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8 votes

How do BIP8 and BIP9 differ, how are they alike?

Early soft forks each had their own activation method included in the proposal which relied on flagdays or block version signaling. The latter only allowed a single proposal to be considered ...
Murch's user avatar
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6 votes

What are the differences between the various MTPs in Bitcoin?

There is only a single concept of Median Time Past (MTP) in Bitcoin, the median time of a block and the 10 blocks preceding it on the same block chain. MTP has always been used in Bitcoin as part of ...
David A. Harding's user avatar
6 votes

Should block height or MTP or a mixture of both be used in a soft fork activation mechanism?

Should block height or MTP (median time past [...]) or a mixture of both be used in an activation mechanism like BIP 8 or BIP 9 for defining the timings of the state transitions? What are the ...
David A. Harding's user avatar
3 votes

What is the benefit of forced signaling in a soft fork activation mechanism?

It depends highly on who you ask. Indeed, I (and several others) have argued that there is no reason whatsoever for forced-signaling. Greg Maxwell wrote a long and in-depth piece about why it provides ...
Matt Corallo's user avatar
1 vote

What is the benefit of forced signaling in a soft fork activation mechanism?

A two week (2016 blocks) forced signaling phase has two major advantages. Firstly, it offers a signal to the network that miners will be enforcing the soft fork rules in the next phase following the ...
Michael Folkson's user avatar
1 vote

Should block height or MTP or a mixture of both be used in a soft fork activation mechanism?

Using block heights for the start and timeout parameters has the advantage of giving miners a known number of signaling periods. Loss of hashpower doesn't reduce the number of retarget periods ...
Michael Folkson's user avatar
1 vote

Why does the threshold apply to the MUST_SIGNAL phase in revised BIP 8 (lot=true)? Why doesn't it enforce 100 percent signaling?

nickler answered this on IRC. In a mixed network, the rules can become active, but in two separate chains because lot=true nodes will reject blocks from the lot=false chain which doesn't require 100% ...
Michael Folkson's user avatar

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