What is OP_RETURN b9e11b6d?
The mentioned OP_RETURN output appears to be the footprint of merged-mining VCash, a Mimblewimble-based SHA-256d coin, with Bitcoin. I discovered this via the string 0xb9e11b6d appearing in these ...
What are the incentives for miners to include a RSK merge-mining block hash in the coinbase?
The advantages would be receiving RSK sidechain fees on the RSK-mined transactions.
The disadvantages would be the logistic overhead of running an RSK node, the latency introduced by querying it for ...
Which crypto currencies can merge mine with Bitcoin?
Being able to merge mine with another cryptocurrency recquire that both chain use the same hashing algorithm, sha256 in our case, so in theory all those crypto could do it https://en.bitcoinwiki.org/...
How do you merge mine rootstock with bitcoin on an Antminer?
The easiest way is to join a pool that merge mines what you want, in this case Rootstock.
If you want to run your own pool, make sure the pool software supports the type of merged mining you want to ...
How to mergemine all SHA-256 altcoins?
The Altcoin blockchain network itself needs to accept AuxPOW. Peers on the network which don't have a node which understands AuxPOW (so, all of the peers on any network) will reject your merge-mined ...
What are the mean, median, range, limits and trends in the size of coinbase transactions?
A. Is there a limit in the overall size of the coinbase tx?
Yes, but its only limited by the size of the block. A miner could choose to have the coinbase transaction fill the entire block!
B. Is there ...
What are the mean, median, range, limits and trends in the size of coinbase transactions?
A. Is there a limit in the overall size of the coinbase tx?
I thought the limit for coinbase was the same as the general limit for transactions.
What is the maximum size of a transaction?
But as ...
How does blind merge mining (BMM) work?
The idea is that Bitcoin miners are blind to the sidechain/spacechain that is being merge-mined.
In normal merge-mining Bitcoin miners that choose to participate must run a node on the separate ...
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