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Questions tagged [go-lang]

Go is the programming language used for example in BTCD and LND. Please use this tag when inquiring about issues with using Go in the context of implementing Bitcoin software.

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How "addDummySigs" in golang when send satoshi from p2tr multisig script?

I have a 2-of-3 multisig taproot script,create like bitcoinjs-lib: ...
Gang Li's user avatar
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I can't parse the UTXO from the chainstate

I have a problem with reading tx out from the Bitcoin Core LevelDB chainstate storage. I know that the structure of the current version of the chainstate is key => value where the key is a prefix (...
Novak's user avatar
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Scripthash from bitcoin address with Golang

I broke my head looking for a solution. I want use bitcoin address for electrumx Take bitcoin address from docs example: 1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa And i need convert to ...
Timofey Belanenko's user avatar
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2 answers

Generating bitcoin core -rpcauth argument using golang

We're developing a Blockchain deployment solution kotal, and generating -rpcauth argument from the supplied user name and password. The problem is when we try to use the same user and password using ...
Farghaly's user avatar
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Sign lightning channel creation PSBT with Golang

I'm trying to open a channel on regtest with LND v0.13.0-beta.rc3 using their PSBT workflow to allow for remote signing. I've done the following steps: I create a regtest wallet using the BIP39 ...
SamCymbaluk's user avatar
2 votes
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Looking for a tiny go/golang snippet to connect to bitcoin core json rpc

I've done it previously in C++ and I'm currently learning go/golang I'd rather do it "from scratch" rather than trust a third party's library Just a call from golang for a json-rpc call to ...
Nigel Sharp's user avatar
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how to generate bech32/segwit address from pubkey in golang

I am trying to generate bech32/segwit address in golang with the following code: var pubkey *btcec.PubKey address, err := btcutil.NewAddressPubKey(pubkey.SerializeCompressed(), chainParams) if err != ...
3tbraden's user avatar
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Bitcoin private key and address generator in golang

I am looking for a golang alternative to . So far I have found but have not figured out how to generate private keys and ...
GMaster's user avatar
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1 answer

Is the any workable testnet3 Bitcoin solution for creating, signing, broadcast a normal transaction using Golang?

Currently I'm trying to create, sign & broadcast bitcoin transaction using btcsuite. For start, I've already had testnet3 address & its associated privatekey for testing. However, hunting ...
user1420716's user avatar
1 vote
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Golang how to derive address from bip32's xpubkey?

i'm trying to derive HD address of bitcoin using Golang. I have extended private/public key. The problem is i'm unable to find any library in Golang that can generate/derive address from the xpubkey/...
user1420716's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Multiple input/output transactions using golang btcd

I am using golang's btcd as a basis for creating some server-side tools for handling transactions. I found a good example for creating a basic one-input-one-output transaction to get me started on the ...
tmesser's user avatar
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Send and receive money, payment gateway with Golang

I'm really newbie with bitcoin development, so I would like to use go for that, so what I need for? What libraries can I use for send and receive money, easy and secure? Are there any examples? I ...
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