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Questions tagged [majority-attack]

A majority attack, or 51% attack, is an attempt at solo-mining a longer chain to outpace the main chain.

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How could pool-resistant mining change the censorship resistance of Bitcoin?

Researching mining centralization in Bitcoin, I came across Wownero's solo-mining only pool resistance. There do not seem to exist any pool mining Wownero as shown in Let us ...
John Smith's user avatar
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Is 10K full nodes enough to bitcoin to avoid 51% attack?

As I know bitcoin has about 10K full nodes. And the question is in my mind is that: This number is not huge! If someone has 6K servers, Can control the bitcoin via 51% attack? I was thinking if ...
Fcoder's user avatar
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Is a 51% attack on bitcoin likely?

Given that the majority of bitcoin processing is done in China (source:, is it possible for a single ...
John's user avatar
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Do multiple miners contribute to mining the same block even if they are not in the same pool

Assuming that this is reliable, according to an article on investopedia on the 51 percent attack: 51% attack refers to an attack on a blockchain – usually bitcoin's, for which such an attack is ...
rahs's user avatar
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2 answers

Is it more dangerous when 51% attack happens than just having a pool with >50% hashrate?

Many people told me that, if a mining pool performs a 51% attack, the price of the coin will drop. But I disagree. There are pools with >50% hash power already for a long time. Flypool is an example....
zzh1996's user avatar
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2 answers

Does the software to conduct a 51% attack exist?

I know that it would cost hundreds of millions of dollars to do a 51% attack on Bitcoin, but if somebody did that, bought the hardware, etc could Bitcoin Core or any other software be easily ...
markasoftware's user avatar
-1 votes
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What will happen on creating a transaction with negative amount?

Bitcoin in short is a public ledger guided by consensus of its nodes. In theory, if there is no validation of transaction amount, if we were to create a transaction with negative amount, that would ...
Abhishek Choudhary's user avatar
-1 votes
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If there are 20 nodes in network and all are receiving transaction and after 10 min

Question 1) If there are 20 nodes in network and all are receiving transaction and after 10 min all will pick transaction from their transaction pool and start creating block, now will all nodes will ...
Zeeshan Mustafa's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to do a 51% attack on my own altcoin [closed]

recently I have been curious about 51% attacks so I created a fork of litecoin and want to do a 51% attack on the coin but don't know how to. please can you tell me how to do it. Thanks,
user91346's user avatar
-1 votes
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Other people mining my coin without my permission, how to avoid this? [closed]

I have created an altcoin and i wanted to solo mine all coins myself. I disabled generate function in wallet, hidden the source code as private in github. I run one main node and i mine in my laptop. ...
pbu's user avatar
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Is possible to control the network? [duplicate]

Can anyone with enough computing power, take over the network ? This is following from a previous comment where I was asking : ... how can that be possible (to control the network) if mining tend ...
BBJ3's user avatar
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2 answers

51% attack inevitable [closed]

I think the assumption of a 51% attack is not worth the effort is wrong. Eventually the price of Bitcoin will stabilize. Let’s say at 1 million USD then a diminishing block reward and the transaction ...
Wouter's user avatar
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