Questions tagged [xrp-reserve]

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How can I validate that an XRP address is valid?

An address like rhe8v7GW1jj4qTXsLF9fwFrum9oQD5VXG7 - how do I know if it's valid in the XRP network?
Shamoon's user avatar
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Binance now updating my btc balance [closed]

I transferred some ltc coins from gdx to binance. Binance shows that I have the transferred amount in my profile. But btc balance for trading is always shown as 0.000000. How much time will it take to ...
Kurkula's user avatar
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Noob Question: Trading Fluctuating Currencies

My 1 bitcoin was originally worth $16,000 USD but is now worth $17,000 USD. Ignoring fees and the fluctuation on XRP, does this mean my 1 BTC will get $17,000 USD worth of XRP or $16,000? I ask ...
je_reussirai's user avatar
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Sending Cross Currency in Ripple [closed]

I have been facing this issue for a while using Ripple JSON RPC, am actually working on a PoC for cross border transaction, as part of my use cases, I need to send transaction in NGN and be received ...
Babajide Apata's user avatar
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2 answers

Why can't I spend my reserve XRP and delete my address from the network?

I understand the Ripple reserve system. You need some XRP in order for you to preserve your account into the Ripple network and additional XRP to assign trust line to your account. I also understand ...
Steven Roose's user avatar
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Do you need XRP reserves to receive trust lines?

As far as I understand, you need to keep some XRP in reserve for each trust line and for each open offer. Does that apply only for outgoing trust, or for incoming trust too? In the latter case, what ...
o0'.'s user avatar
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