How can I „convert“ a 12-words-long multi wallet seed phrase (of the Blockchain.com wallet) to the wallets private key and the wallets address using any programming language?

The given multi wallet seed phrase is like I mentioned above from Blockchain.com. The derivation path is (to my knowledge) m/44'/0'/n'.

Help would be very appreciated :)

1 Answer 1


This can be done with the bcoin library.

'use strict';

const bcoin = require('bcoin');
const m = bcoin.Mnemonic.fromPhrase('abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon about');
const master = bcoin.HDPrivateKey.fromMnemonic(m);
const key0 = master.derivePath("m'/44'/0'/0'/0/0");

const ring0 = new bcoin.KeyRing({privateKey: key0});
console.log('Legacy: ', ring0.getAddress('base58'));

const ring1 = new bcoin.KeyRing({privateKey: key0});
ring1.witness = true;
console.log('SegWit: ', ring1.getAddress('string'));


Legacy:  1LqBGSKuX5yYUonjxT5qGfpUsXKYYWeabA
SegWit:  bc1qmxrw6qdh5g3ztfcwm0et5l8mvws4eva24kmp8m

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