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Legal issues relating to the use of Bitcoins or similar crypto-currencies. This includes issues of legal compliance with legal areas such as taxation, money laundering, international currency controls, and so on. Please do not ask for legal advice.

Legal issues relating to the use of Bitcoins or similar crypto-currencies. This includes issues of legal compliance with legal areas such as taxation, money laundering, international currency controls, and so on.

Not for legal advice

This tag is border-line off-topic, as Bitcoin Stack Exchange is about crypto-currencies and not about legal advice. However, it is useful for questions about general legal trends that concern a broad range of the community, and where it might not be as important that the answers are actually water-tight. Examples for such questions include:

This tag should not be used to ask specific legal counsel concerning your personal situation. Don't ask here, if you need definitive legal advice, hire a lawyer instead. You might find the following two questions helpful concerning that.

The discussion about this tag can be found at How do we handle legal advice / questions on legality?