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Questions tagged [green-address]

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Greenaddress - client too old

I've got an Android phone with Greenaddress on it, that I've been effectively using as cold storage. I've now put it online to get my BTC off it, and when I try the transaction (using a legacy address)...
user4893295's user avatar
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Blockstream Green Wallet Security

I am trying to understand how secure the green wallet is. I thought of a few scenarios where my funds might be in danger: If GreenAddress service becomes unavailable, they have a nlocktime ...
Slosloslo's user avatar
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Problem with Greenaddress 2of2 Recovery

I'm encountering an unforeseen problem with 2o2 Recovery procedure. I followed all the instruction at, I've correctly installed Ubuntu for Windows, I've ...
Rene's user avatar
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green addresses are "generally considered a bad idea and not advisable to implement."?

Why does the wiki say that green addresses are "generally considered a bad idea and not advisable to implement."?
Fuji's user avatar
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What does "Green address verification" mean in the context of transaction validation?

I am only new to Bitcoin and I would like to know what a "Green address verification" is. I have an Electrum wallet ver 3.3.6 and I think the term is being used in the context of faster transactions ...
Bobusvinicius's user avatar
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Login Problems with Greenaddress

I need help desperately! I am trying to get to BTC that is locked in a greenaddress wallet. I can log into the view only. When I put in the mneumonic & password, the system runs through ...
JENNY's user avatar
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Pycoin: How to send transaction?

There is a problem in making and sending transaction. I got UTXOS by using API(GreenAddress), and from utxos I made a transaction. But calculated fee is always larger than one in original GA service. ...
Coder HHC's user avatar
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GreenAddress: Noticfication of receiving transaction

I'm developing python project using greenaddress API. I use pycoin package. I almost completed, but I can't resolve notification problem. Using greenaddress API, the notification received is as follow....
Coder HHC's user avatar
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Is there a way to retrieve my LTC that did not go into my wallet? [closed]

Last night I tried to send LTC from my Binance account to my desktop wallet. I found out later that my wallet doesn't accept LTC so the transfer is lost. Is there any way I can retrieve it? I have the ...
Kaa's user avatar
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4 votes
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How can I reclaim my Bitcoin Cash from my Greenaddress wallet?

I'm new to cryptocurrency in general, and I'm still learning. Let's say someone moves BTC to a multi-signature wallet with a trusted provider, i.e. Greenaddress, before the split from an exchange. ...
B.James's user avatar
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Disabling GreenAddress 2FA ∵ Google Authenticator doesn't generate the correct OTPs for it

According to the section "I lost my two-factor/mobile/etc (email/OTP|Authenticator/etc), what can I do?" of the GreenAddress FAQ page, You should always have at least two two-factor options enabled....
Geremia's user avatar
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Understanding GreenAddress nLocktime/recovery transactions

What I understand is that Greenaddress locks a recovery transaction to be spend 90 days in the future. Whats the advantage in doing this? Why not creating a recovery transaction without nLocktime?
Tigerix's user avatar
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How to change the displayed denomination in GreenBits Android wallet?

I just installed GreenBits, the native Java wallet from, on my Android device and transferred 0.1 BTC to the wallet. I like it so far. However, it displays my balance as 100,000 bits. ...
q9f's user avatar
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How does the GreenAddress refill (relock) work when its nLockTime expires?

Ok, I understand that GreenAddress wallet uses a nLockTime transaction to put the funds in a 2of2 wallet, to give the user the peace of mind that, in the case their server disappears, they can still ...
knocte's user avatar
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Is the mnemonic passphrase enough to backup with deterministic wallets?

I'm using a wallet, but assume this will be the same for all deterministic wallets. (If not, please correct me!) Since the first and all further bitcoin addresses my wallet will ever ...
Nijin22's user avatar
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What if you wanted to decrease anonymity?

My idea is to be able to build "credit" for an individual. Lenders of BTC could just use a service to check the "credit score" of a certain address of a borrower. The borrower would have to spend a ...
ProjectX's user avatar
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Double spending from "green addresses" & mitigation

Suppose a user pays for a service (service1) using a "green address" (0 confirmations required) and service1 needs to immediately respend it using it's own green address How many blocks should the ...
makerofthings7's user avatar
3 votes
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Does the public key associated with an address become part of the public record after it has been used to spend?

Since bitcoin addresses are hashes of public keys and not public keys as such, if one wanted to craft a message that could be decrypted by the generator of an address, that can't be done just with an ...
david nicol's user avatar
4 votes
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How to implement a green address in Bitcoind?

There are a few websites that use green addresses, but how can one go about implementing it using the standard Bitcoin API?
ThePiachu's user avatar
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What's the best way for a website to detect payments from green addresses?

Does any proven third party code exist for this? Edit* To be more specific, what I haven't been able to find out is how to get the sender's bitcoin address when receiving a transaction. As far as ...
Amin's user avatar
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What are Green Addresses?

What are Green Addresses? Is it true that they can solve the "confirmation delay" problem, and how does that work? Are there any drawbacks?
Thilo's user avatar
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