Questions tagged [mining-pools]

A mining pool is a way of sharing the work needed to find a block. Miners are rewarded in proportion to the amount of computing power they contribute to the problem, with various ways of calculating returns. Use this tag when specifically asking about operating a mining pool or about pooled mining but not other forms of mining.

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-1 votes
1 answer

What are the pool node mining difficulty settings for darkcoin?

What are the correct difficulty ssettings to mine darkcoin on a private pool node (pool side settings as shown below)? "diff": 0 "minDiff": 0 "maxDiff": 0 "targetTime": 0 "retargetTime": 0 "...
Aurigae's user avatar
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Can bitcoin pools set a different difficulty value other than the network difficulty

I would like to know if bitcoin pools can give a different difficulty value other than the network difficulty or is the network difficulty the same for everybody
user14248's user avatar
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How accurate should pool estimation of hashing speed be?

I'm playing around with a few USB miners, and am running 4 of them for a total of 4.6 GH/s. My BTCGuild dashboard estimation is all over the place, sometimes 1 GH/s, sometimes as high as 3.8 GH/s. ...
John Carter's user avatar
1 vote
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Do Bitcoin calculators give a realistic figure on pool mining

Bitcoin calculators give an approximate correct range reward for solo mining, do they include pools, accounting your Hash rate reward share. I have not seen any pool calculators around, nevertheless ...
user14248's user avatar
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Antminer S1, how to mine on multiple pools

I have an ant s1 and I want to mine on 3 pools. We can set them in the miner configuration but the antminer use only the first one. I guess it will use the second then the third one in case of ...
zeflex's user avatar
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Is there an easy explanation to understand the different types of pools

I would like know if there is an easy explanation on all the different pool systems, their reward systems and how fast they pay without being referred to the Meni Rosenfeld paper
user14248's user avatar
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How does estimated coins calculated on Coinotron?

On 'Cointron' their is wallet table after logged in into the site, how they calculate estimated coins per day, estimated rewards, confirmed rewards and unconfirmed rewards? How does Coinotron derive ...
codeBYmahesh's user avatar
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Share is above target when switching between stratums

I'm running a pool for some friends and myself, where we mine both dogecoin and litecoin (and occasionaly some other flavor of the day). The farms are pointing to a simple proxy: a C daemon that is ...
Jonathan Brown's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

what is the difference between a private pool or solo mining

I would like to understand if there is a difference in resolving blocks with a private pool and solo mining, I understand that when solo mining you are given a block to resolve but within your private ...
user14248's user avatar
  • 139
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1 answer

Are pools share rewards equivalent to the power/hash rate input of a mining machine

I would like to know if I enter a pool and I input a given amount of Hash rate, is my share reward equivalent to my Hash rate input
user14248's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Are there any mining pools that publish what transactions they will include?

If some large number of the mining pools started publishing what transactions they are planning on including the danger of accepting a zero confirmation transaction would be reduced dramatically. Has ...
placeybordeaux's user avatar
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1 answer

Is there a cudaminer difficulty parameter option

I try to mine some btc using cudaminer on I'm using cudaminer for that. I have a lot 'low' rejected shares due to low difficulty (On the they say the minimum stratum difficulty is 16)....
zeflex's user avatar
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1 answer

Solving a block and share relationship [pool mining]

I have a somewhat odd question. I am currently pool mining and it is telling me my best share and the difficulty (this is an altcoin but same question applies). My miner is telling me my best share ...
rdadkins's user avatar
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Why do some pools require a worker name with an underscore and others require a period?

The majority of pools I see that they use a period such that: username.workername others use: username_workename I see that it definitely is not interchangeable. How come some pools use ...
Frankenmint's user avatar
6 votes
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BFGMiner vs. CGMiner

What is the difference between BFGMiner and CGMiner in Laymen's terms? Also, the longterm outcome will be exactly the same if mining is done with or without a pool, correct?
Evorlor's user avatar
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3 answers

I have 8 Antminers, is there a way I could change their pool credentials all at the same time like through ssh with a script

As title says, I have 8 identical mining machines I just want to be able to point them at the same pool all at once, is this possible with a combination of python and ssh? If someone else already ...
Frankenmint's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Workers aren't showing up in

Im using cgminer 3.7.2 and I'm mining at ~77Mh/s in the pool. I go to the worker list at the ghash website but nothing shows up. At the ghash main page it shows that I'm mining the blocks but ...
Koha's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Please help, stuck at static 24Mhash/s? [duplicate]

I'm fairly new to mining bitcoin, but I have read that using GPU can help improve performance. I currently am using GUIMiner (latest version) running on an OpenCL back-end but when I choose to use my ...
bitcoin n00b's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

isn't miner collusion rational?

suppose for the sake of argument that each individual miner has the same amount of hashing power of one hash per unit of time (a "tick"). the probability that a miner solves their block in the next ...
popstack's user avatar
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4 votes
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How widespread is OP_RETURN forwarding and mining (as of February 2014)?

As of now (February 2014), how easy is it to have a transaction which makes use of OP_RETURN data confirmed into a block? Do standard nodes forward such transactions yet? Have major mining pools ...
Quizzical's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Does a miner (or mining pool) who has 10x as much hashing power have 10x the odds of mining a block?

I heard somewhere that joining a mining pool logarithmically increases your odds of mining a block.. is that for some reason true? Or was it someone who didn't know what they were talking about and ...
mczarnek's user avatar
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16 votes
3 answers

How do mining pools work?

I understand the following Pooled mining is a mining approach where multiple generating clients contribute to the generation of a block, and then split the block reward according the ...
user2789433's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Ignoring the difficulty set by the pool

Scenario: The pool sends a mining.set_difficulty message with difficulty = 8. The miner ignores the message and submits shares that qualify at difficulty = 1. Most shares will be rejected by the pool ...
Francois's user avatar
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How to connect my mining pool to another mining pool

What are some ways to connect my mining pool to another mining pool without altering any settings on the miners?
user2789433's user avatar
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2 answers

Mining bitcoin using cudaminer?

I have started mining using an nvidia gtx 670m GPU. I have compiled cudaminer and started mining on the slush pool. However, during mining I always get results similar to: accepted: 0/X (0.00%), xx....
Sebi's user avatar
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2 answers

Entry point hardware for profitable mining [closed]

A) Which hardware B) Which GH/s level will be profitable for 1) Pool mining 2) Solo mining Bitcoins as of February 2014? Links to sources where information can be checked over time will be great, ...
Envite's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Mining with BFL at 440 GHS over 24 Hours and no bitcoin?

Is this even possible. I have been mining for about a month now, steadily building up my machines. When the big daddy from BFL comes (and the 230 is fixed) I will be mining at 1.2 THS. I have never ...
user13049's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Is it legal to start a Litecoin mining pool in the US?

My question is this: Given all the regulations in the USA, is it legal for me to start my own litecoin mining pool here in the US?
user12993's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What happens on my computer when I mine in a pool?

When I mine in a pool, I see the number of shares and stale ones. What does this mean? What is a share? What the guiminer (the mining program) receives and what it sends? It sends it to whom? How the ...
ghalways's user avatar
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2 answers

When running a mining pool how many (super)nodes should I connect to?

Is it beneficial to connect your *coind instance to multiple supernodes? Or Should I connect to more than the 8 standard peers? Does this potentially improve the amount that could be earned in ...
Mark S.'s user avatar
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USB hub busy when mining Peercoin with Red Fury ASIC running Minepeon

I have a RasPI running minepeon 0.2.5, a DLINK USB Hub and a Red Fury USB ASIC Bitcoin Miner 2.2-2.7GH/Sec By BITFURY I've added my pool and things looked good except nothing is ...
Phill Pafford's user avatar
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How can I configure to solo-mine, and use a mining-pool as failover?

cgminer can be configured to have multiple pools. Is there a way, to have as first entry my private wallet, and as second entry a public mining-pool? Doing so gives strange output: [2014-01-29 12:...
Markus Schulte's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Why does pool latency matter?

I often read about latency and ping. I am programmer and I understand what latency and ping is. But I do not understand why miner can't process block with certain delay. Why do 10ms or 100ms matter?
Max's user avatar
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2 answers

What is a worker?

Lots of cryptocoin sites and in particular mining pools use the term 'worker,' but there is no clear definition. What is a worker?
Kinnard Hockenhull's user avatar
1 vote
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Why doesn't the number of shares in my miner match the number of shares reported by my pool?

It was my understanding that I have found a share, when the miner reports accepted:...(yay). However, the number of shares I'm being credited with in my pool is much lower than the number in the ...
mark's user avatar
  • 11
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1 answer

Stratum + MPOS pool question

This is the first pool I have configured so forgive my n00bness. I completed the guide and everything appears to fire up correctly though when a ...
dooode's user avatar
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2 answers

no schema for stratum

I am trying to bring up stratum mining on a pool and get this error -> exceptions.Exception: There is no shares table. Have you imported the schema? Obviously my database is empty but no package I ...
dooode's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Questions about Bitcoin mining hardware and in pools [closed]

I have recently found out about Bitcoin, and as I read more and found about about hardware and stuff, I thought of a lot of questions. So Butterfly Labs has Bitcoin mining hardware, and I was ...
TheNytangel's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

What does "new block detected on network before long poll" mean?

I'm new to mining and I'm mining doge coins. My mining client reported new block detected on network before longpoll but it doesn't seem like I'm actually mining anything. What does this mean?
ContextSwitch's user avatar
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Understanding Shares in Pool Mining

I just started mining today at Dogechain pool. I wanted to see what mining was like, so I'm only using minerd with my CPU. I don't expect a lot until I get a GPU rig going, but something doesn't seem ...
AttackOrchid's user avatar
0 votes
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Merged mining scrypt coins [duplicate]

I've been reading around the last day or so on merged mining for coins, in specific scrypt coins but there seems to be conflicting answers, can someone let me know which of the following is correct a)...
James Kirkby's user avatar
-1 votes
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Bitminter Blocks: why didn't my balance change? [closed]

I recently started mining in BitMinter's Pool. I realized I had 10 proof of works accepted by the server, but my balance didn't change. What am I missing?
Marcoser123321's user avatar
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mining pool with eloipool, fires up port but cannot connect

I am trying to get eloipool up and running in a solo mining configuration using this installation eolipool starts up error free but clients cannot ...
dooode's user avatar
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Can I write my own pool software by using bitcoin API?

Theoretically speaking, if I know programming (C,C++,C# etc.) can I write my own mining pool software/server using only Bitcoin API or I need more information than that?
Frank Martin's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Is it safe to share my BTCGuild API key?

Is there any risk in sharing my BTCGuild API key with someone else? I want them to be able to see my hashing rate but I want to make sure it's not a bad idea or unsafe in anyway. For example using ...
Scott's user avatar
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22 votes
2 answers

What is the format of the coinbase transaction?

I'm trying to understand the format of the coinbase transaction. I've read that it is arbitrary and not specified. I'm wondering because I need to generate mining work and create an internal pool. As ...
user2517742's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How do I run Separate Mining Devices With BFGMINER?

I have 2 devices plug into my computer. The 1st device is the USB block erupter. The 2nd device is the BFL machine. When I run the BFGminer, I only want one device to mine at one pool and the other ...
Cryptocurrency's user avatar
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Bfgminer 3.10.0 not submitting shares (scrypt) [closed]

Running bfgminer and notice that it is not submitting any shares to the p2pool. Mining a scrypt based crypto currency (Dogecoin). Noticed the same behavior when trying to mine litecoin. However, ...
user12297's user avatar
0 votes
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0 Payout at litecoin pool with a processing power of 1.6 Mh/s. Why?

Recently I managed to get my hands on 10 servers with 32 cores each and 128GB ram each. I realised that in 10 hours of working at 100% I had mined exactly 0 litecoins using a p2pool. I think it's ...
jmsgomes's user avatar
0 votes
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In Stratum protocol, whether the miners know the mining address?

In Stratum protocol, since the coinbase transaction has to be hashed in the miner's side, so the pool has to send coinbase1 and coinbase2 to the miners. Therefore, is it possible for the miner to ...
BitThink's user avatar

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