Questions tagged [thin-clients]

Bitcoin clients that perform a reduced amount of processing or need a reduced amount of data compared with the Bitcoin Core client.

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Light client portability to WASM to run in the browser

Are there any projects out there that have ported a bitcoin client to wasm so you can run it in the browser?
monkeypotter's user avatar
2 votes
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How many lightweight nodes vs full nodes are there on the network?

I'm curious, how many lightweight nodes are there on the network? Is this easy to tell?
bitcoinluvr6969's user avatar
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How can I query for all OP_RETURN data starting at a specific block height (or hash)

I'm working on a "light client" for ION (Identity Overlay Network), and I'd like to see if there is a better method to grab the OP_RETURN data that it needs in order to build state. ...
user1943442's user avatar
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Where does a Client in Bitcoin Read From?

I can understand how Bitcoin replication mechanism work profoundly (i.e. the write operations). However, I don't understand the read operation from a client's point of view (a client is called a user ...
محمد جعفر نعمة's user avatar
3 votes
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How do light clients using compact block filters get relevant unconfirmed transactions?

I was discussing various light client models and we got into unconfirmed transactions. With the BIP37-based bloom filters, a light client would subscribe to updates from full node peers by submitting ...
Murch's user avatar
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Do full nodes store the complete merkle tree or do they regenerate it when creating a merkle proof?

I understand what the merkle root is for. And I understand that blocks don't store the merkle tree. Question 1) Is there any place that the complete merkle trees get stored? I don't mean the merkle ...
Nika Kurashvili's user avatar
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Why does a thin node need to know if a transaction is present in specific block's merkle tree?

I understand what a merkle root is and how merkle proofs work. It's all about thin nodes checking whether a specific transaction ID is in a specific block. So, thin node says: I have a transaction ID -...
Nika Kurashvili's user avatar
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Is it possible to create a thin client that only listens for transactions and pending transactions?

I looked into using a thin client but even thin clients implement SPV (Simple Payment Verification). What if you just wanted a client that only listens for transactions/pending transactions, doesn't ...
foba's user avatar
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Lightning node on a Bitcoin SPV

is there a way to run a Lightning node on a Bitcoin SPV node at the moment? I've read that both lnd and c-lightning need a Bitcoin Fullnode at this time. This might seem ignorant but i don't want to ...
xDreamCoding's user avatar
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Are lightweight LN wallets vulnerable to transaction withholding?

As far as I know, LN requires the user to watch the blockchain in order to perform penalty in time. However, running full node is probably a heavy burden to some users, especially to mobile phones. I ...
Chris Chen's user avatar
6 votes
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Can a full node provide a bogus block bloomfilter to a Neutrino node?

When a thin client using BIP157/BIP158 (Neutrino) requests the block filter for the latest block, would it be possible for the full node serving this request to attack the Neutrino node by providing a ...
Murch's user avatar
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How does an SPV client forms a transaction which is then Broadcasted?

As per my understanding, an SPV client only keeps a track of the block headers in its own database. So when a user tries to send bitcoins using that particular SPV client, how is the transaction ...
Deb's user avatar
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What is the main difference between "light/thin client" and "client" in sense of "functionality" and "capability"?

What is the main difference between "light/thin client" and "client" in sense of "functionality and capability" ? I mean, what can a client does that a light/thin client cannot ? (ex. sending ...
Questioner's user avatar
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How do you get Sibling Hashed Values in a Merkle Proof?

Merkle Proofs are one of the main reasons that people attribute Bitcoin's use of Merkle Trees. But I'm struggling to understand how these work in practice. Please explain theoretically as well as ...
3mrsh's user avatar
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c-lightning & Lightweight nodes (no local bitcoind)

I am trying to take advantage of the new release of c-lightning 0.6 that provide the ability to setup a lightweight node (i.e. No Local bitcoind instance running). But did not found any documentation ...
Hugo Doyon's user avatar
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Who gives SPV nodes merkle path to do validation for small subset of transaction?

From Mastering bitcoin: Merkle trees are used extensively by SPV nodes. SPV nodes don’t have all transactions and do not download full blocks, just block headers. In order to verify that a transaction ...
user2203937's user avatar
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What is the difference between an SPV wallet and an API wallet?

I understand what an api wallet is, but I'm unfamiliar with what an SPV wallet details. I'd like a technical explanation on what an SPV wallet is, how it differs from traditional thin clients and how ...
arshbot's user avatar
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Wallet for btc bot

Which bitcoin wallet should I use to manipulate it programmatically? I don't want to use heavy bitcoin-core. But as I understand there are different kinds of bitcoin's thin clients: some outsource ...
VB_'s user avatar
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Which Bitcoin thin client that can execute on restricted IoT devices?

I am trying to find a suitable Bitcoin thin client for IoT devices with Linux OSs. IoT devices will act as peers as thin clients, and the selection criteria for the thin client is least CPU, memory ...
eng-gokhan's user avatar
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Is there a mobile wallet that works with a Trezor?

Is there a mobile wallet that support using a Trezor hardware wallet to spend coins? Is there an online resource that tracks features like this for thin-clients?
Murch's user avatar
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How a Light Node can get a block?

I'd like to better understand how a light node can retrieve a complete node. If I understood correctly, I can consider a light node a node which is part of the peer-to-peer network that receives and ...
gatb27's user avatar
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Electrum via command-line: can generic blockchain info be requested?

For example can I ask the Electrum client via it's API what the height or version of the latest block is? Looking through the docs all I currently see is wallet commands.
pinhead's user avatar
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Accepting Bitcoin payments without the full blockchain or third party APIs?

I want to make a basic program/script that utilizes Bitcoin payments, but I don't have the storage space to sync with the entire blockchain, and I don't want to be dependent on a third-party API like ...
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Thin Client and OP_RETURN

I'd like to better understand how a light client works. As far as I know, a light client stores locally only the block headers (80 bytes each) and it receives a new block header on average each 10 ...
gatb27's user avatar
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How a thin node ensures the validity of blockchain?

How a thin node in network verify the validity of the blockchain tree? I think the node must wait for a time period to get the same valid block from some of its peers.
VaTi's user avatar
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Does a thin client testnet wallet exist which allows offline signing?

I appreciate I can do offline singing with bitcoin-core, but it's complex. To make it easier, I would have to download the entire blockchain. I have searched up electrum, but can't seem to find a ...
user43545's user avatar
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Running TorBB on host machine while running Whonix VM setup as guest on the same physical box

I've currently set up Whonix VMs using Virtual Box on OS X 10.11.6. Before that I was using a Bitcoin-qt with Tor Browser Bundle. Now I'm having question what is a best way to use bitcoin+tor setup ...
Drew's user avatar
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What hardware requirements does a SPV client have?

I read about SPVs here that: [A SPV] client downloads a complete copy of the headers for all blocks in the entire block chain. This means that the download and storage requirements scale linearly ...
hartmut's user avatar
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How long does it take for a SPV to intermittently sync (order of magnitude)?

Say I have a device that is mostly offline, with a SPV on it. Say once in a while (for instance once a week) I go online for about 20 minutes, and make a large number of transactions (which are ...
hartmut's user avatar
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is it possible to decode block height from a blockhash?

I'm creating a bitcoin network client and I'm wondering if it's possible to decode the block height from a blockhash whenever I receive a new block inventory vector.
Sarodh Uggalla's user avatar
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Lightning network and lightweight clients

How will the lightning network handle lightweight clients? Do I understand it correctly that opening a payment channel require writing on the blockchain to protect against double-spend? The integrity ...
Hampus's user avatar
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Correlation of number of (non mining) full nodes to internet bandwidth

Are there any correlation studies showing the number of (non mining) full nodes per country (total or per/capita) compared to average internet connection speeds? I know there are great differences ...
Game Changer's user avatar
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activate Electrum command line interface (mac)

I installed Electrum on my Mac from python source. The GUI works fine, but I can't use the CLI. Thus, I get : dyn907-208:Electrum-2.6.4 name$ electrum help -bash: electrum: command not found both ...
hartmut's user avatar
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Electrum 2.0: non-BIP39/32 standardisation complicates matters immensely. Why?

Electrum 2.0 has been causing me some frustration, insofar as it seems to be a non-standard implementation of BIP32/BIP39 (HD wallets, mnemonic seed, respectively). The wallet in question is a 2of2 ...
Wizard Of Ozzie's user avatar
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thin-client remote node lying through omission

is there a way for a non-full node (ie a node which does not contain the full blockchain) to know when it has received all transactions associated with an address? i understand that it is possible for ...
mulllhausen's user avatar
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What is a thin client?

I've heard that if you don't want do download gigabytes of data just to use bitcoin you gotta use a thin client. But what is a thin client? What are the main advantages of a thin bitcoin client and ...
saloalv's user avatar
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How does MultiBit figure out balance of an imported address? [duplicate]

MultiBit is a Simplified Payment Verification (SPV) client that uses the merkle root of block headers to validate transactions. I'm wondering however, when an address (private key) is imported into ...
Luca Matteis's user avatar
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Do thin clients leak which addresses you own?

According to this, thin clients use bloom filters to request "addresses and transactions they are interested in to the peer". And according to this, bloom filters are used to help prevent the SPV ...
Brother Bitcoin's user avatar
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Thin command line-capable client for Linux

I need to set up linux server for web service that could generate bitcoin addresses and check the balance on them, etc (basically, receive payments in BTC). And I do not want to use third-party online ...
Sly's user avatar
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Options for a Client Only C# application

If I want to create a client only, C# desktop application, what are my options for working with Bitcoin? I could try to port BitcoinJ, which seems like a lot of overhead in terms of initial effort ...
Avram's user avatar
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Is there a wallet like Multibit for Litecoin?

Is there a lightweight client like Multibit available for Litecoin? If not, is one in development?
GroundZero's user avatar
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Why can the same 12 words produce different seeds in an Electrum wallet file?

I was looking through an Electrum wallet file (from Electrum 1.9.6 for Windows if it matters) trying to understand what information was contained in it, and I couldn't initially figure out exactly ...
Michael McGowan's user avatar
1 vote
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Multibit - Failed to create a Selector

I installed MultiBit a few weeks ago and today it's not loading anymore. It displays the following Error in the logs: The Blockchain "C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\MultiBit\multibit.spvchain" ...
Flole's user avatar
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Is Electrum's SPV (thin-client) implementation not P2P (as opposed to Multibit's)?

As far as I know, when I use Electrum I'm just choosing servers to trust that hold the blockchain. But in this recently published article I read this about Multibit: It uses a slightly weaker ...
knocte's user avatar
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In bitcoinj, why is MemoryBlockStore not used by default?

My understanding of bitcoinj is that it is used to implement a "thin client" that doesn't store the entire blockchain- just the headers. When I use the WalletAppKit, it creates a file "default....
yzernik's user avatar
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What service does Multibit connect to? [duplicate]

Multibit is clearly a faster desktop wallet since it's a thin client that doesn't download and process the entire *8GB blockchain. My question is, what service does Multibit connect to in order to ...
Chad Whitaker's user avatar
14 votes
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Are the Thin clients Electrum and Multibit safe and secure?

How do Electrum and Multibit compare for being safe and secure. Both are open source. Are there any advantages, security wise, to use one or the other? I'm new to bitcoin and the only reason for ...
cookyjar's user avatar
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What is "the gap limit" in Electrum?

I don't understand this explaination.
ripper234's user avatar
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What's the best Android wallet client for bitcoin?

There are many bitcoin wallet clients on android market. What is the best considering security, interoperability and usability?
fccoelho's user avatar
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Why can't I spend my bitcoins when they have been fully confirmed?

I've used bitcoins for quite a while, but about a year ago I decided to dump having a thin client on my machine, and I've just kept my coins in various exchanges. Yesterday, however, I wanted to ...
RLH's user avatar
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