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Pycoin/Python spending part UTXO

I have a little App for me that uses the xpub to scan for all received coins. I am using Blockchain to collect the info. This is working fine, now I am facing the issue that when coins are spent, i ...
donbolli's user avatar
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Need Help Deriving Extended Private Key from Bitcoin Root Extended Public Key and Non-Hardened Extended Private Key

I am currently working on a challenge that involves deriving a non-hardened extended private key for a specific search path in Bitcoin. The challenge provides the following information: Bitcoin root ...
Ankit Tiwari's user avatar
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Derive Segwit Addresses From xPub or zPub using PYTHON

Summary I'm pulling my hair out trying to understand a couple of concepts. I would like to use a Segwit wallet in my Ledger Nano S to derive unhardened(?) child public keys (and thus segwit addresses) ...
mike-a's user avatar
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Bitcoin UTXO anatomy

I've been using a command line tool to fetch spendables from a Bitcoin address. Given an address the following command (source) ouptuts UTXOs the address can spend. tx -i ...
Max Chamberlin's user avatar
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balance of sub-wallet not in main wallet address (

I'm quite new to bitcoins so apologies if i'm being a noob, but I'm very confused! I have many sub-wallet which created with pycoin command line. for example, I created subwallet like this: ku -a ...
ttrasn's user avatar
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Pycoin: How to sign SegWit transaction via Pycoin?

My target is to make transaction with unspent transaction outputs(UTXOS). The information of UTXOs is as follow. [ { "pt_idx": 0, "subaccount": 37, "ga_asset_id": 1, "value": "...
Coder HHC's user avatar
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Pycoin: How to send transaction?

There is a problem in making and sending transaction. I got UTXOS by using API(GreenAddress), and from utxos I made a transaction. But calculated fee is always larger than one in original GA service. ...
Coder HHC's user avatar
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GreenAddress: Noticfication of receiving transaction

I'm developing python project using greenaddress API. I use pycoin package. I almost completed, but I can't resolve notification problem. Using greenaddress API, the notification received is as follow....
Coder HHC's user avatar
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Derive private keys from a HD key

HD (hierarchical deterministic) wallets contain master private key, from which all the private keys can be derived. Is there a CLI tool that calculates the private keys out of a HD key?
Adam Matan's user avatar
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Can I spend utxos from various bip32 subwallets in only one transaction?

I want to redeem bitcoin received into several bip32 subwallets in only one transaction. Is that possible? I've tried using pycoin's ku utility to generate a tpub and a wif from a tprv. I'm using the ...
Gabriel's user avatar
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anyone attempted a multiple p2sh(multisig) send (ideally using python)?

I attempted to use pycoin to do a "create_signed_tx" in python, but had no joy: Do you think it might be technically possible to use spendables(UTXOs) from multiple source P2SH wallets in a single ...
kumarz's user avatar
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3 votes
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pycoin deriving wrong addresses from private key

a well known private key is the sha256 hash of correct horse battery staple it yields: uncompressed address 1JwSSubhmg6iPtRjtyqhUYYH7bZg3Lfy1T compressed address 1C7zdTfnkzmr13HfA2vNm5SJYRK6nEKyq8 ...
mulllhausen's user avatar
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