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PT2R and P2WSH Addresses from Public key hex

I'm trying to form addresses PT2R and P2WSH from Public key hex. Receiving this Public key hex from API like array of objects: const data = [ { staker_pk_hex: "...
dill's user avatar
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4 votes
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Is there an economic incentive to use P2WSH over P2TR?

As I understand, p2pkh and p2sh are nothing better than p2wpkh and p2wsh, other than compatibilty. After taproot, p2wpkh is also nothing better than p2tr, other than compatibilty(no economic incentive ...
Hyunhum Cho's user avatar
2 votes
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How can I spend a mix of UTXOs (p2sh, p2wpkh, p2wsh) along with a p2tr UTXO?

I'm constructing a script to spend multiple distinct UTXOs in a single transaction. I've successfully combined all UTXOs except for two. Succeeding in spending a P2TR with P2PKH UTXO. I encountered a ...
Mohsen Haydari's user avatar
7 votes
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Will P2TR make P2WSH obsolete?

Assuming users have upgraded their wallets to handle P2TR outputs and trust the validation rules of P2TR, would there be any advantage of using P2WSH over P2TR?
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