2 votes

Is it possible to mine 1 btc in one day?

There are around 1000 btc minted daily and the global hashrate is around 400 Ehash/s so you need 1/1000 of that (400 Phash/s)
Mike D's user avatar
  • 3,569
2 votes

How does the pool know the share hashes are calculated and not cheated?

I had the exact same question and took me a while to find the answer. TLDR: the pool simulates a smaller difficulty network and if you find a solution to it, the pool considered you did work and can ...
Robert Lica's user avatar
2 votes

Why don't Bitcoin mining operations grow exponentially?

That is exactly what is happening: Bitcoin’s hashrate is growing exponentially, except that the growth is limited by the speed at which new hardware is produced and deployed. (A line with a positive ...
Murch's user avatar
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1 vote

Why don't Bitcoin mining operations grow exponentially?

I ran calculations on that and found out it could pay for itself every 4 months (after power bills). I'm rather skeptical of that. My first Google result was here. As of 27 Nov 2023, it's listed as ...
Acccumulation's user avatar
1 vote

Breakdown of BTC mining and correlation with past metrics

Do current (technical) indicators like mining difficulty, hashing power, electricity costs not mean that the price should be trending upwards? So far as I can tell, price of Bitcoin in other ...
RedGrittyBrick's user avatar

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