I'm running a Bitcoin testnet node on a Ubuntu 22.04 VM using UTM for Macbooks M1. I'm trying to connect via json-rpc using https://github.com/jgarzik/python-bitcoinrpc. 1 - I installed the package etc.. 2 - I edited my .conf file in `/home/kk/snap/bitcoin-core/common/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf`: ``` server=1 testnet=1 daemon=1 prune=1000 fallbackfee=0.00001 rpcuser=kk rpcpassword=testpass rpcallowip= [test] rpcbind= rpcport=18332 ``` 3 - I created a file called "btcrpc.py": ```python from bitcoinrpc.authproxy import AuthServiceProxy, JSONRPCException from print import pprint # rpc_user and rpc_password are set in the bitcoin. conf file rpc_user = "kk" rpc_pass = "testpass" rpc_host = "" pc_client = AuthServiceProxy(f'http://frpc_user}:{rpc_pass}@{rpc_host}:18332", timeout=120) block_count = rpc_client.getblockcount() print (block_count) ``` When I run btcrpc.py that's the error: [![Why is it unauthorized?][1]][1] [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/RMcte.png What am I doing wrong?