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7 votes

Why does every "defi" thing only support garbagecoins and never Bitcoin?

Bitcoin is pushing most use cases and applications to second layers (e.g Lightning, sidechains) because blockchains don't scale. Most "DeFi" apps use the blockchain for transactions, filling ...
Michael Folkson's user avatar
2 votes

Why does "Hodl Hodl" not seem to... support Bitcoin?

It's not a scam. It doesn't allow lending Bitcoin, you are correct. When it says it supports Bitcoin, it means it allows you to use Bitcoin as collateral for a loan. For example, if you want to borrow ...
ieatpizza's user avatar
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2 votes

How would I avoid spending my Bitcoins when I need to buy a house quickly?

The essential character of money is that you transfer it (or control over it) to another person in exchange for some object or service. There is no way to use money to purchase something and still ...
RedGrittyBrick's user avatar
1 vote

Colobit LTD looks like Bitpetite! Anyone have any experience with them?

Is ColoBit a Ponzie scheme? It's a scam of some sort, probably akin to a Ponzi scheme. thought I'd be the first to sign up and get out before everyone else jumped in. Perhaps you knew what you ...
RedGrittyBrick's user avatar
1 vote

On Bitfinex, what is FRR?

Its the return rate. So instead of just setting a return rate at lets say 0.019%, you're return rate is the market rate. It updates once an hour. It makes it easier for you so you don't have to log in ...
Marc Alexander's user avatar
1 vote

As of June 2017, which exchanges let you earn interest on your Bitcoin holdings by lending it out?

Bitfinex allows you to lend BTC, USD and others. Current rates for BTC are about 4% APR. Bitfinex
dan grunberg's user avatar

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