In your install directory, you should have Once you run python then you have a daemon. Now you can run python help to get a list of commands like this (which can then be run with `python <command>`): { "backupwallet": { "Description": "Back up the current wallet to a file at a given location. The backup will occur only if the file does not exist yet.", "Parameters": [ "backupFilePath - Path to the location where the backup will be saved." ], "Return Value": "A dictionary indicating whether or not the backup succeeded or failed, with the reason for failure given if applicable." }, "clearaddressmetadata": { "Description": "Clear all armoryd-specific metadata for the currently loaded wallet.", "Parameters": [ "None" ], "Return Value": "None" }, "createlockbox": { "Description": "Create an m-of-n lockbox associated with wallets loaded onto the armoryd server.", "Parameters": [ "numM - The number of signatures required to spend lockbox funds.", "numN - The total number of signatures associated with a lockbox.", "args - The wallets or public keys associated with a lockbox, the total of which must match <numN> in number. The wallets are represented by their Base58 IDs. The keys must be uncompressed." ], "Return Value": "A dictionary with information about the new lockbox." }, "createustxformany": { "Description": "Create an unsigned transaction to be sent to multiple recipients from the currently loaded wallet.", "Parameters": [ "args - An indefinite number of comma-separated sets of recipients and the number of Bitcoins to send to the recipients. The recipients can be an address, a P2SH script address, a lockbox (e.g., \"Lockbox[83jcAqz9]\" or \"Lockbox[Bare:83jcAqz9]\"), or a public key (compressed or uncompressed) string." ], "Return Value": "An ASCII-formatted unsigned transaction, similar to the one output by Armory for offline signing." }, "createustxtoaddress": { "Description": "Create an unsigned transaction to be sent to one recipient from the currently loaded wallet.", "Parameters": [ "recAddr - The recipient. This can be an address, a P2SH script address, a lockbox (e.g., \"Lockbox[83jcAqz9]\" or \"Lockbox[Bare:83jcAqz9]\"), or a public key (compressed or uncompressed) string.", "amount - The number of Bitcoins to send to the recipient." ], "Return Value": "An ASCII-formatted unsigned transaction, similar to the one output by Armory for offline signing." }, "decoderawtransaction": { "Description": "Decode a raw transaction hex string.", "Parameters": [ "hexString - A string representing, in hex form, a raw transaction." ], "Return Value": "A dictionary containing the decoded transaction's information." }, "dumpprivkey": { "Description": "Dump the private key for a given Base58 address associated with the currently loaded wallet.", "Parameters": [ "addr58 - A Base58 public address associated with the current wallet." ], "Return Value": "The 32 byte binary private key." }, "encryptwallet": { "Description": "Encrypt a wallet with a given passphrase.", "Parameters": [ "passphrase - The wallet's new passphrase." ], "Return Value": "A string indicating that the encryption was successful." }, "getactivelockbox": { "Description": "Get the lockbox ID of the currently active lockbox.", "Parameters": [ "None" ], "Return Value": "The Base58 ID for the currently active lockbox." }, "getactivewallet": { "Description": "Get the wallet ID of the currently active wallet.", "Parameters": [ "None" ], "Return Value": "The Base58 ID for the currently active wallet." }, "getaddrbalance": { "Description": "Get the balance of a Base58 address associated with the currently loaded wallet.", "Parameters": [ "inB58 - The Base58 address associated with the current wallet.", "baltype - (Default=spendable) A string indicating the balance type to retrieve from the current wallet." ], "Return Value": "The current wallet balance (BTC), or -1 if an error occurred." }, "getaddressmetadata": { "Description": "Get all armoryd-specific metadata for the currently loaded wallet.", "Parameters": [ "None" ], "Return Value": "A dictionary with all metadata sent to armoryd." }, "getarmorydinfo": { "Description": "Get information on the version of armoryd running on the server.", "Parameters": [ "None" ], "Return Value": "A dictionary listing version of armoryd running on the server." }, "getbalance": { "Description": "Get the balance of the currently loaded wallet.", "Parameters": [ "baltype - (Default=spendable) A string indicating the balance type to retrieve from the current wallet." ], "Return Value": "The current wallet balance (BTC), or -1 if an error occurred." }, "getblock": { "Description": "Get the block associated with a given block hash.", "Parameters": [ "blkhash - A hex string representing the block to obtain." ], "Return Value": "A dictionary listing information on the desired block, or empty if the block wasn't found." }, "gethextxtobroadcast": { "Description": "Get a signed Tx from a file and get the raw hex data to broadcast.", "Parameters": [ "txASCIIFile - The path to a file with an signed transacion." ], "Return Value": "A hex string of the raw transaction data to be transmitted." }, "getledger": { "Error": "The function description is malformed." }, "getledgersimple": { "Description": "Get a simple version of a wallet or lockbox ledger.", "Parameters": [ "inB58ID - The Base58 ID of the wallet or lockbox from which to obtain the ledger. The wallet or lockbox must already be loaded.", "tx_count - (Default=10) The number of entries to get.", "from_tx - (Default=0) The first entry to get." ], "Return Value": "A dictionary with a wallet ledger of type \"simple\"." }, "getlockboxinfo": { "Description": "Get information on the lockbox associated with a lockbox ID string or, if it exists, the currently active armoryd lockbox.", "Parameters": [ "inLBID - (Default=None) If used, armoryd will get information on the lockbox with the provided Base58 ID instead of the currently active armoryd lockbox.", "outForm - (Default=JSON) If used, armoryd will return the lockbox in a particular format. Choices are \"JSON\", \"Hex\", and \"Base64\"." ], "Return Value": "If the lockbox is found, a dictionary with information on the lockbox will be returned." }, "getnewaddress": { "Description": "Get a new Base58 address from the currently loaded wallet.", "Parameters": [ "None" ], "Return Value": "The wallet's next unused public address in Base58 form." }, "getrawtransaction": { "Description": "Get the raw transaction string for a given transaction hash.", "Parameters": [ "txHash - A string representing the hex value of a transaction ID.", "verbose - (Default=0) Integer indicating whether or not the result should be more verbose.", "endianness - (Default=BIGENDIAN) Indicates the endianness of the ID." ], "Return Value": "A dictionary with the decoded raw transaction and relevant information." }, "getreceivedbyaddress": { "Description": "Get the number of coins received by a Base58 address associated with the currently loaded wallet.", "Parameters": [ "address - The Base58 address associated with the current wallet." ], "Return Value": "The balance received from the incoming address (BTC)." }, "gettransaction": { "Description": "Get the transaction associated with a given transaction hash.", "Parameters": [ "txHash - A hex string representing the block to obtain." ], "Return Value": "A dictionary listing information on the desired transaction, or empty if the transaction wasn't found." }, "gettxout": { "Description": "Get the TxOut entries for a given transaction hash.", "Parameters": [ "txHash - A string representing the hex value of a transaction ID.", "n - The TxOut index to obtain.", "binary - (Default=0) Indicates whether or not the resultant binary script should be in binary form or converted to a hex string." ], "Return Value": "A dictionary with the Bitcoin amount for the TxOut and the TxOut script in hex string form (default) or binary form." }, "getwalletinfo": { "Description": "Get information on the currently loaded wallet.", "Parameters": [ "inWltID - (Default=None) If used, armoryd will get info for the wallet for the provided Base58 wallet ID instead of the current wallet." ], "Return Value": "A dictionary with information on the current wallet." }, "help": { "Description": "Get a directionary with all functions the armoryd server can run.", "Parameters": [ "None" ], "Return Value": "A dictionary with all functions available on the armoryd server, along with the function parameters and function return value." }, "importprivkey": { "Description": "Import a private key into the current wallet.", "Parameters": [ "privKey - A private key in any format supported by Armory, including Base58 private keys supported by bitcoind (uncompressed public key support only)." ], "Return Value": "A string of the private key's accompanying hexadecimal public key." }, "listaddrunspent": { "Description": "Get a list of unspent transactions for the currently loaded wallet that are associated with a given, comma-separated list of Base58 addresses from the wallet. By default, zero-conf UTXOs are included.", "Parameters": [ "inB58 - The Base58 address to check against the current wallet." ], "Return Value": "A dictionary containing all UTXOs for the currently loaded wallet associated with the given Base58 address, along with information about each UTXO." }, "listloadedlockboxes": { "Description": "List all lockboxes loaded onto the armoryd server.", "Parameters": [ "None" ], "Return Value": "A dictionary with the Base58 values of all lockboxes loaded in armoryd." }, "listloadedwallets": { "Description": "List all wallets loaded onto the armoryd server.", "Parameters": [ "None" ], "Return Value": "A dictionary with the Base58 values of all wallets loaded in armoryd." }, "listtransactions": { "Description": "List the transactions associated with the currently loaded wallet.", "Parameters": [ "tx_count - (Default=10) The number of entries to get.", "from_tx - (Default=0) The first entry to get." ], "Return Value": "A dictionary with information on the retrieved transactions." }, "listunspent": { "Description": "Get a list of unspent transactions for the currently loaded wallet. By default, zero-conf UTXOs are included.", "Parameters": [ "None" ], "Return Value": "A dictionary listing information about each UTXO in the currently loaded wallet. The dictionary is similar to the one returned by the bitcoind call of the same name." }, "receivedfromaddress": { "Description": "Return the number of coins received from a particular sender.", "Parameters": [ "sender - Base58 address of the sender to the current wallet." ], "Return Value": "Number of Bitcoins sent by the sender to the current wallet." }, "receivedfromsigner": { "Description": "Verify that a message (RFC 2440: clearsign or Base64) has been signed by a Bitcoin address and get the amount of coins sent to the current wallet by the message's signer.", "Parameters": [ "sigBlock - Message with the RFC 2440 message to be verified. The message must be enclosed in quotation marks." ], "Return Value": "A dictionary with verified message and the amount of money sent to the current wallet by the signer." }, "relockwallet": { "Description": "Re-lock a wallet.", "Parameters": [ "None" ], "Return Value": "A string indicating whether or not the wallet is locked." }, "sendlockbox": { "Description": "E-mail ASCII-encoded lockboxes to recipients.", "Parameters": [ "lbIDs - A colon-delineated list of Base58 IDs of lockboxes to send to an email recipient.", "sender - The email address of the sender.", "server - The SMTP email server.", "pwd - The email account password.", "recips - The recipient or, if the string is delineated by a colon, a list of recipients.", "msgSubj - (Default=Armory Lockbox) The email subject." ], "Return Value": "A string indicating whether or not the attempt to send was successful." }, "setactivelockbox": { "Description": "Set the currently active lockbox to one already loaded on the armoryd server.", "Parameters": [ "newIDB58 - The Base58 ID of the lockbox to be made active." ], "Return Value": "A string indicating whether or not the lockbox was set as desired." }, "setactivewallet": { "Description": "Set the currently active wallet to one already loaded on the armoryd server.", "Parameters": [ "newIDB58 - The Base58 ID of the wallet to be made active." ], "Return Value": "A string indicating whether or not the wallet was set as desired." }, "setaddressmetadata": { "Description": "Set armoryd-specific metadata associated with Base58 addresses.", "Parameters": [ "newAddressMetaData - A dictionary containing arbitrary metadata to attach to Base58 addresses listed with the metadata." ], "Return Value": "None" }, "signasciitransaction": { "Description": "Sign an unsigned transaction and get the signed ASCII data.", "Parameters": [ "unsignedTxASCII - An ASCII-formatted unsigned transaction, like the one used by Armory for offline transactions.", "wltPasswd - (Default=None) If needed, the current wallet's password." ], "Return Value": "A dictionary containing a string with the ASCII-formatted signed transaction or, if the signing failed, a string indicating failure." }, "unlockwallet": { "Description": "Unlock a wallet with a given passphrase and unlock time length.", "Parameters": [ "passphrase - The wallet's current passphrase.", "timeout - (Default=10) The time, in seconds, that the wallet will be unlocked." ], "Return Value": "A string indicating if the wallet was unlocked or if it was already unlocked." }, "verifysignature": { "Description": "Take a message (RFC 2440: clearsign or Base64) signed by a Bitcoin address and verify the message.", "Parameters": [ "sigBlock - Message with the RFC 2440 message to be verified. The message must be enclosed in quotation marks." ], "Return Value": "A dictionary with verified message and the Base58 address of the signer." }, "watchwallet": { "Description": "Send an e-mail notification when the current wallet spends money.", "Parameters": [ "send_from - The email address of the sender.", "smtpServer - (Default=None) The SMTP email server.", "password - (Default=None) The email account password.", "send_to - (Default=None) The recipient or, if the string is delineated by a colon, a list of recipients.", "subject - (Default=None) The email subject.", "watchCmd - (Default=add) A string indicating if emails from the sender should be sent or, if set to \"remove\", emails from the sender that are currently being sent should be stopped." ], "Return Value": "None" } } Source: [armoryd.README]( in the install folder