Questions tagged [testnet]

The testnet is a network separate from the main Bitcoin network that allows developers to attempt modifications of the bitcoin protocol safely and test in-development software without risking money.

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Testing new releases privately on selected nodes?

I think the main vulnerability of Bitcoin is a new release messing things up in a way that it will completely destroy people's faith in the protocol. By this I mean something like what happened in ...
mathboi's user avatar
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Why doesn't my bitcoin testnet address work on testnet faucets?

I have created a bitcoin testnet address but it shows invalid address. I have created it using this way passphrase = b'blah' secret = little_endian_to_int(hash256(passphrase)) print(PrivateKey(secret)....
kenadams15's user avatar
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I cannot broadcast my raw tx (P2PKH) on testnet: Signature must be zero for failed CHECK(MULTI)SIG operation

I am trying to broadcast my transaction on the test network with no success so far. I get always this error: sendrawtransaction RPC error: {"code":-26,"message":"mandatory-...
Dot Brian's user avatar
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Intermittent connection issues - 'DataStream::read(): end of data: unspecified iostream_category error'

2 nodes run by me locally sometime connect sometime not and getting 'Connection refused' error on the node I am connecting from. On the node I am connecting to debug.log error message display the ...
Seccobit's user avatar
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Is it bad for a Bitcoin regtest address to have 1 as it's prefix

From the link below i read that it is dangerous for a Bitcoin regtest address to have 1 as it's prefix can someone explain why The link : Address starting with 2, what mode I am in?
Dev Tenji's user avatar
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Where can I find a testnet or signet explorer?

We have several questions that boil down to "where can I find a testnet explorer?". Unfortunately, most of the answers on those questions are outdated. I’ve started this community wiki to ...
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transfer funds from regtest to real testnet

is there a way to transfer tBTC from regtest to a real testnet wallet? I know how to create a regtest, but not (if is possible) how to transfer to testnet.
Klgor's user avatar
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Is it real BTC or fake [duplicate]

All, I received some BTC to my coinbase wallet after someone asked me to setup custom network using the below setting. I received the BTC but I couldn't transfer to any other wallet and the says ...
san's user avatar
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need help with BTC transfer [duplicate]

All, I received some BTC to my coinbase wallet after someone asked me to setup custom network using the below setting. I received the BTC but I couldn't transfer to any other wallet and the says ...
san's user avatar
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Is versionbit 28 on testnet something that can be disregarded?

My testnet node is displaying a value in the getblockchaininfo warnings field related to versionbit 28, which I see referenced in various threads going back years. The angles I'm trying to address are:...
Nicholas Sandomeno's user avatar
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Bitcoin Core configured for testnet, syncs mainnet

I'm trying to get Bitcoin Core to sync the testnet, but it keeps syncing the mainnet instead. Here is my bitcoin.conf file: [test] addnode= addnode= addnode= ...
Zephyrus's user avatar
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Which chain for developing a BTC based app? [duplicate]

There appear to be four chains you can use with bitcoin-cli. Main, test, signet, and regtest. Main is off the list obviously but I'm not sure which other chain I should be using. I'll need to be able ...
Cromulent's user avatar
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Confusion in testing RPC and curl

Please forgive the ignorance of a beginner. I started a test network (bitcoind -testnet rpcuser=zz) When I run bitcoin-cli -testnet getbestblockhash, everything works fine and I get the correct ...
张荣海's user avatar
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Transactions only work the first time

I'm implementing the code to sign and send Bitcoin transactions on testnet, using the bitcore library, in javascript. I need some help, as once I try to broadcast my transaction, it gives me this ...
AlexCav's user avatar
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Bitcoin Testnet blockchain data torrent

Is there a torrent to get the blockchain data faster for Bitcoin Testnet?
user142267's user avatar
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How do I generate a testnet segwit v1 taproot compliant bitcoin address?

I have a script that generates a segwit v1 taproot compliant address and private key. The script currently generates a regtest address but with minor tweaks it spits out a mainnet address. I think the ...
ChristianOConnor's user avatar
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How to setup Alby wallet for testnet bitcoins

I'm trying to test out the Alby wallet. I wanted to test it's working with fake testnet bitcoins (tBTC). I tried to follow this guide:
Siddhesh B. Kukade's user avatar
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In electrum, how do I set --testnet by default via setconfig?

As part of a Docker container, I am pre-configuring the Electrum daemon with using setconfig in offline mode. How do I set --testnet by default as a configuration?
Meglio's user avatar
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How to resolve error when trying to sign and broadcast PSBT transaction via electrum - (Witness program hash mismatch code -26)?

I'm trying to generate a 2-of-2 multisig transaction as a PSBT so that both parties can easily sign their transaction. I'm doing this all on btc testnet as a p2sh p2wsh transaction When initially ...
btctestdev11's user avatar
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How long does it normally take to set up a test node? How much of your disk is utilized?

I did a complete factory reset on my computer and simply started over. I have a Aorus 5SE with windows 11. I am using VirtualBox 7.0.6 and Ubuntu 20.04. My new virtual machine has 4GB of base memory, ...
CullerWhale's user avatar
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Why doesn't signet use a unique bech32 prefix?

I noticed that signet and testnet both use tb1 addresses. Why doesn't signet use a unique prefix that distinguishes it from testnet?
Casey Rodarmor's user avatar
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Unable to use UNIX timestamp for locktime on testnet

I am trying to create a timelock transaction, but I am unable to use a UNIX timestamp on testnet. However, if I use a block height the transaction works. When I use a block height that is in the ...
Cannabijoy's user avatar
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Is it possible to import a LN snapshot into the regtest network (possibly pruned version)?

I am currently writing a bachelor thesis where I plan to conduct some experiments on regtest network to evaluate how effective a particular rebalancing algorithm performs compared to currently used ...
dancingsushi's user avatar
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Open channel (LN) in Electrum testnet is not accessible?

I use Electrum wallet (version 4.3.2) on tesnet (apple desktop). The testnet balance is 0.02 tBTC. Under the 'Channels' tab, the option 'Open Channel' is there but it is not clickable. Is LN testnet ...
jfjobidon's user avatar
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What is the history on how previous soft forks were tested prior to being considered for activation?

How were previous soft forks tested prior to being considered for activation? Were they added to the default testnet? Was a custom testnet setup with the soft fork functionality available on that ...
Michael Folkson's user avatar
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Running a local testnet

a newbie bitcoin researcher here. For my first work I need a local bitcoin network on which I have as much control as possible. I have a windows machine. For example - I need to control the number of ...
michaell_co's user avatar
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Bitcoin core sync stuck with an error "peer=X is stalling block download"

I have installed bitcoin core (23.0) on a virtual machine (Debian GNU/Linux 10, x86_64) and tried to start the testnet initial block download. Unfortunately,a few days ago blockchain sync is stuck on ...
dancingsushi's user avatar
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NBitcoin in C# MVC App Gives Me A WitnessProgramMissmatch Error When I Try to Build The Transaction

I am writing tests for an app I built that uses NBitcoin to send bitcoin and make bitcoin transactions. I have the following code to create fake bitcoins for an integration test: private ICoin[] ...
ChristianOConnor's user avatar
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How to configure a testnet node to be pruned?

I have a testnet VM node running. As I have only limited resources, I did set pruned=1000 in the bitcoin.conf file, so the blockchain is pruned down to 1GB. But when I run bitcoind and it downloads ...
zerotobtc's user avatar
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Where to look for the lost BTC

My Tx on btc-testnet seems not transact all the BTC, but there's no UTXO back to my address. How to find the rest of the BTC? Tx 7e0cc1e5c944355e6d448de19a67421eef2a6b4ca4ed58fcd990ce75f66d07a9 1 ...
Paul Yu's user avatar
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Dust threshold for Testnet

I want to find a dust threshold following this answer: Actually I have a list of transactions coming from listsinceblock in which there are Testnet ...
Giacomo Brunetta's user avatar
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Does testnet block 855996c9444827112b68c0606d8dfec62385d1b3448e412bc1c721633a641669 discard the block reward?

I am poking around in the testnet blockchain, and I saw a block mined recently where the outputs added up to just 0.04953672 BTC. Since there is no output for the 50BTC block reward, does that mean ...
Dave M.'s user avatar
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Unknown new rules activated (versionbit 1) when running Core v22.0.0 on testnet [duplicate]

I have got "Unknown new rules activated (versionbit 1)". I am running Bitcoin Core v22.0.0 on testnet. This seems to be the last version as of today (April 17 2022). I am running a taproot ...
Anton Krouglov's user avatar
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Looking for Lightning Testnet Wallet with Lnurl capabilities

I'm looking to test an lnurl withdrawal. I created an lnurl withdrawal url using the OpenNode api. I have an testnet lightning wallet. But it doesn't seem to have a way to input lnurls. Is ...
Dashiell Rose Bark-Huss's user avatar
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Private keys for mainnet vs testnet

If I have valid private key to use on Bitcoin mainnet, can I use the same key to generate addresses and spend on testnet? If so, is this encouraged, or should one generally keep separate keys to use ...
sziegler11's user avatar
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"Non-mandatory-script-verify-flag (Invalid Schnorr Signature)" on testnet

I'm using the FROST algorithm to create a threshold signature for some taproot output (using this code). When I tried using it on the testnet, it works most of the time but from time to time I would ...
sa8's user avatar
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Port 9735 for both MAINNET and TESTNET

The default port for the Lightning Network is 9735. This is the case not only for nodes on MAINNET, but also for nodes on TESTNET. Why is that? What's the purpose of this? Wouldn't it make more sense ...
Dalit Sairio's user avatar
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Bitcoin transactions towards and from a Taproot

I am trying to solve a problem that was given to me as study material for a coding test. The problem requests the following: Create two Bitcoin transactions in testnet, one spending towards a Taproot ...
bitlearner's user avatar
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Bitcoin testnet addresses

Why bitcoin addresses in testnet are not the same as in mainnet? For example ethereum address in mainnet can be used in testnet's (ropsten, rinkeby).
gost1k's user avatar
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BTCPay Server with lightening over testnet - Payment issue

I have recently deployed btcpayserver over testnet to demonstrate the user experience to my colleagues. Lightening Implementation: LND Following are setting Every thing seems ok I can see the service ...
Mubashar's user avatar
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Understanding zmq notification output

I wrote a blockchain listener program for my testnet node. It's working fine and the output size of new transactions matches the ones monitored by The output looks like this: No: 476 ...
zerotobtc's user avatar
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Help decoding transaction on bitcoin testnet

I'm trying to learn more about bitcoin and I'm trying to decode a transaction I made to myself on testnet and I can't seem to figure out a couple of things Here is the output of getrawtransaction: ...
btcnewb's user avatar
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How to get all ip address of nodes in bitcoin testnet

There are many service to get all fo the ip address in bitcoin mainnet but I can't find the similar way to get all ip address in testnet.Is there a way to do it?
Rambler's user avatar
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Issue when broadcasting Taproot transaction to older nodes

I'm trying to broadcast a Taproot transaction to random nodes across the network (Testnet3). When I try to broadcast to older nodes like 0.18.0, I get the error "Witness version reserved for soft-...
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Where can I find taproot spend examples on testnet/signet?

I am in the middle of writing some Taproot libraries and would like some testnet/signet p2tr spends. Is there an easy way to find them? Most explorers don't have any filters like that. Even a list of ...
Jimmy Song's user avatar
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Connection Reset after sending mempool message

I build a python script to talk to bitcoin test nodes. When I'm sending mempool messages, my connection is getting is reset. Also sometimes when connecting to Jimmy Song's testnet node (testnet....
Bitcoingraffiti's user avatar
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bitcoin-qt -testnet wallet dumped error EXCEPTION: NSt8ios_base7failureB5cxx11E

I got an error message but don't understand what to do now, to fix this. ************************ EXCEPTION: NSt8ios_base7failureB5cxx11E CDataStream::read(): end of data: iostream error ...
BG media's user avatar
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History of Bitcoin's Networks

Bitcoin main net was launched on January 3, 2009 at 19:15:05 UTC. But what is the history of the two other network options in Bitcoin: testnet and regtest? I think testnet is on version 3, what was ...
Thorkil Værge's user avatar
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What are the various Bitcoin nodes available which I can connect to via my lightning node

I am thinking of running my own lightning node in testnet. Going through the tutorials it seems the lightning node needs to be connected to bitcoin node inorder to get connected to bitcoin network. ...
Raj Saraogi's user avatar
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What is the BOLT 10 realm byte for testnet and signet DNS node discovery?

BOLT 10 describes a node discovery mechanism based on DNS. The query semantics include a realm byte that is 0 by default (Bitcoin). What is the realm byte for testnet and signet? This question was ...
Michael Folkson's user avatar

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