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How can Forks and Orphan Blocks be used to attack a Blockchain?

So I'm trying to learn about the security aspects of Blockchains and one of the papers I'm reading ( states that Forks and Orphaned Blocks can be used to attack a ...
L M 's user avatar
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What's to stop someone from making a ton of mining nodes as an attack method?

My understanding is that if two miners make a block by completing a hash at the same time, it is then up to the miners to decide which is going to be 'accepted' by vote of which block reaches 51% of ...
user3134006's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Why doesn't bitcoin place additional constraints on competing block chain forks, other than length of chain? (e.g., time and confirmation count)

In Bitcoin's proof-of-work system, consensus on which chain of blocks should be considered the "true" block chain is based only(?) on which chain is longer. Accordingly, to quote a nicely written ...
Will's user avatar
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