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Unanswered Questions

90 questions with no answers
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Is there anything wrong using a cold wallet from BitKey in watch-only mode on my normal desktop Electrum?

I followed the instruction for cold-offline in BitKey and created my cold wallet on a USB key with BitKey burned and booted from a CD-ROM. I noted the encryption password and the seed phrase on a ...
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ElectrumX returning 0 balance

I have a running full bitcoin node (txindex=1). I also setup electrumx and it has fully synced with current blockchain state. Here's the log : INFO:LocalRPC:[2] RPC, 0 total ...
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0 answers

Is there a way to fetch all transactions in a block via electrum protocol?

Quickly surfing through the list of electrum methods, looks like not, and I will have to use getblock from bitcoind json-rpc. Is there a better way?
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Electrum & BitAddress Wallets Creation

Can anyone please tell me if my procedure is correct and enough. I've always heard and read that I must disconnect from the internet when creating Electrum Wallets, to keep away from hacks, viruses, ...
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Bitcoin Core GUI gettransaction implementation

The cli users have the option to "getrawtransaction txid true" in order to find valuable information about a transaction that could be theirs. This is a very powerful api call that effectively ...
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Retrieve my balances

I just recently discovered that i had a GUIminer that i installed in 2012. I also had Bitcoin Core with several wallet.dat files. I have been unsuccessful in running a full node as my computer and ...
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how to move my Bitcoin core wallet to electrum while syncing

How do I move my btc qt wallet to electrum while syncing? Not address by address. Removed some addresses already but I'm still missing some coins. Don't understand the discrepancy. Any help would ...
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Electrum server full node bitcoin core wallet- how to block all outside access?

i have read that with an EPS electrum server, other nodes in the network can "ping" your port , i believe the port no. was 8333. How can I for sure and for any situation block such accesses? The EPS ...
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btc qt walletdump

I'd like to dump my entire btc qt wallet, while syncing, into an electrum wallet. I don't want to do it receiving address by receiving address. I already emptied out all my receiving addresses but ...
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0 answers

Not seeing deposit transaction in Electrum from BTCPayServer after invoice has been paid

I have imported my xpub into btcpayserver store and created some invoices and paid them. The btcpayserver wallet shows the balance from the invoices as having been paid. However when I look at ...
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0 answers

transfer btc core wallet to electrum

I am running a btc node and it is taking too long to sync. Is there any way to transfer the wallet to an electrum wallet? If so how? 1)Upgraded my btc node 2)Syncing 3)Transfer receiving addresses ...
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0 answers

Lost Transaction from to Electrum

This link,, shows the transaction was delivered to the address "1Mv4fi8UdVhbfm9iLx2Bf8xhDrMv9sZSyD" ...
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How many confirmations does a transaction needs to be included in a snapshot?

I bought bitcoin to participate in bitcoin hex. I sent my bitcoin to the electrum wallet and it has over 500 confirmations. Bitcoin Hex will snapshot bitcoin and I want my bitcoin address to be ...
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How to recover my funds from electrum wallet with privatekey and redeem script?

Hey I think I know the answer already and I kinda screwed up I think I just want to verify. so I send BTC to my electrum wallet and I forgot the seed. I could not find it. but I have the private key ...
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Trying to restore from 17 word seed

I just found a seed for my very first wallet ever, I thought was long gone. Problem is my hand writing was shit at the time...(still is lol) I have tried to restore in using this block chain tool: ...

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