I received a SPAM/Phishing/Blackmail email demanding payment to a specific Bitcoin wallet.

> BTC: 15vUqauqHybEPvXYLv97WW4XwM2YHXYC1d

How can this criminal be shutdown?

If legal action is problematic, could a "User Rating/Classification" be added to BTC Wallets so that it's possible to "tag" Bitcoin users who are using this technology for illegal purposes?

**EDIT** (morning of 20181124)

[BitCoin Address Transactions for Wallet 15vUqauqHybEPvXYLv97WW4XwM2YHXYC1d](https://www.blockchain.com/btc/address/15vUqauqHybEPvXYLv97WW4XwM2YHXYC1d)

             |  Number of   |
             |   Receive    |
    Date     | Transactions |
    20181116 |         5    |
    20181117 |         4    |
    20181118 |         7    |
    20181119 |        11    |
    20181120 |         3    |
    20181121 |         3    |
    20181122 |         1    |

    1.42811944 BTC scammed so far to just this wallet.

On 20181119 everything was transferred to [BTC Wallet  38b3k1qkYDQDxX7FTZ14UtioemUmvH6Wfv](https://www.blockchain.com/btc/address/38b3k1qkYDQDxX7FTZ14UtioemUmvH6Wfv).  This wallet then showed receiving two transactions for the sum of 3.78129807 BTC.

On 20181120 small transactions to the origin wallet continued.

[BTC Wallet  38b3k1qkYDQDxX7FTZ14UtioemUmvH6Wfv](https://www.blockchain.com/btc/address/38b3k1qkYDQDxX7FTZ14UtioemUmvH6Wfv) received one more transaction for a total of 3.78129807 BTC.  This wallet was then transfered to [BTC Wallet 1KNY4i1642h7Rhrd2YUUv6RCJ3eifybbeF](https://www.blockchain.com/btc/address/1KNY4i1642h7Rhrd2YUUv6RCJ3eifybbeF) which shows a total receipt of 15.31805607 BTC - all apparent consolidations on 20181120.

On 20181122 the contents of the original wallet was transferred to [BTC Wallet  38ezWFTTFJbyAD1oHXzydfVAxsXUwZYukg](https://www.blockchain.com/btc/address/38ezWFTTFJbyAD1oHXzydfVAxsXUwZYukg).  Less than 20 minutes later, this entire wallet was transferred to 2 other wallets.

Being a BitCoin criminal seems to be very lucrative.