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Questions tagged [leveldb]

LevelDB is an embedded key-value storage developed by Google that is used in Bitcoin Core for block index storage and quick access to the UTXO set (unspent transaction outputs).

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Unable to parse blocks from blk*.dat for testnet (3 and 4)

For the Bitcoin mainnet, I can easily fetch one block by following steps: Open the LevelDB database at <bitcoind-dir>/data/blocks/index Get by key: ...
bczhc's user avatar
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levelDB : How does the key/values pairs work for datadir/blocks/index/

I'm trying to understand the format of key/value pairs in LevelDB for Bitcoin data storage. Given the following raw key and value: Raw Key: ...
Shakarhan's user avatar
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Repeated corruption issue with bitcoind

I'm trying to index the entire chain for spent P2PK inputs for this program I'm writing, and whenever I get to this transaction - 7a8394fd438d9fbe6b36ce38e5b0ca65037f864d1007236775ac3532b886ebe1 - I ...
Hunter Beast's user avatar
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How to decode bitcoin node's chainstate data stored in LevelDB?

I am trying to decode the data available in the chainstate. After doing some research, I see that Google's LevelDB is mentioned (like in this post). However, I am still not sure how to effectively and ...
ram's user avatar
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I can't parse the UTXO from the chainstate

I have a problem with reading tx out from the Bitcoin Core LevelDB chainstate storage. I know that the structure of the current version of the chainstate is key => value where the key is a prefix (...
Novak's user avatar
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Transaction incorrect when reading a block from `blk*.dat` files

The problem occurs with block 1,669,774 on testnet ( To obtain a block I retrieve the file and ...
Ouziel Slama's user avatar
4 votes
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Does Bitcoin Core write blockchain and chainstate data atomically?

In particular, when a new block arrives: Is the block written to disk in an atomic fashion, so a new block either exists, or it doesn't? (reader can never see a partially written state) Are the ...
user49396's user avatar
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When does chainstate get updated?

What i'm trying to do now is reading LevelDB at chainstate folder to save all utxos at my own DB, and keep tracking the changes of utxos by looking at chainstate folder frequently. However, what i ...
Jin's user avatar
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LevelDB error after power outage

After a power outage, starting bitcoind I recieved this errors (circled in the image). Reading online some users suggest to do a reindex and i did it but after 11 hours my node isn't reindex yet... ...
Niko's user avatar
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Number of transactions per blk.dat files

I am working on a parser for the blk.dat files being returned by the Bitcoin Core node. It seems to slow down considerably after a point and I am pretty sure it's because the number of transactions is ...
Rohan Maheshwari's user avatar
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Regarding the chainstate level db (UXTO)

Already found many useful information regarding the chainstats db. such as: What are the keys used in the blockchain levelDB (ie what are the key:value pairs)? But what is the meanning of the last ...
Carpemer's user avatar
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Getting wrong version number of block from block index of Bitcoin Core

I am reading block index using plyvel python package. Following is the location of block indexes: export BLOCK_INDEX_DB=$BITCOIN_HOME/blocks/index Following is the method to decode b128 varint: def ...
Vizeet Srivastava's user avatar
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Are the block headers kept in memory?

Bitcoin Core keeps block data as files in the file system and blocks indexes in a LevelDB database to make the search process of transactions and blocks faster. But Bitcoin Core also stores block ...
MHT's user avatar
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Cannot unserialize chainstate transaction outputs after de-obfuscation

I was able to read chainstate database. Getting the key and de-obfuscating to get a valid last block. However, when it comes to transactions that follow after that, I cannot de-serialize them no ...
Anonymous's user avatar
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Bitcoin - Level DB - Block Index - Parsing value for block hash

I am trying to read the value against block hash in level DB of Bitcoin node database - Block/index. For Genesis block, I get 88 bytes which I want to parse. I tried to follow instructions in https://...
Ankit's user avatar
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Bitcoin - Read transaction details from LevelDB

I am new to LevelDB and the way BTC keeps everything in the database. I went through article How does Bitcoin read from/write to LevelDB but was not able to get to the first step - Transaction ...
Ankit's user avatar
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What is the relationship between LevelDB's cache (default 8MB) and Bitcoin's UTXO cache?

Please correct me if I am wrong. Bitcoin uses levelDB to store UTXO set. LevelDB has a default 8MB block cache, and the Bitcoin also has a dbcache(default 450MB). What is the relationship between the ...
GoneV's user avatar
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When the UTXO in the cache is full, what strategy is used to replace one UTXO with another in the cache?

The UTXO set is stored on the disk, but some UTXOs are also stored in the cache. When validating a transaction, you need to query the UTXO pointed to by the input of the transaction. First, you go to ...
GoneV's user avatar
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How does bitcoin find the block locator hashes in the leveldb database?

I am trying to understand how bitcoin core builds the list of block locator hashes needed for sendheaders and getheaders messages. I have looked on the wiki and I have seen that after the 10 most ...
giacomocaironi's user avatar
3 votes
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What is in the Bitcoin Core LevelDB dbcache? Is it full records or metadata?

What is in the Bitcoin Core LevelDB dbcache? Is it full records or metadata? This question was asked on IRC by Anonymous.
Michael Folkson's user avatar
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Error opening block database Full node

For some reason my node shutdown and now I get when restart it Error opening block database here my bitcoin.conf txindex=1 reindex=1 reindex-chainstate=1 # Accept command line and JSON-RPC ...
monkeyUser's user avatar
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What can cause the chainstate database to become corrupted?

I have written a tool that accesses the chainstate LevelDB database to get a list of UTXOs. The tool would originally corrupt the ...
inersha's user avatar
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why is bitcoind daemon occasionally stuck at `Opening LevelDB in .../.bitcoin/chainstate`despite clean shutdown

My bitcoind daemon sometimes takes an hour to go past Opening LevelDB in .../.bitcoin/chainstate After googling a bit, i thought it was simply an unclean daemon stop causing a leveldb corruption. But ...
stephane's user avatar
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How Does Bitcoin Core Client Keep Track of Longest Chain/Strongest PoW Chains?

Bitcoin Core stores blocks in files in local disk. And it uses LevelDb to form an index on top of block storage to make it faster to retrieve a block (basically a simple key-value pair db). See this ...
user3299116's user avatar
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Bitcoind Node crashes after using -dbcache option

I've been trying to speed up my node sync by increasing the dbcache. However my node tends to crash overnight. My system is running ubuntu 18.04, 4GM of ram bitcoin core v0.18. I've tried bitcoind -...
nakamoto_connection's user avatar
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CDiskBlockIndex: NFile and NDataPos not defined

This is the source code snippet that is used for the serialization of block indexes (found in leveldb). Block 478573 index is (as of my node's leveldb) ...
Kevin P's user avatar
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How to get the block hash in the chainstate leveldb?

From this link What are the keys used in the blockchain levelDB (ie what are the key:value pairs)?, to get the block hash I use the obfuscation key and xor it with the result I get from the db. So I ...
guest1234312's user avatar
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How exactly do I decode the block file info in leveldb?

Base on the links and What are the keys used in the blockchain levelDB (ie what are the key:value ...
guest1234312's user avatar
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How to parse values in block index leveldb?

So I'm trying to read the block files with Python. From this link, What are the keys used in the blockchain levelDB (ie what are the key:value pairs)?, it tells you how to access the files with ...
guest1234312's user avatar
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Does the chainstate leveldb only contain "addresses" for P2PKH and P2SH?

I'm writing a small script that will dump the utxo database to a text file. As far as I'm aware, these are the most common script patterns indicated by the type field inside each value: e.g. value: ...
inersha's user avatar
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How does Bitcoin use its communication protocol and its database model?

In terms of Bitcoin's communication protocol, how does Bitcoin allow nodes to communicate between each other? Is Bitcoin's communication protocol the same as IPFS(InterPlanetary File System) and if ...
Iulian's user avatar
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Python - Querying bitcoin's block header using leveldb

I am facing a stupid problem. I am trying to read bitcoin/blocks/index leveldb using plyvel. I've set up a regtest and i know there is a block with the hash : ...
Elerir's user avatar
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EXCEPTION: 15dbwrapper_error

I'm running Bitcoind 0.17 on a raspberry Pi 3. Everything ran smoothly until I did something wrong (I guess) but can't figure out what happened. Now I got this error. Has someone experience with this ...
Jeans5's user avatar
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why is bitcoin leveldb separated in so many small pieces?

Currently I could see 1418 ldb files on my box, from 210040.ldb to 215423.ldb (some missing). Why are they separated in this way? I want to read the leveldb using golang, but I don't know which one ...
lzl124631x's user avatar
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How can I get the key of blockindex

According to this post: What are the keys used in the blockchain levelDB (ie what are the key:value pairs)? One type of the keys in leveldb of bitcoin is formed in the following way 'b' + 32-byte ...
lzl124631x's user avatar
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Get value from leveldb bitcoin using node.js?

I request information about the block 100001 using leveldb and node js. Below is my code example. var level = require('level'); var db = level('E:/download/blockchain/block'); var str = '...
Дима Марков's user avatar
3 votes
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Why was Bitcoin Core in need of a fork of LevelDB?

Why did Bitcoin Core fork LevelDB? What special needs does Bitcoin Core have, which require a specialized version of LevelDB?
MCCCS's user avatar
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Why is wallet.dat BerkeleyDB instead of LevelDB?

Why wasn't wallet.dat migrated to LevelDB? Is it because BerkeleyDB is better at [something] Backwards compatibility
MCCCS's user avatar
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bitcoin chainstate database parsing in python giving wrong value

I am trying to decode chainstate db for a specific out index for a transaction in python just for learning. Transaction ID: 4d4a4c6ca4f3c91e69563199943336d3279fad71c9e8d9c1708ef9dc6ac16000 out index = ...
Vizeet Srivastava's user avatar
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Very hard to sync Core Client from scratch

Recently I started running a Core 15.1 node with the blockchain on an external hard drive, and found it very hard to fully sync the blockchain. The problem I keep running into is that (in about 90% of ...
2J87qy5arXEXVhc9hfT2's user avatar
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Trojans detected in ldb bitcoin database?

I started regular scan and clamscan found lots of trojans in bitcon.lfb blocks. What is it? A mistake? sudo clamscan --infected --recursive --exclude-dir="^/sys" / /root/.bitcoin/data/blocks/index/...
Denis Matafonov's user avatar
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Bitcoin blockchain in mongodb

How bad would it be to use MongoDB as a Bitcoin database instead of LevelDB? I know that LevelDB is faster but I've also read that MongoDB is better for doing queries. It seems cleaner to store the ...
Vladislav Zhdanov's user avatar
5 votes
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Format of a block key's contents in bitcoind's LevelDB?

I am trying to use bitcoind's LevelDB block index files (that are stored in blocks/index) to find the file (e.g. blk00029.dat) and byte position of specfic blocks. Thanks to questions What is the ...
Arjen's user avatar
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How to delete last n blocks / roll back to specific block number in Bitcoin Core? (Like `monero-blockchain-import --pop-blocks n`)

I have Bitcoin Core's bitcoind running and synced in a VM. Now I want to clone the VM and run one of the various hard forks (such as Bitcoin Cash) in the clone. The plan is to roll back my copy of the ...
Jay Dow's user avatar
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How does bitcoind store blocks?

I want to parse blockchain manually and extract the UTXO set (for various reasons). Is there any way to understand how the blocks are stored without going through the C++ code? Some specs will be ...
Jus12's user avatar
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Non-obfuscated chainstate data

I'm wondering if there is a flag that allows running bitcoind without using an obfuscation key for the chainstate. I haven't been able to find it.
sr_gi's user avatar
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Chainstate Bitcoin Core 0.15

Recently updated my LevelDB parser to work with the new LevelDB 0.15 internal structure. However, I'm wondering about two small changes I found: The prefix for transactions was changed from b'c' to b'...
sr_gi's user avatar
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how to build altcoin in mingw?

OS : Windows 10 Installed Dependencies: -qt4.8.6 gcc 6.3.0 boost 1_55_0 berkeleyDB 4.8.30NC openssl 1.0.2l I tried compiling with the following commands: qmake "USE_UPNP=1" mingw32-...
southouse's user avatar
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What will happen when the blockchain size will reach 1 Tb? Or 10 Tb?

My question is more about bitcoin client (bitcoind). Will it still be working fine or maybe something will go wrong? I mean, maybe LevelDB can't handle this amount of data correctly?
Sergey Potekhin's user avatar
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Bcoin - Database backend not found

/root/BCoin/node_modules/bcoin/lib/db/backends.js:16 throw new Error('Database backend "' + name + '" not found.'); ^ Error: Database backend "leveldown" not found. at Object.get (/root/...
Thann's user avatar
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