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Questions tagged [reward-schedule]

Refers to the schedule by which Bitcoin's mining reward is dispensed.

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Who decides the bitcoin held by each party in the initial stage?

In a blockchain network with a number of parties, how are the number of bitcoins held by each party decided in the initial stage? Example: If there are 4 parties A, B, C, and D who decides/generates ...
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Theoretical "attack" when the difficulty decreases

After a halving, if price increase doesn't compensate the decrease of the reward for miners, some of them will become unprofitable, and they will stop mining. With less miners, complexity decreases, ...
mathboi's user avatar
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Will the majority of miners quit mining next year if the price of bitcoin remains as it is today? Can it harm the network?

Below are some parameters that apply to the Bitcoin network today Current price for producing one Bitcoin block is around ~$150,000. Current price for one Bitcoin is ~$45,000. Current reward for ...
Qwerty M3's user avatar
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Is it possible to implement further divisibility to Bitcoin in the future? [duplicate]

I’ve been wondering if it would be possible to modify Bitcoin to further split sats so that emission could theoretically continue asymptotically beyond 2140. I’m not an experienced coder (currently ...
b0d's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Where is the bitcoin source code is the 21 million hard cap stated?

I'd like to be able to see the 21,000,000 number.
Eoin's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

If there are 32 halvings, why is the if block in the GetBlockSubsidy function checking if there are 64 or more halvings already done?

If there are 32 halvings, why is the if block in the GetBlockSubsidy function checking if there are equal or more than 64 halvings?
Efe's user avatar
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Where in the white paper can we see the block mining frequency or maximum supply?

Where in the white paper does it mention that every ten minutes only one block will be produced, and where does it mention the deflationary nature of bitcoin, or the maximum supply?
sat0me's user avatar
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why halving happens each 210,000 blocks?

target time between blocks = 10m => 6 blocks per hour => 6 * 24 = 144 blocks per day => 6 * 24 * 7 = 1,008 blocks per week => 6 * 24 * 7 * 52 = 52,416 blocks per year => 6 * 24 * 7 * 52 ...
Mercedes's user avatar
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Spending block reward after subsidy end

After block subsidy goes to zero does a miner still have to wait 100 blocks to spend the reward (from the fees)?
zndtoshi's user avatar
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Why did Satoshi choose to start the block subsidy at 50 bitcoin per block?

It would seem that the subsidy for the first 4 years (210,000 blocks) could have been 40, 100, or any other value. Was there a reason Satoshi choose 50? Or was that an arbitrary decision?
Larry Ruane's user avatar
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Can the mining reward ever go up?

Can the mining reward ever go up? I believe the answer is no, and the only way it will go up is if the miners decide to change the protocol. But, I wanted to check with the experts. Thanks!
septerr's user avatar
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Will a post-subsidy block with no transactions include a coinbase transaction?

If a block: Is after the last halving, so there is no subsidy Includes no non-coinbase transactions, so there are no fees Must it include a coinbase transaction? If so, will it simply have no ...
Casey Rodarmor's user avatar
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How/When is mining reward given in the presence of forking / orphan chain?

I am aware this is related to this question. However, I am specifically curious about what would happen to the mining rewards, not the transactions, under a forking condition. As shown in the picture....
Erin's user avatar
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Socialist fee schemes

If in low inflation future network assured contracts become common and in case they rose to a status of most important source of network computing power, wouldn't then make sense to soft fork ...
Mercedes's user avatar
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If hashrate falls for other main chains, will we be brave enough to enforce higher fees?

If in low inflation future users refuse to voluntarily pay high fees and reward is too low and for some reason network computing power (A.K.A. hash rate) falls, can we then expect consensus would try ...
Mercedes's user avatar
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How are there over 18M bitcoins when the reward halves every 210,000 bitcoins?

A quick google search told me that up to today, more than 18.78 million bitcoins have been mined. Source Another google search told me that today, the mining reward is 6.25 bitcoin per block. If the ...
Erin's user avatar
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1 answer

How many people are needed to make a decision to increase Bitcoin money supply? [duplicate]

Yes, it is currently capped at 21m. But it is just a line of code. Anybody can go and change it to whatever they want and what is needed then is to persuade the miners to accept it. Blockchain ...
matcheek's user avatar
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Does Bitcoin mining reward halving have documentation? Or is it just in the code?

I can't seem to find actual documentation about the reward halving process. This is not addressed in Bitcoin's Whitepaper, although Satoshi Nakamoto briefly mentions the decrease of the reward, but ...
Fred's user avatar
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Why does the halving event take place every 4 years?

So, as per my understanding - bitcoin halving takes place when 210,000 blocks are mined. And blocks contain transactions - and they contain the same number of transactions (more or less). So, as the ...
Md Mushahid Khan's user avatar
14 votes
3 answers

When, if ever, will "peak bitcoin" occur?

My (limited) understanding of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies is that the costs of "mining" bitcoins was quite low in the early days, and the limiting factor in how fast they were mined ...
Michael Seifert's user avatar
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How do you calculate when 98% of Bitcoin will be mined?

Trying to find a calculation to work out what year will an arbitrary percentage of bitcoin will be mined, specifically 98%. I know it takes 10 minutes to mine 1 block but unsure how to use this? Thank ...
Saihdev's user avatar
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2 answers

when is the mining of the last bitcoin?

I have read online that the last bitcoin will be mined in the year 2140. However, I am not completely sure how this is calculated. As I have seen some sources say there is 32 Reward Eras and given ...
james_1997's user avatar
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When the number of bitcoin reward halves after 4 years, doesn't the perceived value of a bitcoin about double?

Let's say the price of a bitcoin is US$33,000, and all the miners mine it or not mine it if their electricity kWh price is too high, and it is at an equilibrium that it is somewhat profitable and ...
nonopolarity's user avatar
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Does adding more miners create more bitcoin?

I was on another forum and the claim was made that the miners using new technology GPUs are flooding in and because of this there will be more bitcoin produced. My understanding of block rewards is ...
3dalliance's user avatar
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Combine multiple Bitcoin balances into a new wallet?

I need $1000 worth of Bitcoin, but I'm going to use an ATM, and without I.D., there is a limit of $250 per transaction. Could I conduct 4 separate transactions back-to-back, tell the ATM to create a ...
JayyJayy's user avatar
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How come this formula predicts more than four years to the next halving?

So I was looking at and it shows that their formula for halving is (Halving block height - Next block height) * Average time between blocks - estimated time until ...
swoopy's user avatar
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4 answers

Does Halving cause inflation?

Why does halving won't make inflation on bitcoin? and does this halving (2020) have difference affect?
Amir reza Riahi's user avatar
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Understanding "Bitcoin Inflation vs. Time" chart

I keep seeing this chart on many sites. This discussion page offers a vector version, so I presume it was generated by the author of the post. Now, while I understand what the graph is meant to show, ...
mrgou's user avatar
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Who decides the block reward in Bitcoin?

I know that when a miner mines a block, he will be rewarded with some bitcoins. But who decides how much bitcoin he will get? If it is decided by all the miners (as they are the ones verifying ...
Shivam Goyal's user avatar
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When will the last block halving happen and when will the block reward fall to 0?

I could not find an answer for these questions: I found out that there are 33 periods of 210,000 blocks?!?!? First one gave the miner 50 bitcoins per block, then 25, 12.5 ... and the last one 1 ...
hardfork's user avatar
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Understanding the bitwise left shift logic on determining nSubsidy

I'm trying to understand how the >>= operation in nSubsidy >>= (nBestHeight / 210000); actually cuts the subsidy in half every 4 years on Bitcoin v0.01. It is clear how 210000 blocks ...
Pedro's user avatar
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When is the halvening? What are the dates of past halvenings?

When a miner finds a new block, they receive a block reward that is comprised of the transaction fees from that block, plus a set amount of newly minted BTC. When the network started, this block ...
chytrik's user avatar
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What prevents miners from mining more bitcoin after 21million btc?

What prevents miners from mining more bitcoin after 21million btc was mined?
Zheer's user avatar
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What would happen if miners refused halving

In may 2020 the supply of bitcoin per block is supposed to be reduced by half What if after this phase the first miner or more than 51% of them decide to keep the ...
Saxtheowl's user avatar
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Can the Bitcoin halving be delayed?

Currently the next halving date is May 2020 (provisional) according to enter link description here. I understand that every 210k blocks, the block reward is halved and this works out, roughly, to ...
sunra's user avatar
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Historical Prices Immediately Following Bitcoin Halving

I searched here for posts on historical price movements following Bitcoin halving but didn't find much. I found some old posts that inquired about the anticipated price changes expected for future ...
StatsStudent's user avatar
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2 answers

Is there a limit to the number of Bitcoin addresses? [duplicate]

Is there a limit to the number of Bitcoin addresses? And if so, what stops someone from making all these addresses and holding the private keys for them so no one else can make a new public key?
Happy Bird's user avatar
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Is there a way to create 9995000 spendable BTC on regtest?

I'm doing to a large stress test on 1000 node network where each node sends transactions to one another at a specific rate, and I need a way to create the funds for running it, enough so that each ...
Expectator's user avatar
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Is it technically possible to change the total amount of Bitcoin?

Also, is it possible to change the reward cycle duration or the number of mining- reward coins?
H Akhali's user avatar
5 votes
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What is the reasoning for Grin's high inflation rate?

According to an interview with Yeastplume on What Bitcoin Did, Grin is going to have a flat reward schedule of 60 grin per block at one minute blocks. This translates to an annual inflation of 100% in ...
Murch's user avatar
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What is a "half" in Bitcoin?

I saw in an article something about a Bitcoin algorithm half in 2020. What exactly is this? I have tried looking this up but I couldn't find anything that told me what it was only a website counting ...
Bill Gates's user avatar
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Is the number of coins limited by rule or by computational infeasibility?

it is well known that the upper limit of bitcoins is 21 million, which can be calculated mathematically; but from documents i have read, this is because mining a new block is defined to have ...
Cyker's user avatar
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What are some proposed solutions when Bitcoin block rewards drop below 1 BTC? [duplicate]

Many proponents state that Bitcoin will not work in the long term when block rewards drop below 1 BTC or even zero and have mining rely on just transaction fees. I never did the math calculations ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
21 votes
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How does the most recently found critical vulnerability (CVE-2018-17144) work?

If you were a miner, what are the steps you would take to create the extra (21,000,012.5th) bitcoin? Where in the source code is this exactly (link)? Why can't this be done by a non-miner? Also, ...
hedgedandlevered's user avatar
4 votes
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Why does Bitcoin block 526,591 have a 6.25 (instead of 12.5) block reward? It's an empty block (zero transactions), but the coinbase ...
vonneumann1903's user avatar
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5 answers

Where exactly is the scarcity?

In discussions on the intrinsic value of BTC, one often reads the claim that BTC is scarce because the maximum amount of BTC that can ever exist is 21 million BTC. I find this explanation rather ...
Rodrigo de Azevedo's user avatar
2 votes
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Why do transaction fees exist in the Bitcoin blockchain if miners get rewarded with newly created bitcoins?

My question is why transaction fees exist, even though the miners would still get rewarded with the newly created bitcoins when/if they mine a block. Miners will rather verify transactions with a ...
anonuser1's user avatar
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What will happen when all 21M bitcoins are mined? [duplicate]

What will happen when all 21M BTC are mined ? How will miner get new coin as reward? In absence of it, the only option available will be to increase transaction fees? If I have to pay anyway fee, I ...
user2203937's user avatar
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When the last Bitcoin block is mined, how would transactions continue? [duplicate]

If transactions are stored in Bitcoin blocks through Merkle trees, when the last Bitcoin block is mined, how would there be future Bitcoin transactions? Where would those transactions be stored on?
S.L.'s user avatar
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What are the advantages of a 210,000-block subsidy halving interval that's out-of-sync with retargeting?

The block subsidy halves every 210,000 blocks. Where could this number reasonably have come from? I'm not talking about the idea of a four year interval. 210,000 is quite close to four years given 10-...
Rich Apodaca's user avatar
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