I am trying to write a simple app that uses the Mt Gox. (bitcoin exchange) API.
It's very simple to use the price API it's just a http request that returns a .JSON string.
However now I want to do more with my app, I was thinking it would be good to be able to log into the users mtgox account and show their balance of bitcoin.
I have an API key (you can generate one on their site) but I'm finding it really hard to understand whats required to generate a connection and pull the balance.
Is there anyone who might be able to point me in the right direction?
I have researched quite a bit and turned up very little information - API Overview: https://bitbucket.org/nitrous/mtgox-api/overview
In the above link they have some python code, but i'm finding it difficult to translate into Objective C.
So if anyone can:
A. Give me a highlevel overview of the steps required to log in and get a bitcoin balance using the API.
B. Give me some pointers on how to turn their Python example into Objective C I would really appreciate it.
I understand to use the API I need to use this URL to Get my current balance mtgox.com/api/0/getFunds.php -- however first I need to get a "nonce" parameter to the post data (which must be an ever-increasing interger, for example with PHP in 64bits: (int)(microtime(true)*1000000)) and two HTTP headers: Rest-Key (your key) nad Rest-Sign (a signature generated by doing a sha512-hmac on the POST data with the secret as key, encoded in base64).
I found this documentation: bitbucket.org/nitrous/mtgox-api/overview -- still not clear however, how to code in Objective C thanks