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5 votes

Why is Slush Pool recognizing my worker as offline?

When you mine with less than 1 GH/s (1000 MH/s) most bitcoin mining pools will show your hashrate as zero. This is likely to happen at many pools even with 10 GH/s. This is because the current default/...
Dr.Haribo's user avatar
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2 votes

ValueError: need more than 1 value to unpack

I was getting this error. Like the above answer states, I checked my password, saw that it was longer than it should have been and changed it, then quit getting the error. At least for me, it was a ...
Trench Wolfhound's user avatar
1 vote

Why can't I get any miner to work on my PC?

You cannot mine Bitcoin on a desktop (or laptop) computer these days. If you are trying to mine Bitcoin on Slush, you will need an ASIC. You can potentially mine ZCash on Slush, if you have a high ...
Daniel Morritt's user avatar
1 vote

Why is Slush Pool recognizing my worker as offline?

The time for GPU mining is over: 60 Mhash/s don't even register anymore. We're approximately at 1.7 Ehash/s in the network today or about 3×1010 times your 60 MHash/s. Check out In the ASIC-age, is ...
Murch's user avatar
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