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A remote-procedure-call (RPC) interface provided by the Bitcoin Core wallet and it's companion software bitcoind. This RPC interface uses the Javascript Object Notation (JSON) serialization format for data and allows other software programs to interact with Bitcoin-Core.

10 votes
4 answers

How can an unconfirmed transaction be removed from the memory pool?

Using Bitcoind and Json-RPC, how can I remove an unconfirmed transaction from the memory pool? The scenario being that I want to remove the unconfirmed transaction because it's not getting confirmed, …
4 votes

Broadcast raw transaction without input validation

Turns out there are many ways to do this: Node.js: Bitcore lets you broadcast a raw transaction to the network without any kind of validation, see the "broadcast a transaction through P2P" example. …
Flavien's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Broadcast raw transaction without input validation

What tool/software can I use to broadcast a raw transaction, which would not reject a transaction because of invalid or double spend? Bitcoind with RPC has a validation step which rejects any raw tra …
6 votes
1 answer

Bitcoind JSON/RPC extremely slow under load

I am data mining the blockchain using JSON/RPC on a bitcoind full node with txindex (0.9.1). I have 64 RPC connections simultaneously going to bitcoind from a remote client. My workload is mostly get …
1 vote
0 answers

Stateless bitcoin daemon for server, capable of signing transactions

I am trying to do the following: Have a daemon running on a server That daemon exposes an API (Json, etc...) I can call that API from localhost with: 1: Address From 2: Address To 3: Key for Address …