Questions tagged [sendrawtransaction]

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4 votes
2 answers

How to send bitcoin from an offline Bitcoin Core that doesn't have a synced balance?

I am setting up a cold wallet. How can I generate a signed raw transaction from bitcoin core wallet that controls some bitcoins? PS: I generated the wallet using getnewaddress in console from the ...
bbnn's user avatar
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1 answer

How to fetch the latest unspent transaction by an address using bitcoind?

I want to build a server, which provide following APIs: 1.Get balance by address. 2.Get latest unspent transaction. 3.broadcast the transaction. First by first, I know I can do above stuffes by ...
Frank AK's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How Bitcoin-Core does decide whether high fee during sendrawtransaction?

I am testing commands through Bitcoin testnet and Bitcoin Core. During the test, I intentionally attempted to create and broadcasts transactions by charging high fees.(1 BTC) During the final phase, ...
bitcoinlearner's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

What is the min relay min fee code -26?

What is this code ? 66 : min relay fee not met ( code - 26 ) I received this code after trying to send my rawtransaction.
Start85's user avatar
  • 81
3 votes
2 answers

Create a raw transaction and broadcast it to blockchain using bitcoin core

I have a address- n3xYQtxvVwpBPSbgGsGRdMWz1YTUjakiMV, amount that i want to send-1 BTC and i have a private key. How can i create a raw transaction using it and broadcast it to blockchain using ...
Ajit Soman's user avatar