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Mike D's user avatar
Mike D
  • Member for 6 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
2 votes

Is it possible to mine 1 btc in one day?

1 vote

Get the scriptPubKey from a Taproot address

1 vote

convert Bitcoin Core' xprv to Electrum zprv

4 votes

What's the difference between 'rpcallowip' and 'rpcbind'?

2 votes

How are newly generated key-pairs kept unique to a single cryptocurrency?

1 vote

BIP39 security: 24 words vs. 12 words + 12 word passphrase

2 votes

How to convert a compressed public key into uncompressed one in Python?

3 votes

Can I verify a child public key derived from its parent public key without involving any private keys and child index?

1 vote

Is it feasible to calculate EC private key k from public key K for very low values of k?

6 votes

How much entropy is lost alphabetising your mnemonics?

4 votes

How did the first transactions take place without balances?

0 votes

Why do private keys have a range limit?

2 votes

Can you get the longest chain by keeping a constant low difficulty?

0 votes

Generating bitoin private key and public key(like paper walle) without trusting third party

0 votes

HD wallet parameters clarification

2 votes

Is value of a wallet derived by iterating over every block in the chain, scanning each transaction?

6 votes

Is txid a required field on all transactions?

3 votes

What happens if a transaction is duplicated across different blocks?

0 votes

Account Extended Public Key from mnemonic

0 votes

What function to use to model probabilistic bitcoin mining?

2 votes

Blockchain refund

1 vote

If malicious person(node) tampered withone block transaction, what's gonna happen?

1 vote

Derive Segwit Addresses From xPub or zPub using PYTHON

1 vote

As a developer, what steps do I need to take to generate private-public keys?

-3 votes

Do I have a chance to commit a transaction without any network fee?

0 votes

How to protect my private key from an unexpected new owner of the address that already belongs to me?

3 votes

How does a wallet (Trezor/Ledger/hot wallet) know how many coins are in an address?

1 vote

How to convert a single number into Private key in python

1 vote

What are the chances of hitting VALID mnemonic phrase out of bip39, if someone picks 12, 18, or 24 words from the word list randomly by himself?

4 votes

how to convert WIF key return to HEX format