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How do you setup a bundler for mining / forging child chain coins on the Ardor platform?

Is there a step by step guide on how to start your own bundler to mine / forge child chain coins on Ardor? Do you need to run your own server to do this or can you just login to a public node?
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
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Set a public node to auto forge / mine / stake in NXT / Ardor without login via the gui?

Installed nxt/ardor on my public server and would like to have it auto mine / stake with an account. How can this be done without having to login to the gui?
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
1 vote
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How do you stake / forge in nxt / ardor using a public node without having to login publicly?

I have a public nxt / ardor node, but how do I set it to stake / forge with my account? I'm planning to create a separate account and just lease my balance to it to forge. What settings do I need set ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar