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How do I setup an Esplora instance for local testing

Here is an example if using Polar. cargo run --release --bin electrs -- -vvvv --daemon-dir ~/.polar/networks/1/volumes/bitcoind/backend1/ --network=regtest
Conor's user avatar
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How do I setup an Esplora instance for local testing

To setup a local instance running in the regtest network, you basically just have to run bitcoind -regtest as usual, and then follow the instructions given by the electrs installation instructions: $ ...
tnull's user avatar
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3 votes

I think I was victim of a sybil attack

It sounds to me like you are either running a compromised version of Bitcoin Core ( or Electrum ( or your laptop is compromised. A sybil attack is when ...
Michael Folkson's user avatar
2 votes

SPV wallet connecting to personal bitcoin node

How does a mobile SPV wallet actually talk to the bitcoin network, and can I make my mobile SPV wallet talk to my bitcoin code node only? SPV nodes store only block headers which have the merkle root ...
Pranay Reddy's user avatar
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Interfacing with fulcrum personal server

Enabling TCP over port 50001 with tcp = in the fulcrum.conf file fixed the issue. I removed admin = 8000 in the fulcrum.conf file, as it is not needed.
chump365's user avatar
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How does electrum interact with the underlying bitcoind service?

Electrum Server is a fancy abstraction on top of bitcoind and a custom index of UTXO data. Client wallets connect to it and send queries for details about their wallet, using its own index Electrum ...
Claris's user avatar
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Running Electrum wallet and full node on Windows. How to configure SSL with self-signed certificate

I almost deleted the question - but the answer maybe of use to others. I have Bitcoin Core running as a Windows app, I have Electrum wallet running as a Windows app, but have Electrum server running ...
pperrin's user avatar
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1 vote

How do I copy the electrs index to a new node without it having to reindex?

I tried it and the answer is that indeed copying the directory does work, so it didn't need to reindex the whole thing. There's also the same answer online that I found on github:
Pineapple29's user avatar
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Local Esplora Not Compiling on Clean `new-index` Branch

There were several steps I was able to take to resolve this at the expense of the librocksdb-oldcpu feature and optional dependency. Remove librocksdb-oldcpu dependency and feature Upgrade librocksdb ...
Nicholas Sandomeno's user avatar
1 vote

Issues Installing Electrum Personal Server with Sparrow and Bitcoin Core

switching to an Electrum wallet is a good choice. However, you should change the certificates in the Electrum personal server as they are outdated from March. generate new certificates as follows: cd ...
amirhosein tahmasbzadeh's user avatar
1 vote

Must a lightweight wallet be connected to the same servers that were used years ago to receive money

my real question is when i go try and get back in my wallets do i need to be on the same path and server as when i did the actual transactions? It probably depends on what wallet you were using. ...
RedGrittyBrick's user avatar
1 vote

How can one query the mempool of an Electrum server?

I don't think this is possible. See the protocol methods list.
Davidson Souza's user avatar
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What do electrumx peers do for the electrum server?

There are few minor reasons why this might to useful for an electrum server: Knowing what block height / protocol version other peers are operating via features advertised by peers to verify network ...
dark knight's user avatar
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Electrum Server running. Now what?

Here is the protocol: If get_mempool serves your use-case then you may use it. You may need to experiment with it to find what is more ...
MCCCS's user avatar
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