Are there any available block explorers that will supply a transaction's wtxid and its corresponding merkle proof of the said wtxid?

If not, how would I retrieve this if i'm running bitcoind?

1 Answer 1


There is the gettxoutproof RPC that retrieves merkle proof in Bitcoin Knots.

There is the public server which can be used for the gettxoutproof RPC: https://bitcoinexplorer.org/rpc-terminal.

The gettxoutproof RPC result could also be obtained from: https://blockstream.info/api/tx/86639c0c9bdb83f467f2c07910367929171196c8907743a5915d555de5bc27eb/merkleblock-proof (replace 86639c0c9bdb83f467f2c07910367929171196c8907743a5915d555de5bc27eb with your txid in the URL).

More info at https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5335699.msg64441291

  • 3
    Those are txid proofs, not wtxid proofs. Commented Sep 25 at 13:35

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