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Unanswered Questions

281 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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0 answers

Does BIP86 not use a unique prefix for extended keys?

Do BIP86 extended keys not use a unique prefix? For example: BIP44 = xprv/xpub BIP49 = yprv/ypub BIP84 = zprv/zpub BIP 86 = xprv/xpub? In other words, do BIP86 extended keys share the same ...
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0 answers

ElectrumX Crashes on Reading blocks from Bitcoind regtest node

Can anyone help me to debug this issue? What I Am Trying to Do I am attempting to run a bitcoind regtest node and connect it to electrumx_server The Problem When I run electrumx_server, it connects to ...
1 vote
0 answers

Three functional tests in`` fail with `JSONRPCException: Method not found (-32601)`

I'm building bitcoind on MacOS 14.7.1 and running the functional test bitcoind was built minimally with: cmake -B build \ -DBUILD_GUI=OFF \ -DWITH_BDB=OFF \ -DBUILD_BENCH=...
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0 answers

Stuck Bitcoin Core Wallet can't send out

I have a wallet from 2013 that has a fair amount in it I'd like to get to. I have it restored on bitcoin core on a few separate machines, each with a full node. When I made it I didn't put on a ...
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0 answers

Non custodial bitcoin wallet creation using passkey

Ethereum allows creation of smart wallet with passkeys using ERC-4437. Can a similar thing be implemented in bitcoin without any changes in the bitcoin network protocol? A web app / browser extension ...
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1 answer

How do HD wallets store the keys and addresses?

As far as I'm aware, the recovery code is presented to the user once and then not stored at all by the wallet, in which case, it has to store at least the master private key, and would also probably ...
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0 answers

BIP32 Xpub + Child Secret - Examples to understand security

I have 5 Regtest examples: (h4, h3, h2, h1, h0), all using the same xpriv (Regtest), but at different levels of hardening from totally hardened to Completely unhardened. The secret/wif are derived at ...
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0 answers

BitCore Implementation For Support To community

Hello To Bitcoin Family, I am Bhavin Patel from India. I wanted to implement a Full Bit Core node to support the Bitcoin community. This node will be hosted on the cloud and will be available to the ...
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0 answers

What is the role of "Invalidateblock" RPC command and are there any possible transaction validation issues with regard to this?

I have been testing various RPC commands on bitcoin. The "RPC API Reference" page well demonstrates almost all of the commands. But by reading the source code (bitcoin v27.0), I noticed that ...
1 vote
0 answers

How to use local Bitcoin wallet with remote bitcoind node for transaction creation

I'm trying to manage a Bitcoin wallet on my local machine using bitcoin-cli, but my local node isn't and cannot be fully synced and can't be pruned due to the need for historical UTXO data to build ...
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0 answers

PT2R and P2WSH Addresses from Public key hex

I'm trying to form addresses PT2R and P2WSH from Public key hex. Receiving this Public key hex from API like array of objects: const data = [ { staker_pk_hex: "...
0 votes
0 answers

Lost 2 of 24 words (12th&24th) on TON SPACE

I have made bad screenshot of mnemonic phrase, and lost access from Ton Space, 12th and 24th words are missing, i know all other words in a proper order, so only 2 are missing. Do you guys know any ...
0 votes
1 answer

Local broadcast cannot be found in mempool

After sending a raw transaction (SendRawTransaction (raw_tx, 100000)) and after local broadcasting, the transaction does not show up on platforms such as What might be the reason?
-1 votes
1 answer

using curl to access the API

when I use a curl command to send json-rpc requst. I get prompted for a username and password but afterwards I get no response. Do I need to run a full node in order to do Bitcoin mining?
2 votes
0 answers

Clarity on rpc flag design to pass boolean arguments

I am working with RPCs flags that may have a boolean argument which is extracted using GetBoolArg and there are various ways to pass Boolean arguments. For example -fastprune=1 // true -fastprune=...

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