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Questions tagged [key-aggregation]

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How does MuSig work in real Bitcoin scenarios? Questions on communication and steps

Signature Generation Let L = h(P1 || ... || Pn). Each participant computes the digest: ai = h(L || Pi). Compute the aggregated public key: X̃ = Σ (ai * Pi) for i = 1, ..., n. X̃ is made public. Each ...
allexj's user avatar
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I have a question is exist any post quantum replace for secp256k1 ? ( ECDSA , schnorr )

I tried to look for information, but I get the feeling that all algorithms stated as post-quantum are nothing more than noise generators, there is no support for deterministic keys, there is no ...
blockchainman's user avatar
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Is it possible to run a Lightning Network node with multiple entities holding parts of the private key?

What's the technical limitation stopping multiple entities from collectively managing an LN node? I understand all parties (entities that share the Node private key) need to be online to sign routing/...
pseudozach's user avatar
8 votes
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Possible number of signers with MuSig

With multisig, up to 20 signatures may be used in a threshold signature scheme (What are the limits of m and n in m-of-n multisig addresses?). As far as I understand, there should be no hard-coded ...
Dalit Sairio's user avatar
2 votes
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Using key aggregation (multsig) in P2TR script path spends

I know that it is possible to create a 2-2 multsig using Taproot by combining both private keys into one public key and defining that as the key path spend. I also know that it is possible to use ...
Hellwerker's user avatar