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Will my node relay a transaction if it is below minimum tx relay fee?

If I create a transaction which pays less fees than the minimum transaction relay fee of my full node, will my node relay the tx?
yuivc's user avatar
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2 answers

Is there an incentive to broadcast high fee transactions?

The way I see it there's no incentive for miners to broadcast high fee transactions they receive. They are more incentivized to keep these high-fee transactions to themselves until they can mine them ...
Amin Bashiri's user avatar
4 votes
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spending unconfirmed utxos which exist in the tail of mempool queue

I have some unconfirmed utxos with: sat_per_vbyte=1, which probably exist in the tail of the mempool queue, e.g. 22300/22385. They are being kept in: "unconfirmed" since 3 months ago. And ...
Jack Zhu's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How is this 0 sat tx even possible? How can I do them?

A Redditor from r/Bitcoin spotted a 0 sat/vB transaction in which the transaction occurred sometime in October last year (presumably by F2Pool). The transaction ID is as follows: ...
Memz Buck's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Why does the mined block differ so much from the block template?

I am looking at the specific block at height 680175. At the time when the block was not mined yet, I received the block template via bitcoin-cli getblocktemplate '{"rules": ["segwit&...
Andy's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

What happens to transactions in the mempool when their parent transaction expires?

I was just reading the Coin Metrics Newsletter #53, and it included a section about the recent mempool congestion. After mentioning transactions that got evicted due to the network's queue of ...
Murch's user avatar
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2 votes
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Why is my mempool count so much lower than that of block explorers?

I have been running a full node for about two days. I wanted to get a list of all mempool txs (using getrawmempool false), and found that it only came back with around 3,000 even though all the block ...
MrPuzzler's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Transaction propagation criteria vs mempool inclusion cirteria

Do Bitcoin nodes propagate every transaction or only transactions that meet certain criteria? For instance, a transaction with a fee of 0 won't necessarily get included into a block and it might even ...
foba's user avatar
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What is the difference between Compact Blocks, Thin Blocks, Xthin and Graphene Compression?

What is the difference between these block propagation techniques in terms of size / bandwidth & computation requirements and also compatibility & reliability? All the above techniques try to ...
janowitz's user avatar
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0 votes
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Will every message x reach all connected peers in time t?

I've asked similar question here: Is gossip protocol in Bitcoin perfect? But I didn't get an answer to my question really. I am ideating a consensus algorithm and I need definitive answer. Can we ...
user84415's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Stop bitcoin-qt from retrying transaction

I sent some bitcoins, forgot to uncheck "no-fee" checkbox. The transaction started, but never got confirmed. In the blockchain after some time it was "purged". I expected my bitcoins back, however, ...
M4ks's user avatar
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