Questions tagged [wallet]

A wallet manages a user's private keys. Wallet software is used to send and receive Bitcoin. It also keeps track of the user's transactions, addresses, and balance.

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4 votes
2 answers

Is a wallet simply a folder of private keys?

I try to understand how a wallet actually works. I know there are lots of resources around the internet, but I still can't find simple and concise answers for basic questions about wallets and ...
0 votes
2 answers

How do APIs know Bitcoin transaction and wallet types?

I am working on a university project, and I noticed that paid crypto APIs like Whale Alert or Whale Trace return information about transaction types (like exchange), sender and receiver wallets (like ...
1 vote
2 answers

I found a BTC hash. Now what?

I used a mining program written in python and after a lot of time, it found a hash that looks something like this: 0000de957fbfdfc77582e0d0b20c53d2d1d83d8bb8cfe3693521f672bf2a6021 except it has 19 0's ...
1 vote
1 answer

Optimal way to design BTC deposit flow?

I am designing an exchange application where users can deposit funds into their account by sending BTC to a unique address. What is the best way to monitor 100,000+ addresses for incoming transactions ...
-1 votes
2 answers

Block Transaction if it is over a certain amount

Is there a way to block a transaction if the transaction exceeds a certain amount of BTC. I am running bitcoind.
4 votes
2 answers

How convert a mnemonic phrase back and forth between different number of words?

I'm relatively new to cryptocurrencies in general and I've tried using Bitcoin and a few altcoins, but it always bothers me that some digital assets are not available in all wallets. To my ...
1 vote
2 answers

Restore old multibit wallet

I just found an old backup of a bitcoin wallet on a USB stick containing 4 folders: key-backup - empty rolling-backup - contains a .wallet file stamped with a date from 2014 wallet-backup - empty ...
0 votes
1 answer

What is lack of extension on a wallet? [duplicate]

I received this message below, is this an attempt to scam ? Dear customer, Your bitcoin transaction is awaiting for clearance on end-wallet. The transaction could not be completed due to the lack of ...
0 votes
3 answers

extract wallet address from private key

I am using bitcoin core library in node js. const privateKey = new bitcore.PrivateKey('testnet'); const address = privateKey.toAddress('testnet); When i console.log it, it get result as below. How ...
4 votes
4 answers

Wallets that trade all Cryptocurrencies?

Been looking around, basically just much to learn lol. One thing I cant find there a wallet/s that allows trading across all cryptocurrencies? They all seem to be quite ...
0 votes
1 answer

How do I deposit bitcoins in my wallet to an exchange?

I just want to cash out my coinbase wallet. Can someone give me the simple steps to do this? Why is this so complicated? Or is it?
1 vote
3 answers

how to set the transactions fee using the RPC call?

I am creating the web wallet for the bitcoin , I want to allow web wallet users to set the transactions fee . Is their is any rpc call available for setting the transactions fee (for setting ...
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1 answer

Can you use any Bitcoin address as a Counterparty token receiving address?

I have a bunch of bitcoin addresses and I would like to just use them for receiving counterparty tokens. I've read that counterparty addresses are the same thing as a Bitcoin address. Is this correct? ...
2 votes
0 answers

HD wallet usage in Bitcoin & Lightning combined wallets

Is there a best practice / recommendation for a Bitcoin & Lightning combined wallet, regarding the HD wallet used in the Bitcoin wallet and the HD wallet used in the Lightning wallet? no relation,...
0 votes
1 answer

Why my manually generated mnemonic seed phrase is not recognised by metamask or trust wallet

I created a random entropy using this code func randomNumGenerator() []byte { n := 16 randomByte := make([]byte, n) _, err := rand.Read(randomByte) if err != nil { panic(err) ...
0 votes
1 answer

Mobile wallet that supports importing single address?

Is there a mobile wallet that supports importing a single address (public key) / private key pair?
0 votes
1 answer

how can i get back money from my electronic wallet

I am new to bitcoin and someone (the account manager) call me to buy and i made it last week. However, when i asked the account manager to transfer the money back to my credit card account. They said ...
0 votes
0 answers

Program isn't starting

The app would launch fine. However, one day after it was working as expected the app would not launch anymore. I have no idea if the files have become or what has happened. I have disabled my ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to decrypt Bitcoin private key that is encrypted with PKBDF2-SHA256 and iterations and salt

I have exported wallet with encrypted keys and that wallet provider is closed. Is there a way to decrypt priv that is encrypted with PKBDF2-SHA256, iterations and salt. I think I remember the password ...
0 votes
2 answers

Why doesn't Multisig provide better security for hot wallets?

I've recently read somewhere (can't remember the source) that multisig often doesn't provide more security in hot wallets, but increases the size and thus the fee. I can't seem to comprehend how ...
8 votes
4 answers

Check password for ethereum wallet [closed]

I have an Ethereum wallet and wish to check if some password was used to create it. How this could be done?
18 votes
7 answers

Is it possible to figure out whether two addresses are in the same wallet?

I'm wondering, if I sent some bitcoins from one of my own addresses to another address in my wallet, will it be possible for someone to figure out that both addresses are in the same wallet? Or can I ...
0 votes
2 answers

How do I find the wallet that Bitcoin was sent to?

How do I find the wallet that Bitcoin was sent to? I was new to Bitcoin and created at wallets in at least 2 places (Armory and Coinbase) but all are showing zero.
1 vote
1 answer

Get bitcoins to self created Bitcoin address

I created Bitcoin private and public key pair for Bitcoin. I am looking a way to receive funds to my Bitcoin address. The wallet apps which support buying or selling bitcoins are generating bitcoin ...
3 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to set RBF as always-on in bitcoind?

I can't seem to find any cli commands for this. Is it even possible? Or does RBF need to be opted into on a per transaction basis? I would just like every transaction sent by my node to be RBF enabled....
-1 votes
1 answer

Help me please, restore a deleted Bitcoin Wallet

While cleaning the memory on the phone, I accidentally deleted the wallet and the backup copy of Bitcoin Wallet. I tried to re-download the wallet, restore deleted files (backup), but it was useless. ...
1 vote
1 answer

Bitcoin wallet shows empty after I installed Windows on SSD

My PC stopped working a while ago (BSoD on every restart). I bought an SSD and installed Windows 7 64-bit on it (same as I had on my HDD). I then attached the HDD back into my PC and intended to back ...
0 votes
1 answer

Query regarding Central Wallets and Sub Wallets

Is it possible to develop a wallet system with a central wallet and sub wallet system for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Is there any wallet system available with such features. Any guidance or ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to gift an entire BTC wallet via QR code?

I have a unique scenario where I'd like to: Create a BTC wallet and add a small amount of funds to it. Generate a QR code that contains the private key. Then gift that QR code to a friend so they can ...
0 votes
1 answer

tracking Lost bitcoin wallet

I bought bitcoin 3yrs ago (i did not know so much about it then, i was only playing with it). I received the bitcoin via a particular address which I still have. How can i track the BTC wallet I used ...
0 votes
1 answer

How are newly generated key-pairs kept unique to a single cryptocurrency?

As an extension to this question and some quick searches on software crypto wallets - my understanding is that any newly generated key-pair is unique to a specific cryptocurrency. Assuming this is ...
11 votes
4 answers

Is it possible to use xpub address to monitor balance from previously generated addresses?

I'm trying to find a way where I can view balance of my ledger nano s wallet without always attaching it to computer all the time. I found something called xpub address which allows me to generate ...
6 votes
1 answer

What options does one have to manage Bitcoins?

I started trading and buying Bitcoins for a while now, and realised: I have multiple wallets and multiple websites where I have bitcoins/litecoins. I think most of the people, including me, want use ...
0 votes
0 answers

Which wallet is both convenient and safe for new unexperienced non-advanced user? [duplicate]

I consider myself as a new unexperienced non-advanced user. Even if I have got some amount of BTC in 2015. I never used my BTC, and currently I have a very, very old wallet, the one which downloads ...
1 vote
1 answer

Is it true that Public keys with even y coordinate correspond to private key that are less than n/2 and vice versa? (Secp256k1)

The question is somewhat complex and directed to clearing thing out. Suppose that n is the order of the cyclic group. It n - 1 is the number of all private keys possible n = ...
1 vote
3 answers

How can I see my public wallet address in bitcoin core?

I've downloaded bitcoin core version 22.0. I created a wallet by this command: [amirreza@localhost bin]$ ./bitcoin-wallet -wallet=test-wallet create Topping up keypool... Wallet info =========== Name: ...
-3 votes
1 answer

Apple Removes Blockchain Bitcoin Wallet Apps from its App Stores [closed]

That Apple removed last wallet from their app store. Just wrong.... Guess more people will move to Android. Apple Removes Blockchain Bitcoin Wallet Apps from its App Stores
0 votes
1 answer

How does Lightning payment service Works?

Let's say A merchant is using lightning payment service to accept BTC as payment for his shop. How does existing lightning payment service were able to manage to provide merchant's BTC in form of fiat ...
1 vote
2 answers

Setting up Bitcoin Core Wallet

Trying to set up Bitcoin Core Wallet. I've started blockchain synchronization 4 times and each time it has reached a certain percentage and then failed. I've followed instructions on the website, ...
0 votes
1 answer

Lost Bitcoin wallet

If I have wallet address only, part seed phrase can I get access to Bitcoin wallet. Can find IP logs from date of wallet download.
1 vote
3 answers

How do I test my wallet backup?

I follow the instructions for wallet backup and save them digitally. What's a convenient way to occasionally test my wallet backup. I want to make sure that I'm not doing something stupid & my ...
0 votes
1 answer

How do I use sqlite3 to view the contents of the wallet.dat file? Anywhere else to look for records of lost coins?

I think I've lost some testnet coins in my Core wallet and I'm not sure how. I do bitcoin-cli -testnet listwallets and it doesn't show any wallets for me to load. But I definitely had testnet coins a ...
1 vote
1 answer

BitcoinCore cant load wallet

I have retrieved an old wallet.dat file from my harddrive that crashed about 5 years ago. I have downloaded the new version of bitcoincore and downloaded the blockchain. I have then copied the wallet....
4 votes
1 answer

How to get rid of 'ghost' wallets in Bitcoin Core?

I created few wallets with Bitcoin Core using file-> Create Wallet. It created directories for each wallet name. Only that was for experimenting so I deleted those directories. The problem is that ...
1 vote
1 answer

Does my wallet.dat file contain all wallets?

I have backed up my wallet.dat file, but now I find myself wondering if bitcoin core stores all newly generated wallets in the same wallet.dat file. Of course this is after having accidentally deleted ...
1 vote
1 answer

Why rebroadcasting transactions in the Bitcoin Core?

There is a function here, named ResendWalletTransactions in the Bitcoin Core: // Rebroadcast transactions from the wallet. We do this on a random timer // to slightly obfuscate which transactions come ...
1 vote
1 answer

bitcoind: cannot obtain a lock on wallet directory

Hello fellow bitcoiners, I have a very annoying and mysterious issue with a bitcoind install. I had a blockchain corruption/stuck at some point. I deleted the old blockchain and copied an up-to-date ...
1 vote
1 answer

wallet migration tool and password protected wallet

Surely the Wallet migration tool by achow will port unencrypted legacy wallets to unencrypted descriptor wallets, but what will be the output for encrypted legacy wallets? unencrypted descriptor ...
1 vote
1 answer

I have my 12 word bip39 phrase but not in the right order

I have my 12 word phrase, but when i enter it in a wallet, it brings up an empty wallet, so i think i probably wrote it down in the wrong order. What can i do to recover my wallet?
0 votes
1 answer

Where can I see the requirements for creating a password in Bitcion core?

In 2017 I created a wallet in Bitcoin core and protected it with a password. The password contains characters like ".,;". When I decided to send my bitcoins the wallet wrote an error "...

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