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ThreadOpenConnections and break versus continue: why the one versus the other?

In the inner loop of ThreadOpenConnections() in net.cpp sometimes there is a break to the outer loop and sometimes a continue. This is my understanding of the decision between break and continue in ...
codo's user avatar
  • 31
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Is it true that only one message can be sent at a time in Bitcoin Core?

I looked into Bitcoin Core client code, and it seems that there is a lock that allows only one thread to send data (Block, TX, etc.) at a given time point. If this is true, it means that transactions ...
Northy Mol's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How is bitcoind "shy" when exchanging `version` packets?

This is more of a technical/programming question. I am referring to this line of code: ...
Tedy S.'s user avatar
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