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Here is a fun thing about ECDSA signatures: you can always replace s with -s (mod N) and the signature is still valid. So when you are deducing the k value, it is possible that someone else flipped the sign of s and you will have to undo it. So, you have to make a list of candidates for k (kandidates?) and then select whichever one actually works. A good list of k candidates would be:

  • (z1 - z2) / (s1 - s2)
  • (z1 - z2) / (s1 + s2)
  • (z1 - z2) / (-s1 - s2)
  • (z1 - z2) / (-s1 + s2)

I like to use the Ruby ECDSA gem to play around with this kind of stuff. Here is the code I wrote which successfully find the private key for the first input data you gave:

require 'ecdsa'

public_key_hex = '02a50eb66887d03fe186b608f477d99bc7631c56e64bb3af7dc97e71b917c5b364'
msghash1_hex = '01b125d18422cdfa7b153f5bcf5b01927cf59791d1d9810009c70cd37b14f4e6'
msghash2_hex = '339ff7b1ced3a45c988b3e4e239ea745db3b2b3fda6208134691bd2e4a37d6e1'
sig1_hex = '304402200861cce1da15fc2dd79f1164c4f7b3e6c1526e7e8d85716578689ca9a5dc349d02206cf26e2776f7c94cafcee05cc810471ddca16fa864d13d57bee1c06ce39a3188'
sig2_hex = '304402200861cce1da15fc2dd79f1164c4f7b3e6c1526e7e8d85716578689ca9a5dc349d02204ba75bdda43b3aab84b895cfd9ef13a477182657faaf286a7b0d25f0cb9a7de2'

group = ECDSA::Group::Secp256k1

def hex_to_binary(str)

public_key_str = hex_to_binary(public_key_hex)
public_key = ECDSA::Format::PointOctetString.decode(public_key_str, group)

puts 'public key x: %#x' % public_key.x
puts 'public key x: %#x' % public_key.y

msghash1 = hex_to_binary(msghash1_hex)
msghash2 = hex_to_binary(msghash2_hex)
sig1 = ECDSA::Format::SignatureDerString.decode(hex_to_binary(sig1_hex))
sig2 = ECDSA::Format::SignatureDerString.decode(hex_to_binary(sig2_hex))

raise 'R values are not the same' if sig1.r != sig2.r

r = sig1.r
puts 'sig r: %#x' % r
puts 'sig1 s: %#x' % sig1.s
puts 'sig2 s: %#x' % sig2.s

sig1_valid = ECDSA.valid_signature?(public_key, msghash1, sig1)
sig2_valid = ECDSA.valid_signature?(public_key, msghash2, sig2)
puts "sig1 valid: #{sig1_valid}"
puts "sig2 valid: #{sig2_valid}"

# Step 1: k = (z1 - z2)/(s1 - s2)
field =
z1 = ECDSA::Format::IntegerOctetString.decode(msghash1)
z2 = ECDSA::Format::IntegerOctetString.decode(msghash2)

k_candidates = [
 field.mod((z1 - z2) * field.inverse(sig1.s - sig2.s)),
 field.mod((z1 - z2) * field.inverse(sig1.s + sig2.s)),
 field.mod((z1 - z2) * field.inverse(-sig1.s - sig2.s)),
 field.mod((z1 - z2) * field.inverse(-sig1.s + sig2.s)),

private_key = nil
k_candidates.each do |k|
  next unless group.new_point(k).x == r
  private_key_maybe = field.mod(field.mod(sig1.s * k - z1) * field.inverse(r))
  if public_key == group.new_point(private_key_maybe)
    private_key = private_key_maybe

puts 'private key: %#x' % private_key

The output of the program is:

public key x: 0xa50eb66887d03fe186b608f477d99bc7631c56e64bb3af7dc97e71b917c5b364
public key x: 0x7954da3444d33b8d1f90a0d7168b2f158a2c96db46733286619fccaafbaca6bc
sig r: 0x861cce1da15fc2dd79f1164c4f7b3e6c1526e7e8d85716578689ca9a5dc349d
sig1 s: 0x6cf26e2776f7c94cafcee05cc810471ddca16fa864d13d57bee1c06ce39a3188
sig2 s: 0x4ba75bdda43b3aab84b895cfd9ef13a477182657faaf286a7b0d25f0cb9a7de2
sig1 valid: true
sig2 valid: true
private key: 0xe773cf35fce567d0622203c28f67478a3361bae7e6eb4366b50e1d27eb1ed82e