindex=1 reindex=1 reindex-chainstate=1 # Accept command line and JSON-RPC ...
monkeyUser's user avatar
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Does Bitcoin Core validate signatures by default?

There have been claims recently of Bitcoin Core not validating the signatures in a block by default. If this is true, can Bitcoin Core even claim to be a full node?
Bertram Lund's user avatar
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New Node User Opening Channels Through Zap

I recently set up my first node and connected through Zap. I currently have one channel open which is funded on my local side and on the remote side for a small amount. I was told that my node is not ...
dillonhealy's user avatar
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What's the easiest way to create a backup node?

My node recently had a data corruption and I had to re-sync it which was painful. Presuming I don't use the node as a wallet, what's the easiest way to have a backup with the fully sync'd blockchain? ...
diddy's user avatar
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How does nix-bitcoin provide greater security for installing Bitcoin nodes?

nix-bitcoin claims on its GitHub repo to facilitate the installing of Bitcoin nodes and higher layer protocols (e.g. Lightning) with increased security? How does it do this? [edit: as RedGrittyBrick ...
Michael Folkson's user avatar
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Can you run a full Bitcoin node on Node.js?

Are there bitcoin full node implementations running on Node.js? Node.js is the server side language that I'm most familiar with so I was wondering if I can run a full bitcoin node on Node.js? I just ...
Ivelin 's user avatar
5 votes
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How does a full node decide which outbound peers to have?

I understand that a full node can have up to 10 outbound connections (8 full relay peers and 2 block-relay-only peers). I wonder how my full node decides which nodes to connect to for outbound. What ...
glowang's user avatar
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How to know Block height when a transaction entered Mempool?

I'm hosting a Listening Bitcoin Node in Capital of Pakistan. I want to know the Block height when Transaction entered the mempool. Right now I'm using the time from the Json format of the Transaction ...
Haseeb Saeed's user avatar
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Do public bitcoin nodes have a public page to view node data? And if so can one add additional information to it?

Do public bitcoin nodes have a public page to view public node data? Example is from monero public nodes: -- it shows the node information. Do Bitcoin public ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
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bitcoin node take transactions fee and validate them [closed]

a bitcoin node check transactions and validate them . does it take transaction s fee. when validate transactions how much bitcoin transaction fees for a node.and possible reduce fees in a bitcoin node
AliReza Azizi's user avatar
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What is the different between BitcoinCore and other full node wallet?

As I understand, BitcoinCore is implementation of Bitcoin protocol. And within BitCoinCore is wallet functionality located in wallet.cpp/h. My question is, if I have some other wallet that has ...
ddavi031's user avatar
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Configure Bitcoin full node in my local LAN

It is said that deploying a Bitcoin full node would protect the privacy of my Bitcoin addresses. If I configure a Bitcoin full node to be outbound only, would that be enough to protect me? Do i still ...
MiltonC's user avatar
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UTXO snapshots and history pruning

Is there a research, BIP proposal or simple discussion about possible improvement on the size required to run a full node and a way to shrink/prune the history of bitcoin and have fast sync? Let me ...
Not Important's user avatar
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Provide Services to many Lightweigh Nodes (SPVs) and Save The Communication History

I am investigating on privacy violations of the current communication protocol between lightweight clients and full nodes in the Bitcoin network, which utilizes Bloom filters. I run a full node on my ...
Taghi's user avatar
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How Do I Fix This Error Without Loosing Stored Blocks On Pc?

I opened my Bitcoin Core program today on my Windows 7 PC via an external hard disk (1 TB) and I found the following error: MinGW Runtime Assertion Assertion Failed! Program: E:\Blockchain\bitcoin-qt....
Bit Coin's user avatar
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What is the default number of transactions a full node have in its mempool?

Is there a default limit to the number of transactions a node can keep in its memory pool? Or do we have to explicitly declare maxmempool=xyz to restrict the number of transactions a node can have in ...
Haseeb Saeed's user avatar
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What is the current size of txindex folder when txindex=1 set? [duplicate]

Due to reputation limitations, I cannot ask for an update on this question: How much extra disk space does txindex=1 require? What is the current size of the txindex folder when txindex=1 is set in ...
Johannes Rottenkolber's user avatar
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What is the best practice for listening to payments on the RPC api?

I have a docker instance running a bitcoin node and would like to listen to deposits, generating a new address each time a user requests to deposit then increment the users account balance on success.
Dylan Kerler's user avatar
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Why is my mempool count so much lower than that of block explorers?

I have been running a full node for about two days. I wanted to get a list of all mempool txs (using getrawmempool false), and found that it only came back with around 3,000 even though all the block ...
MrPuzzler's user avatar
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What are the advantages for an user that is running a Bitcoin full node?

I am running a Bitcoin full node Bitcoin core version v0.19.1 (64-bit). I know that is one of the most secure wallets, but the process to set up a full node is very painful, and even if you keep ...
Luca Blight's user avatar
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How can I seamlessly extend disk for bitcoin-core full node?

I'm running a bitcoin-core full node and serve customers wallet service (e.g. creating a wallet, sending tx). I set the chain data disk size to 400GB when first setting the node up and the disk is ...
gocyrp's user avatar
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Unable to start bitcoind

ORIGINAL QUESTION: Anyone know why I am getting the following error message? Other possible relevant info: Config file location /home/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf Config file content: server=1 testnet=...
oshirowanen's user avatar
2 votes
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How to getheaders from blockchain?

I have run a full node on linux now I can run commands with bitcoin-cli like: bitcoin-cli getbestblockhash it returns: 0000000000344240308f54ded700542571b3df9efe05fab92e669099e20e0d92 or bitcoin-...
Hamid Naghipour's user avatar
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Step by step to make a SPV bitcoin node

As I know, there is a light node version called SPV. for now I have started a full node and it has downloaded 82222 blocks, but I don't want to have a full node with full blockchain, my purpose is to ...
Hamid Naghipour's user avatar
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Can you help me tell if my new out-of-the-box ssd for a Pi4 myNode project is DOA?

Trying to setup a node on a Pi4 with ssd and blockchain appeared to be downloading well. My router said I was gobbling data for 2hrs. Then I received the "Looking for Drive" message. I rebooted once, ...
wmnstack's user avatar

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