How is “progress per hour” calculated?

progress per hour

What would be the shell script code to return this result?


1 Answer 1


stickies-v pointed out in a comment that the code calculating the progress increase per hour is in ModalOverlay::tipUpdate().

Basically, it does as would be expected to find the percent change of a quantity:

  1. Milliseconds elapsed between first and sample blocks:
    Δt = t_FirstBlock - t_SampleBlock

  2. How many milliseconds faster the sample block processed than the first block:
    Δprogress = t_FirstBlockProcess - t_SampleBlockProcess

  3. Gives:
    (% progress per hour) = Δprogress / (Δt × 1000 × 3600),

where (1000 × 3600) = milliseconds in 1 hour.

Actually, Δt and Δprogress are both negative numbers, but their ratio in step 3 above is positive.

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