karimkorun's user avatar
karimkorun's user avatar
karimkorun's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
2 votes

Wallets with BIP44 support

1 vote

What does "Uneconomical UTXO requested" mean?

3 votes

What are the benefit of mining an empty block

2 votes

How to reduce number of inputs in bitcoin transaction?

0 votes

Get transaction data from full node

2 votes

Predict multi signature transaction size

1 vote

The incident with 92 billion bitcoins

4 votes

Sign transaction hex with PHP library

1 vote

How do I find a pubkey and the nbits value to generate a genesis block?

1 vote

P2SH that pays out only to a certain Bitcoin address?

1 vote

Using SIGHASH_NONE in P2SH address

1 vote

Signing data with ECDSA

0 votes

Is there a maximum amount of money a transaction can handle?

1 vote

How can I make this PHP merkle root script recursive?

0 votes

how i can make bitcoin address generator like mycelium gear using php script

1 vote

What technical properties does a confirmed Tx have that an unconfirmed Tx does not?

3 votes

EasyBitcoin-PHP very slow

4 votes

What is the genesis block?

6 votes

What is "Script Hash" address exactly and how does it work?

3 votes

CHECKSIG description from the wiki

3 votes

CHECKMULTISIG a worked out example

0 votes

A "Hello World" of bitcoin?

0 votes

Using the bitcoin wallet PKI for message encryption

1 vote

Why bigger blocks will bring bigger memory usage for miners?

0 votes

How can transactions be verified without the private key?

0 votes

How instantaneous is a Bitcoin transaction?

0 votes

sendrawtransaction creates hash but does not propogate to the network

4 votes

Full list of RPCs - including hidden RPCs

0 votes

How does the signature verification feature in bitcoin-qt work without a public key?

0 votes

Security for bitcoin businesses with Employees