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Questions tagged [traceability]

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2 answers

Could the Bitcoin network freeze someone's assets?

Strictly as an example, let's say some businessman owns a lot of Bitcoin, and he makes a disparaging comment online about a certain country that happens to have the majority of Bitcoin miners. Could ...
MWB's user avatar
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Can simply not spending the dust thwart dusting attacks?

I have an address where small dust amounts have been deposited in 3 or 4 transactions by unknown senders. I did some research and found it's a "dusting attack". The articles also mention ...
Jus12's user avatar
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3 votes
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Understanding transaction with hundreds of inputs and outputs

I've been trying to follow a transaction with hundreds of inputs from different addresses and hundreds of outputs. This is the transaction I'm looking into:
Nucklear's user avatar
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2 answers

Is it possible to know which input corresponds to which output in a transaction?

For any given transaction, I would like to know which input corresponds to which output. I am specifically referring to the case where there are multiple inputs/outputs. Is this possible? If yes, are ...
Andreas's user avatar
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Why criminals still use bitcoin mixers when there is other blockchains?

I came across the following article Allen Goldmann, A person is trying to hide $5 million in stolen Bitcoins from a Darknet marketplace, Forbes, November 28, 2022 where some criminal tried to ...
AseN's user avatar
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Track the expenditure of an output with Bitcoin-qt via the REST API

How do you find the transaction whose input, vin, is a given output, vout? For example, the following is the JSON representation of the block with height 1000; here the mining reward is locked behind ...
Dr. Strangelove's user avatar
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Are transactions from two separate bitcoin accounts on Ledger Nano S independent of each other?

John Doe creates two separate bitcoin accounts on a ledger nano s and funds the accounts from two separate sources. The first funding source is a known terrorist organization and the second funding ...
anonymous's user avatar
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Trace fund flows between Bitcon addresses using transaction data

I wonder if there is a way to trace fund flows in the Bitcoin network using transaction data. I'm using Google BigQuery public data and their Bitcoin transaction dataset has following columns: ...
Sarah Grimes's user avatar
1 vote
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Is it possible to track stolen Bitcoin after exchange

I don't know if someone can help me but I found out someone has stolen several times some crypto of me, mostly bitcoins. He had access to my computer and my phone to do the Google Authenticator ...
Daydreamer's user avatar
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Is accepting Bitcoin as a gift save?

I've got certain amount of mBTC from a person I don't know well (we've never met in person, although we chat online from time to time), in the form of them giving me the key for getting access to the ...
squirrel-squirrel's user avatar
2 votes
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What are "tagged" Bitcoins?

I was reading about the Sheep Marketplace: Victims of the theft have attempted to identify the thief by sending "tagged" bitcoins to his accounts, using the public nature of bitcoin ...
Flux's user avatar
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3 answers

How can Bitcoin transactions be traced if you can change your address?

I understand in Ethereum you can trace it because wallet address never changes. But in Bitcoin you can change your address, no? Thanks.
Tomas 's user avatar
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2 answers

Can multiple different addresses in a wallet be linked easily?

Is it easy to link multiple transactions each with a different receive address to the same wallet? What if after going to this wallet the Bitcoin was converted to Monero?
Number9's user avatar
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Bitcoins missing following wrong bank account number entered

In 2019 I commenced trading with an online Bitcoin trader called Assetgates, who had contacted me via my mobile phone. Money was transferred from my bank to a Kraken account, then to Assetgate in the ...
Leslie Broomfield's user avatar
-1 votes
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buying bitcoins with debit cards that are not mine

I have a couple of cards that are not mine, I have all of the card holders info and card info. I want to purchase bitcoins and then transfer them to other wallets. I have a couple of friendswho want ...
jamsterico's user avatar
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Whose to stop the coinbase devs from just draining all accounts and running of with the money?

I have been wondering, what would happen if the coinbase developers agree to drain all the funds of all their accounts and run off into hiding? Its not like anybody will be able stop them or return ...
user2741831's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Why should I use a Bitcoin Mixer?

I understand that I can use Bitcoin anonymously using Bitcoin Core with Tor running a full node or with Electrum using Tor running an SPV node, why should I also use a Bitcoin Mixer?
Willtech's user avatar
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Are there any services that can reasonably guess what IP address a transaction originated from?

Are there any services/agencies running a large number of nodes so that they can guess the IP address of a transaction's origin? I guess they would need to run tens of thousands of nodes. However it'...
Jus12's user avatar
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Personal information and bitcoin purchasing

I am in the process of buying bitcoins and am being required to put in a lot of personal details. Once i buy the bitcoins is there any way that the information i had to submit to buy them originally ...
user2105725's user avatar
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Wrongly Transferred!

If for some reason I made a wrong transfer to an unknown blockchain account, how do I know who is that belongs to? In the first place I think it is unlikely a "wrong transfer" because the Blockchain ...
MRD's user avatar
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6 answers

Is there information about the buyer and seller in the Blockchain?

Suppose I wanted to track transactions by an individual entity in the Blockchain, say Mr. Smith. Is that possible?
user120911's user avatar
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Can one trace a criminal with his Pubkey?

Say FBI arrested a guy who bought some drugs using bitcoin. Then, is it possible for FBI to trace a drug dealer using the arrested guy’s PrivateKey and his transaction histories? If my understanding ...
Rubertos's user avatar
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How can Bitcoin be stolen?

If each bitcoin has a ledger (Peer to Peer) and contains all the transaction history since it was mined, then how come it can be stolen? For example, Bitcoins were stolen by hackers from Mt. Gox. If ...
user71922's user avatar
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Coins sent - visualise shows coins moved on - so I didn't send to another wallet of mine?

Transaction ID: 6a1d9ab775f6b028a037deef37723fbf506947103f2c2f6e9c32149e0dffca34 I sent bitcoins in the above transaction. I'm trying to determine if I sent to another wallet of mine, or to another ...
raymm's user avatar
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As of 2017-09, Has there been talks or test implementations of making Litecoin anonymous / untracable like Monero or Zcash?

Being that Litecoin is more likely to implement experimental features before Bitcoin. As of today 2017-09, has there been discussions or test implementations of making Litecoin anonymous like Monero's ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
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If the sender address is known is it possible to find the recipient address?

Let's say I give someone an address to send me some bitcoins, when I eventually use these bitcoins to send to someone else can the person that has my address somehow know the address of the person I ...
Ahmad Aljabali's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Understanding IP address tracing via Bitcoin Transaction

I recently met a person who helped police track the IP address of a Bitcoin transaction. I wanted to learn more about it but he didn't have time to discuss about this topic in the meet. I am curious ...
GypsyCosmonaut's user avatar
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Can hackers behind the ransomware WannaCry be traced through bitcoin transactions?

Can hackers behind the ransomware WannaCry be traced through bitcoin transactions? Is there is central server of Bitcoin where all transactions can be looked up from? And is it possible to identify ...
Johnson Zhou's user avatar
-2 votes
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how transactions of an address traced in BTC?

I'm a newbie, here is my understanding of how transactions are made and how we make sure how many BTCs an address own. if I didn't get it wrong, how many BTCs a address owned is confirmed by the whole ...
Kicky's user avatar
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Does Segwit mean easier government monitoring?

I have noticed a steady stream of PR articles talking ad nauseum of the dangers of a contentious hard fork and how miners refusing to signal segwit are screwing us all. Many are quite well written and ...
maple_shaft's user avatar
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Is there any central management of public and private key pairs in blockchain?

Is there any entity in the blockchain that maintains record and manages public/private key pairs of all the users?
Imran Makhdoom's user avatar
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Receiver email address

Can the receiver's email address be obtained from the Bitcoin address? I accidentally sent money to this address: 14gpxmEMrzCpEEp2GZhbUfP5cgBmwtVs9T Thanks.
Rachel's user avatar
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Zcash t-addr + z-addr transactions

Is it possible to "break" the traceability of the blockchain by sending ZEC between z-addr and t-addr?
Kugusha's user avatar
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Is it possible to trace bitcoin ATM withdrawals?

If someone is tracking how BTC are being spent or transferred between wallets, is it possible to concretely determine which transfers constitute conversion into fiat currency at an ATM, and possibly a ...
afocoin's user avatar
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9 votes
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clustering addresses, what's the most effective way?

The Fistful of Bitcoins paper by Meiklejohn et al has some nice heuristics. i.e. HEURISTIC 1. If two (or more) addresses are inputs to the same transaction, they are controlled by the same user; i.e....
smatthewenglish's user avatar
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How can I find a digital forensics expert to help trace stolen bitcoins?

Are there any professional organizations that have lists of blockchain analysis and digital forensics experts by location? I know some of this work can be done online but a directory of experts by ...
Chris Silva's user avatar
5 votes
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Does Bitcoin Core leak private information during synchronization without Tor?

I'm very new to bitcoin. Sorry for maybe silly or paranoid questions, but: Do I compromise myself in any ways when I first time run the official Bitcoin Core client for downloading all transactions ...
user35581's user avatar
4 votes
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Can a transaction have more than one recipient?

I am quite new to Bitcoin. I have a doubt. Let's say I, person A, have 1 bitcoin. I want to send 0.5 BTC to person B and 0.5 BTC to person C in a single transaction. Is it possible to do so within ...
jgm's user avatar
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track criminal payments from Locky

A friend of mine is victem of locky ransomware, and is requested to transfer bitcoins. Of course I recommended against it, but it made me wonder what happens if people do follow the instructions. In ...
dennis's user avatar
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Reverse for BTCs

Say I give 1 BTC to Alice who gives it to Bob who gives it to Carol. Can I now figure out that my original BTC is now with Carol? Of course, by Carol I mean an anonymous address. I'm thinking of a ...
Sai Ramachandran's user avatar
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What is the cheapest fee based bitcoin / altcoin mixing service to keep myself anonymous and from being tracked?

I purchased some bitcoins from Coinbase and I want to give them away to friends for their birthday this year, but what I'm afraid of is if they end up buying stuff on the dark web with it. Last thing ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
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What's a good way to "swipe" all funds into a secure wallet while hiding common ownership?

I'd like to move all funds into a new, safe wallet. I could just send all funds to a new address in the destination wallet. That would disclose shared ownership of all source addresses, though. How ...
boot4life's user avatar
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How to identify the owner of a Bitcoin address?

My father's computer was infected with a CryptoWall virus. The virus attacker asks for Bitcoins to send me an app to decrypt my our files. Is there any way to identify the Bitcoin address owner? How ...
Akira Yamamoto's user avatar
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Really are Bitcoins untraceable?

Usually, when some bad guy do something, he requests a payment using Bitcoins. Given that the demanded payment is not common, wouldn't be easy to trace the attackers when they retrieve the money back? ...
btc's user avatar
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Is there a service that can track how a coin flows from one wallet to another visually?

I sent some coins to an address and would like to track how these coins are flowing into other wallets. Is there a service that shows this visually? My main point is that I want to know if these coins ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
8 votes
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Procedure for calculating taint?

I'd like to understand taint analysis quantitatively. offers a service that will calculate taint, but I've found no good explanation for how taint is calculated. The best (and only) ...
Rich Apodaca's user avatar
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If Bitcoin is traceable, how bitcoin scams are exist?

Let me write an example. A hustler give some people his bitcoin address and these people transfer some bitcoins to his wallet. According to the term, which says that bitcoin transaction is traceable ...
Amirreza Nasiri's user avatar
2 votes
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"Dirty" Bitcoins/Find Bitcoin origins?

I know that it's possible to sort through the blockchain history for your bitcoins, however it is difficult to trace back your coins to when they were originally mined due to bitcoin mixers. Is it ...
RootFAIL's user avatar
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What services let you trace the history of Bitcoins?

What services let you trace the history of Bitcoins? For instance, if the goal is to trace all transactions associated with Bitcoins owned by a certain individual or company, what's the best way to ...
Crashalot's user avatar
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How to identify large block of coins referenced in this article, reportedly mined by Nakamoto?

This article refers to a large block of Bitcoins mined in 2009, potentially by Nakamoto. What's the best way of identifying which block of Bitcoins are referenced in the article?
Crashalot's user avatar
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