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Noob question: Why is there not a limit of the number of blocks in a chain revision?

I have a noob idea and I want to understand where I'm going wrong :) Say nodes agreed on a block revision limit, say, 6. This would mean that if they see an incoming chain that is longer than the ...
Alex Macx's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

51% attack, miners, nodes or both

If 51% of the hashrate was controlled by bad actors mining invalid blocks, this would become the longest chain. Where do nodes come into the 51% attack? The canonical chain is the longest chain. Is ...
Matt Tainsh's user avatar
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Is 10K full nodes enough to bitcoin to avoid 51% attack?

As I know bitcoin has about 10K full nodes. And the question is in my mind is that: This number is not huge! If someone has 6K servers, Can control the bitcoin via 51% attack? I was thinking if ...
Fcoder's user avatar
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3 answers

How exactly are Bitcoin's consensus rules enforced?

There are some rules called consensus rules, for example the block generation amount. And it is said that "a change to consensus rules is a hard-fork". But how exactly are the consensus ...
Dmitry Andrievsky's user avatar