Questions tagged [nodes]

Questions concerned with (full) nodes, i.e. relay points in the Bitcoin network.

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2 votes
1 answer

Metrics Correlated to "Health" of Bitcoin Node and Network

What metrics can I use as indicators of the health of (a) a full bitcoin node I am running and (b) the bitcoin network as a whole. Some examples I've considered: recency of last block I received on ...
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2 answers

Could a government or company run thousands of unique nodes?

Let’s say you’re a tech giant or control a tech giant. So you have access to money, computers & thousands of unique ip addresses. Could these giants spin up so many unique nodes that they could ...
1 vote
2 answers

When The Unlocking Script Is Created, Who Verifies The Script?

I am familiar with the many ways an unlocking script is created. But in this scenario, lets use P2PKH. When we generate the unlocking script (excuse the simplicity): <dup> <hash160> <...
0 votes
2 answers

Mining stale low-difficulty blocks as a DoS attack

A DoS attack vector against a bitcoin node I haven't really seen mentioned anywhere is mining a stale chain in a low-difficulty era (say right after the genesis block), ideally with a lot of expensive ...
5 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to share blockchain data between multiple nodes?

I'm planning to create a Raspberry Pi Cluster in order to run several bitcoin nodes. Can I share parts of the ~/.bitcoin/ folder in order to not have to store the entire hundreds of GB for each of the ...
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1 answer

Do wallet companies send user's transactions to their own "central" bitcoin nodes?

Do external wallets companies such as muun, bluewallet, or greenwallet send user's TXs to some "centralized" data center where they own some nodes to broadcast the TX to the blockchain? If ...
5 votes
3 answers

What do pruning nodes contribute to the network?

Pruning nodes are described in the sourcecode thusly: -prune=<n>: Reduce storage requirements by pruning (deleting) old blocks. This mode is incompatible with -txindex and -rescan. I’ve ...
3 votes
2 answers

What stops an attacker from crippling the Bitcoin network?

An individual (or government) who wants to bring down the Bitcoin network could conceivably broadcast a ton of junk/illegitimate transactions to the network thereby consuming the bandwidth and ...
3 votes
1 answer

What prevents a node from receiving a solved solution and claiming it as its own work?

During the relay process a node finds the solution and forwards that solved block to all other nodes in the network to validate that it has indeed solved the problem. But then what if another node ...
2 votes
3 answers

What makes the bitcoin network decentralized? is it the nodes or the miners or both?

I wonder what makes the bitcoin network decentralized? Do nodes participate in making the network decentralized? or is it just the miners and all about the hash power to take over the network aka 51%&...
1 vote
1 answer

How and when do nodes stop broadcasting a transaction?

Suppose a node begins broadcasting a signed transaction. Question 1. At what stage is the signature verified? In §5 of the whitepaper, verification only appears during block acceptance after mining. ...
1 vote
0 answers

The nmap script bitcoin-getaddr often does not return a response

For a project I need to write a scraper that sends a GetAddr request to all Bitcoin nodes. I determine the reachable nodes using the API. Then I go through all the IPs and send a request ...
0 votes
1 answer

I am running Bitcoin core, how can I tell if my node is a 'full' validating node or a 'listening' node?

I understand there is a difference between the two. But how can I tell?
0 votes
1 answer

blockchain nodes that dont get the new block

i read somewhere that after 40 second of creating a new block in the blockchain there's still 5% of the nodes that does not have the block, what happens to them if they were offline or down at that ...
0 votes
1 answer

Not able to create private V3 onion service

I'm trying to secure my onion service running on my VPS node. I followed the steps of the official tor guide and this guide. Everything works fine UNTIL I get to the point where I have to modify the ...
2 votes
1 answer

Bitcoind Node crashes after using -dbcache option

I've been trying to speed up my node sync by increasing the dbcache. However my node tends to crash overnight. My system is running ubuntu 18.04, 4GM of ram bitcoin core v0.18. I've tried bitcoind -...
1 vote
3 answers

How to run multiple node in same machine?

I have created an altcoin base on litecoin source code. I want to test it in multiple node to test peers of each node weather each node can connect to each other. So I try to run "mycoind" in multiple ...
1 vote
1 answer

Can a node be maliciously programmed to validate all the transactions coming from a specific entity?

In a blockchain there are miner nodes and validator nodes. The job of a validator node is to validate transactions to be included in the mempool, broadcast or propagate the transaction for the other ...
1 vote
1 answer

What if there where no nodes to share a new block

I am fairly new to blockchain technology, so bear with me if i make mistakes So lets say there are 10 people trading a cryptocurrency 5 of them are online from 8 to 10 am and the other half on online ...
0 votes
2 answers

Why blockchain new node verify all transactions in blocks?

Hello I'm the student studying blockchain and bitcoin. I have a question that why all node verify all transactions in blocks. I check if new node connect bitcoin network, then the all transactions in ...
1 vote
0 answers

Connection Reset after sending mempool message

I build a python script to talk to bitcoin test nodes. When I'm sending mempool messages, my connection is getting is reset. Also sometimes when connecting to Jimmy Song's testnet node (testnet....
0 votes
0 answers

What is Jailing tx HASH?

I participate in the testnet (I am a validator), and one of the tasks is to force myself to go to jail and write a timestamp, jailing block height and jailing tx HASH, but as far as I know there are ...
1 vote
1 answer

bitcoincore with linux (tgz) or arm linux

I am running a node on a raspberry pi 4 model B 8gb with linux as os, should I update bitcoincore with linux (tgz) or arm linux.
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2 answers

A question about transaction broadcasting and block creation

Let's say we have transaction X and transaction Y. The timestamp of X is chronologically earlier than that of Y. X's spender broadcasts X to the network and the same goes for Y's spender. Let's say ...
4 votes
3 answers

Will the bitcoin blockchain eventually grow too large to be able to be run 'by anyone'?

A key component of bitcoin is its decentralization (which effectively only exists with BTC and virtually nothing else). Part of this decentralization is the decentralization of the bitcoin nodes, ...
3 votes
1 answer

Public Bitcoin Nodes? [No API]

i've been searching for hours now. Also on StackExchange here. Are there any public nodes that i can connect to using jsonrpc? I want to lookup stuff (im not into generating priv keys or anything) but ...
0 votes
1 answer

Can you help me tell if my new out-of-the-box ssd for a Pi4 myNode project is DOA?

Trying to setup a node on a Pi4 with ssd and blockchain appeared to be downloading well. My router said I was gobbling data for 2hrs. Then I received the "Looking for Drive" message. I rebooted once, ...
2 votes
2 answers

Do nodes or miners have ids

Do bitcoin nodes or miners have ids that can be used to identify them. Like how do we know if it is the same miner that has added several blocks consecutively? Or how can I identify a node uniquely?
2 votes
2 answers

Can Bitcoin nodes vote to increase the money supply beyond 21 million?

Is it possible for 51% of the Bitcoin nodes to pool and vote to increase the money supply limit? Is that allowed in the protocol?
6 votes
1 answer

To run a full node, should I get a static IP address from my ISP?

I have a router connecting my home LAN to the ISP. After opening port 8333 on the router, and forwarding it the computer running the node, confirmed the node was reachable. However, ...
3 votes
1 answer

If there are a significant number of pruned nodes on the network will it impact network security?

The size of the Bitcoin blockchain is reaching 350 MB and adding more than 60GB per year. I feel verification node centralization a risk if the cost of storage does not drop. My question 1: Is using ...
0 votes
1 answer

How do Blockchain Explorers lookup wallets? [Balance]

How do Blockchain Explorers lookup wallet balances? Im trying to make my own explorer. For example Bitcoin-cli does not have a method (function) to lookup a wallets balance. listtransactions does not ...
1 vote
1 answer

How much info share bitcoin nodes between other nodes?

1.If we assume bitcoin nodes share the other nodes addresses in the end every node know other nodes adresses right? 2.If we share data through network every node share the same information other ...
0 votes
1 answer

How do nodes contribute to security when the power comes from mining and what is the chain of transaction validation?

Blockchain security comes from the decentralisation of hashing power by miners. They append transactions to a block, perform PoW and add them to the blockchain when that validate blocks. How do nodes ...
0 votes
1 answer

BTC Node for Dummies [duplicate]

Just downloaded, and I am now running a BTC pruned node. Is there a good primer or beginner's guide to running it? I have more questions than I think I can ask in one post.
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1 answer

What happens if nodes have different P2P versions during discovery?

My understanding is that nodes connecting to each other to exchange messages starts with a version handshake such that each node sends its P2P protocol version and gets an acknowledgement and vice ...
2 votes
1 answer

Relocating Physical Node Location

Are you able to relocate your node's physical location (i.e., move from Oregon to New York) and keep all the channels you've established intact?
2 votes
1 answer

How to prevent specific method calls to bitcoin node

I have setup a bitcoin node and can access RPC methods via curl or bitcoin-cli. Now I don't want to share the node with multiple parties and in such case, I want to restict some functions from being ...
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0 answers

Where can I find a high performance search capabilities in a Bitcoin node implementation?

Where can I find a Bitcoin node implementation, which is capable of thousands of searches per minute, without degrading performance of the node? I am aware of two Bitcoin node implementations. ...
1 vote
2 answers

What would happen if you tried to follow two Bitcoin blockchains from the same computer? [closed]

This will probably sound stupid but what would happen if you create an entirely new Bitcoin block chain and run it on the same computer. How does a node know which version of the Bitcoin block chain ...
0 votes
1 answer

How To get Address Public Key from Account XPUB?

I am little bit confused or not able to get the right Address Node Public key from Account XPUB. What I have done : Get the Account XPUB [78Bytes] SHA-256 SHA-256 Again Created Extended XPUB (XPUB ...
0 votes
2 answers

If I buy an ASIC miner and run it at home, do I become a Bitcoin node?

I tried to find the Bitlist visualization as mentioned in the documentary The Rise and Rise of Bitcoin, but could not but instead found It says there are 9741 nodes. Does that ...
3 votes
1 answer

Can a customized or non-bitcoin node be made to talk to a bitcoin node?

Is it possible to create a node with some different code from the bitcoin nodes but still able to talk to the bitcoin nodes? Is it possible for someone to customize their own node to add some ...
0 votes
2 answers

How many computers are connected to the "Ledger" or the Blockchain of Bitcoin?

Somebody asked me about Bitcoin and I explained to him many many computers are connected to the Blockchain to keep records of all the accounts (or to keep addresses of the bitcoin and owner?). But how ...
0 votes
2 answers

Can I be the transaction processor and take in transaction fees as income without mining a Bitcoin?

Can I be the transaction processor and take in transaction fees as income without mining a Bitcoin? Would the fees be so low that it is not practical? Or is it true that I have to be a miner in order ...
8 votes
2 answers

Where can I find a list of reliable Bitcoin full nodes?

I already know about this list but it does not seem to be reliable or even up-to-date. Is there any other place where I can find a better list?
0 votes
3 answers

How exactly does "CoinDance" determine the current number of public Bitcoin nodes?

On this URL: It says how many public Bitcoin nodes are currently active in the world, and how many Bitcoin Core ones. While it's good that I can grab these numbers from that ...
3 votes
1 answer

What bitcoin core options can be changed without a restart?

I often experiment with new bitcoin core options (like zmq, debug and fee options) and I would like to avoid restarting my node for them to take effect. If I am not mistaken, changing the RPC password,...
0 votes
1 answer

how does bitcoin's 6 confirmation really help?

I've read the following: transaction is “confirmed” once it is buried 6 blocks into the blockchain. This is taken to be a sufficient proof of work such that reversing 6 blocks to double spend coins ...
1 vote
1 answer

Lightning Node hardware

Will I, or anybody have more capabilities with a Lightning Node, that is CPU or GPU Powered? For instances a more powerful computer vs Raspberry Pi’s

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