17 votes

What are the consequences of high orphan block rate?

Orphan blocks (in that meaning) are not a network-wide condition. They're an implementation detail (and arguably a bug). Orphan blocks are simply blocks for which a particular node in the network ...
Pieter Wuille's user avatar
5 votes

What are orphaned and stale blocks?

Orphans are not in the chain (as seen by the processing node) because their parents are missing, stales are not in the chain because they have no children in the chain. Source: the glossary at ...
Ed Posnak's user avatar
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5 votes

What happens if a miner receives a block but not its previous?

Will the miner simply ignore that block? Yes, the block will be just ignored by the miner. how will the miner update to A-B-C-D-E (step by step)? When the miner's node gets online and start ...
Ugam Kamat's user avatar
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3 votes

What happens if you receive a block with an unknown previous hash in the header

Blocks with an unknown parent block are stored in the orphan block pool. They will stay there until the parent block is received and then linked to the existing chain. As far as I know, there's no ...
Jack O'Neill's user avatar
3 votes

How should a node deal with a block that is not connected to the chain?

The Bitcoin client used to download blocks without necessarily knowing if they could connect it to their current chain. If it couldn't connect a block to the genesis block, it would just keep it in ...
Nick ODell's user avatar
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2 votes

How is the problem of orphan blocks solved in this case?

The problem here is that upon receiving block F (its header through header message) we will try to validate its parent hash first and since block E is unknown us, we will consider block F as orphaned ...
Murch's user avatar
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2 votes

Do Orphan Blocks Still Exist In Bitcoin?

The phrase "orphan blocks" is often used for blocks that were displaced from the live blockchain by a block at the same height that had more work - That occurs when two miners produce a ...
RedGrittyBrick's user avatar
1 vote

Orphaned (non referenced) blocks list

As a result I've got 2 arrays: block hashes (array A) and parent references (array B). Then if I subtract B from A, I would get a list of orphaned blocks. No, doing that will get you a list of stale ...
Ava Chow's user avatar
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